Well I see my up coming paycheck with the tax and the savings are under-whelming

I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

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Nothing you get from government will be substantial, whether it is a tax cut or Social Security, etc.

In the end, all we get are crumbs and a crippling massive debt which will eventually turn us all into slaves.
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

So you're, in effect, blaming Trump for Obamacare, even though the Democrats have blocked him from ending it and blocked him for replacing it? You do know that Dems blocked the full repeal of Obamacare and blocked a Republican health care plan, right?
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

So you're, in effect, blaming Trump for Obamacare, even though the Democrats have blocked him from ending it and blocked him for replacing it? You do know that Dems blocked the full repeal of Obamacare and blocked a Republican health care plan, right?

I blame Obaminationcare on Demorats who passed it. But GOP senate passed so many repeal and replace when Obama was in office, but then they have the house, senate and White House and they can’t get anything passed. However they got the mandate reversed. While Obaminationcare is imploding all on it’s own, the insurance companies did respond to this.

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it's funny watching the trumplings just start to realize how badly the orange chimp is fucking them

I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
120k a YEAR is not middle class....40-60k a year is middle class...my parents were middle class and they benefit greatly from the tax cut.

$120K is solidly middle class. Not even upper middle class. $40-$60K is lower middle class.
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

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Yep. Repeal and replace:lol:
Anyone who voted for Trump expecting great health insurance (It’ll be the best, most beautiful insurance. Everyone will have insurance. Believe me) voted for a lie. You’ve been had :lol:
And the Democrats voted against every Healthcare plan the Republicans put up for a vote.

Every plan proposed by Republicans took health care insurance away from millions of Americans. That’s why Democrats wouldn’t vote for them.
Yep. Repeal and replace:lol:
Anyone who voted for Trump expecting great health insurance (It’ll be the best, most beautiful insurance. Everyone will have insurance. Believe me) voted for a lie. You’ve been had :lol:
And the Democrats voted against every Healthcare plan the Republicans put up for a vote.
Republicans don’t have now, and never did have, a comprehensive health insurance bill. They’ve been saying for eight years, “Put us in charge and we’ll repeal and replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper “. Trump said during the campaign that “Everyone will be insured”. Well, here they are holding he reigns of power. They’re dismantling Obamacare with no replacement. Nothing. Eight years and nothing.

You’ve been had. How does it feel?
Republicans DID come out with a healthcare plan. Back in 2017. You really need to pay attention.

House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare

And democraps have almost unanimously voted against everything the Republicans put out there. So the real reason there is no replacement is that the Democraps don't want one. They want Obamacare. Which is a proven failure.
Bullshit. If Republicans want health care reform, they have the power to do it. If they need Democrats on board, then they can work with them. All I’m hearing is excuses.
Conservatives do not want nationalized healthcare. They want to allow people to shop around and buy their own healthcare. Government was never meant to be your nanny. You go out, get a job, and buy your own damn healthcare policy. That's what adults do.

Not in every other first world country in the world - all of which have better health care than the US, and longer life expectancy. They provide coverage for all of their citizens through their taxes.

Health care is a right, not a privilege.
it's funny watching the trumplings just start to realize how badly the orange chimp is fucking them


Always the arrogant ass. The corporate and small business tax cut is creating a boom. I know because my CEO, from a liberal big business, has let us know how great it is and all the US based investment they will do.

The bonus were just the start. There is a restoring boom, increase in wages, increase demand for labor etc. It was great.

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Some fuzzy math there.
No tax cut $0 change in taxes
Ins premium increase $190
Total difference $190.less x 12

Tax cut -$170
Ins prem incr. $190
Total diff. $20 less x 12

Sounds like that tax cut saves you a bundle, if that’s monthly
It would be $2280 less pay per yr
But it is only $240 less with the tax cut

Sounds like it has saved you $2040 in take home per year.

math is simple, but not for liberals.
And the Democrats voted against every Healthcare plan the Republicans put up for a vote.
Republicans don’t have now, and never did have, a comprehensive health insurance bill. They’ve been saying for eight years, “Put us in charge and we’ll repeal and replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper “. Trump said during the campaign that “Everyone will be insured”. Well, here they are holding he reigns of power. They’re dismantling Obamacare with no replacement. Nothing. Eight years and nothing.

You’ve been had. How does it feel?
Republicans DID come out with a healthcare plan. Back in 2017. You really need to pay attention.

House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare

And democraps have almost unanimously voted against everything the Republicans put out there. So the real reason there is no replacement is that the Democraps don't want one. They want Obamacare. Which is a proven failure.
Bullshit. If Republicans want health care reform, they have the power to do it. If they need Democrats on board, then they can work with them. All I’m hearing is excuses.
Conservatives do not want nationalized healthcare. They want to allow people to shop around and buy their own healthcare. Government was never meant to be your nanny. You go out, get a job, and buy your own damn healthcare policy. That's what adults do.

Not in every other first world country in the world - all of which have better health care than the US, and longer life expectancy. They provide coverage for all of their citizens through their taxes.

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

1. quote the language in the constitution that makes medical care a right
2. if other countries are so much better, why do people from all over the world come here when seriously ill?
3. you guy always cite the Scandinavian countries as soooooo much better than the USA. Do you understand that those people (all of them) pay 65% or more of their income to the government in exchange for "free" stuff? Do you understand that middle class people in those countries cannot afford to buy a house, or a new car?
4. careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Last edited:
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
120k a YEAR is not middle class....40-60k a year is middle class...my parents were middle class and they benefit greatly from the tax cut.

$120K is solidly middle class. Not even upper middle class. $40-$60K is lower middle class.
It depends on the cost of living in a person’s area.
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
120k a YEAR is not middle class....40-60k a year is middle class...my parents were middle class and they benefit greatly from the tax cut.

$120K is solidly middle class. Not even upper middle class. $40-$60K is lower middle class.
It depends on the cost of living in a person’s area.

correct, 120K in NYC is lower middle class, but in Fargo ND or Mobile Al its upper middle class.
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

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Sorry to hear of your disappointment...send it back.
They could start a new hashtag...

C'mon lib's...put your money up...save the deficit that you suddenly care about...just...
Got my crumbs today. Grossing $3 less with my bennies up $10 I still pocket an extra $150 per week. might have to lease me one of those Lincoln Suv's they cant keep in stock.
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

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Typical libtard logic. His insurance goes up, so he blames the tax cut. Yes. Liberals really are this stupid. Scarry. Isn't it?
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Sorry to hear of your disappointment...send it back.
They could start a new hashtag...

C'mon lib's...put your money up...save the deficit that you suddenly care about...just...
Oh yes. Such a paltry ammount. Just sent it back. You won't miss it. Lol!
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
120k a YEAR is not middle class....40-60k a year is middle class...my parents were middle class and they benefit greatly from the tax cut.

$120K is solidly middle class. Not even upper middle class. $40-$60K is lower middle class.
It depends on the cost of living in a person’s area.

I don’t know how anyone can make it on $60k in an part of America

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
120k a YEAR is not middle class....40-60k a year is middle class...my parents were middle class and they benefit greatly from the tax cut.

$120K is solidly middle class. Not even upper middle class. $40-$60K is lower middle class.
It depends on the cost of living in a person’s area.

I don’t know how anyone can make it on $60k in an part of America

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

$60k where I live would be very comfortable. It would be comfortable where I lived before here, in Tampa, as well. There are vast differences in cost of living in different parts of the country. :dunno:
I make just under $120k. My insurance premium went up $170 a month and I am getting roughly $190 from the tax cut. I get a net gain of $20 a month. Won’t even provide a dinner out for my family. ☹️

Note: The premium increase is the highest I have had in years. The coverage and co-pay are also god awful now (neither which changed in the 3 previous years at the company). Could be from Obaminationcare imploding, but more likely because the GOP is piecemeal taking apart Obamacare without a replacement.

Not good for the GOP in the mid-terms if they are going to appeal to the middle class! [emoji17]

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Funny. Well, you're better off than this secretary Paul Ryan is bragging about...

Paul Ryan: Secretary Getting $1.50 More A Week Shows Effect Of GOP Tax Cuts
Thousands march to demand more money for UK health service

Canada’s health-care wait times hit new record—21.2 weeks
And the Democrats voted against every Healthcare plan the Republicans put up for a vote.
Republicans don’t have now, and never did have, a comprehensive health insurance bill. They’ve been saying for eight years, “Put us in charge and we’ll repeal and replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper “. Trump said during the campaign that “Everyone will be insured”. Well, here they are holding he reigns of power. They’re dismantling Obamacare with no replacement. Nothing. Eight years and nothing.

You’ve been had. How does it feel?
Republicans DID come out with a healthcare plan. Back in 2017. You really need to pay attention.

House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare

And democraps have almost unanimously voted against everything the Republicans put out there. So the real reason there is no replacement is that the Democraps don't want one. They want Obamacare. Which is a proven failure.
Bullshit. If Republicans want health care reform, they have the power to do it. If they need Democrats on board, then they can work with them. All I’m hearing is excuses.
Conservatives do not want nationalized healthcare. They want to allow people to shop around and buy their own healthcare. Government was never meant to be your nanny. You go out, get a job, and buy your own damn healthcare policy. That's what adults do.

Not in every other first world country in the world - all of which have better health care than the US, and longer life expectancy. They provide coverage for all of their citizens through their taxes.

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

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