Well, I guess she has a point -- Pregnant Texas woman stopped for driving solo in HOV told police ...

And? How does that make my other point invalid? Seems like a great way to show it's a life. Why do you have a problem with this?

I don't have a problem with it, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. Cripes you're stupid
Funny, I thought the carpool lane rewarded the climate friendly crowd and now liberals are against it. Unhinged doesn't even begin to explain them anymore.
I don't have a problem with it, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. Cripes you're stupid

If someone wants to agree with me over something they might not in other cases, why would I want to call them a hypocrite? I'd be happy to have them on my side.
Well sure if you don't believe it is, I wasn't addressing those.
I don't follow. I said the fetus=person thing would cause a lot of problems, you ask for some. I obliged. What are YOU addressing?
I don't follow. I said the fetus=person thing would cause a lot of problems, you ask for some. I obliged. What are YOU addressing?

If you don't believe it a seperate life, you would support the cops not buying her excuse. OK. I don't really want to argue that again. I was just curious as to why someone that does believe it is, would be upset because someone you might not expect to believe that, side with you on the subject.
In that case people with passengers that aren’t licensed drivers, like children, should not qualify to use the carpool lane. Is that the case you’re trying to make?

Not sure, never studied the law. We don't have that stupidity here in Ohio. But in my state, if you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with 2 murders. If Texas has that law, she may be able to make a case that way.
but but BUT ...
Is that you, stutterin' Joe?
The SC can't over rule basic scientific 101 facts. You think it's a rock or something?

All the SC rules on is if law was followed or constitutional issues. If the SC ruled that a baby is a human being, then all abortions would be considered murder.
If you don't believe it a seperate life, you would support the cops not buying her excuse. OK. I don't really want to argue that again. I was just curious as to why someone that does believe it is, would be upset because someone you might not expect to believe that, side with you on the subject.
I'm not upset. Just confused about what you're getting at. Maybe it's me.
All the SC rules on is if law was followed or constitutional issues. If the SC ruled that a baby is a human being, then all abortions would be considered murder.

It's a scientific fact it's a life. The Supreme Court would look pretty silly denying a simple scientific fact.

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