Well, now I know what the point of a Presidential debate is

Okay, so you and I have different definitions of what it means to be rich, but the theme is no different regardless of the measure one uses. I suppose one can use a variety of cutoff points to define "rich," or at least what it means to be "doing alright."

Why not use a functional definition instead of a monetary one?

If you dont have to work and can buy anything you want without checking the bank statement, then you are rich.
I am a woman and I have zero issue with Trump joking around in a private conversation. I'm a "deplorable," and I've said a /hell/ of a lot worse than Trump in my casual conversations. "Grab em by the balls" is a regular phrase in this country, "Does your pussy hurt" is another. The fake outrage just makes me laugh.
so you would have no problem if trump grabbed your daughter by the pussy?

~ Adult context warning ~

First off it was words not actual actions, but even going on the premise that it was actions: I don't have a daughter, but I'll speak for myself - it's circumstantial. If I'm hitting on a (wo)man, flirting and carrying on, it would actually rather turn me on if (s)he did. I respect a (wo)man who knows what (s)he wants. I can easily see Trump as a capital "D" dominant and our kind respect that kind of thing.

So I ask you, were these women hitting on him and looking for a roll in the hay?

On the other side of it, are people supposed to bring a lawyer wing-man to have a potential fuck sign legal paperwork saying it's okay these days? I tell you I'd be completely turned off if some (wo)man /asked/ for my signature to touch me, like I'd dump them right there. I have zero interest in wussy Subs who can't take the initiative.
I am a woman and I have zero issue with Trump joking around in a private conversation. I'm a "deplorable," and I've said a /hell/ of a lot worse than Trump in my casual conversations. "Grab em by the balls" is a regular phrase in this country, "Does your pussy hurt" is another. The fake outrage just makes me laugh.
so you would have no problem if trump grabbed your daughter by the pussy?

~ Adult context warning ~

First off it was words not actual actions, but even going on the premise that it was actions: I don't have a daughter, but I'll speak for myself - it's circumstantial. If I'm hitting on a (wo)man, flirting and carrying on, it would actually rather turn me on if (s)he did. I respect a (wo)man who knows what (s)he wants. I can easily see Trump as a capital "D" dominant and our kind respect that kind of thing.

So I ask you, were these women hitting on him and looking for a roll in the hay?

On the other side of it, are people supposed to bring a lawyer wing-man to have a potential fuck sign legal paperwork saying it's okay these days? I tell you I'd be completely turned off if some (wo)man /asked/ for my signature to touch me, like I'd dump them right there. I have zero interest in wussy Subs who can't take the initiative.
okay but you have about a dozen women saying they were groped by trump, in addition to him being recorded on tape saying he gropes women.
okay but you have about a dozen women saying they were groped by trump, in addition to him being recorded on tape saying he gropes women.

Even if those 12 women were "real" cases - are you saying that you don't think 12 women might be golddiggers (back in the day)?
okay but you have about a dozen women saying they were groped by trump, in addition to him being recorded on tape saying he gropes women.

Even if those 12 women were "real" cases - are you saying that you don't think 12 women might be golddiggers (back in the day)?
How naive do you have to be to deny that its true? do you belive the same about michael jackson? What about bill cosby? what if bill cosby was caught on tape "joking" about drugging women? What about the fact that its donald trump whose wife is 30 years younger than him, and brags about sleeping with lots of beautiful women.

Its not like were talking about a Catholic preist
okay but you have about a dozen women saying they were groped by trump, in addition to him being recorded on tape saying he gropes women.

Even if those 12 women were "real" cases - are you saying that you don't think 12 women might be golddiggers (back in the day)?
How naive do you have to be to deny that its true? do you belive the same about michael jackson? What about bill cosby? what if bill cosby was caught on tape "joking" about drugging women? What about the fact that its donald trump whose wife is 30 years younger than him, and brags about sleeping with lots of beautiful women.

Its not like were talking about a Catholic preist

So your argument is that it's not possible that these 12 women were hitting on him and thus caused him to "take the initiative" with them? I categorically reject that these women were not flirting with him because I've met far too many men and women who hit on me like crazy when I'm rolling around in a nice car, or wearing a big rock on my neck. I can go to a bar dressed to the nines and get hit on by 10 men in a single night (though to be fair it's like 4:1 women:men up here) and I guarantee you that not one of them would complain if I threw them against the wall and had my way with them. I'm not even famous, I'm a nobody, but /I/ could get away with it.

I'm pretty damn sure that the reason these chicks didn't come forward back then is because they didn't think it wrong at the time. 15 years ago, people weren't so sensitive. I mean ya'll want to act like he was a rapist and cry outrage that he's got no self-control, but yet, he didn't "rape" those women did he? In fact, he didn't even sleep with them did he? Why not? I mean his own words he could do whatever he wanted, right? So why stop at groping them, why not get those wings (though I bet he already had them, he was pretty hot back then) So what stopped him from taking them to bed?

Did they say no so he backed off? Cause that's the "norm" across the board when you accidentally think someone was into you and make a move. You say "bummer" and move on. IDK even if it's true, in my mind it is more like a "mistaken read" than anything else, but that's maybe just me because I understand Dom's. I've had a guy turn me down, turned out he had a wife - oops. We became friends after. ~shrug~
okay but you have about a dozen women saying they were groped by trump, in addition to him being recorded on tape saying he gropes women.

Even if those 12 women were "real" cases - are you saying that you don't think 12 women might be golddiggers (back in the day)?
How naive do you have to be to deny that its true? do you belive the same about michael jackson? What about bill cosby? what if bill cosby was caught on tape "joking" about drugging women? What about the fact that its donald trump whose wife is 30 years younger than him, and brags about sleeping with lots of beautiful women.

Its not like were talking about a Catholic preist

So your argument is that it's not possible that these 12 women were hitting on him and thus caused him to "take the initiative" with them? I categorically reject that these women were not flirting with him because I've met far too many men and women who hit on me like crazy when I'm rolling around in a nice car, or wearing a big rock on my neck. I can go to a bar dressed to the nines and get hit on by 10 men in a single night (though to be fair it's like 4:1 women:men up here) and I guarantee you that not one of them would complain if I threw them against the wall and had my way with them. I'm not even famous, I'm a nobody, but /I/ could get away with it.

I'm pretty damn sure that the reason these chicks didn't come forward back then is because they didn't think it wrong at the time. 15 years ago, people weren't so sensitive. I mean ya'll want to act like he was a rapist and cry outrage that he's got no self-control, but yet, he didn't "rape" those women did he? In fact, he didn't even sleep with them did he? Why not? I mean his own words he could do whatever he wanted, right? So why stop at groping them, why not get those wings (though I bet he already had them, he was pretty hot back then) So what stopped him from taking them to bed?

Did they say no so he backed off? Cause that's the "norm" across the board when you accidentally think someone was into you and make a move. You say "bummer" and move on. IDK even if it's true, in my mind it is more like a "mistaken read" than anything else, but that's maybe just me because I understand Dom's. I've had a guy turn me down, turned out he had a wife - oops. We became friends after. ~shrug~
Have you ever been sexually harassed at work or otherwise? If a man grabbed you on the street what exactly would you do? why wold anyone beleive you? What about raped? Do you how many rapes go unreported?
I am a woman and I have zero issue with Trump joking around in a private conversation. I'm a "deplorable," and I've said a /hell/ of a lot worse than Trump in my casual conversations. "Grab em by the balls" is a regular phrase in this country, "Does your pussy hurt" is another. The fake outrage just makes me laugh.

I too don't give a wet rat's ass about the words themselves or the tone they convey. It's the actual attitudes one must have in order to see fit to muster those words in communicating one's feelings.

Well there needs to be some share of outrage for all the Libs on my FB then - I'm a member of the LGBT community and trust me, they are JUST as bad in their words and tone (probably worse considering the conversations we have are bad enough that I advise them all to open separate FB accounts and never tell their bosses about the one they are yapping on...)

Off Topic:
Yes, well, I don't do Facebook and I don't tweet. Quite simply, I share my thoughts openly with the folks with whom I'm close enough to do so, be that by proximity or emotionally. The rest of the world doesn't merit that degree of disclosure from me nor do I care that it is they who think whatever it is they think.
Okay, so you and I have different definitions of what it means to be rich, but the theme is no different regardless of the measure one uses. I suppose one can use a variety of cutoff points to define "rich," or at least what it means to be "doing alright."

Why not use a functional definition instead of a monetary one?

If you dont have to work and can buy anything you want without checking the bank statement, then you are rich.

I suppose in certain contexts, that, or even a different functional definition, be just fine. In the context whereby one finds oneself discussing public policy, however, something somewhat objective is more pragmatic, if only for the sake of establishing a common basis for conducting the conversation to say nothing of developing and arguing for or against a policy position.
Well there needs to be some share of outrage for all the Libs on my FB then - I'm a member of the LGBT community and trust me, they are JUST as bad in their words and tone

I'm not sure whether the "they" to whom you refer is the "LGBT community" members whom you know or the "Libs on your FB." Perhaps they are one in the same even? I just can't tell from your remarks whom exactly you had in mind when you wrote that statement.
Have you ever been sexually harassed at work or otherwise? If a man grabbed you on the street what exactly would you do? why wold anyone beleive you? What about raped? Do you how many rapes go unreported?

Honestly that's a bit of a trick question for me... So back in 1992 I was working as the Assistant District Manager (D23) with the Anchorage Daily News. My District Manager's husband was also a District Manager (he was D17 if I recall right) Now these two cats had an open marriage her husband hit the fuck on me, hands all over my ass. Should I mention that my boss, the wife, was standing behind me at the time? I told them I was flattered but not interested and that was that, they never hit on me again, so it was a shrug and move on for me.

So... I did not consider it as anything more than a failed proposition at the time. However, in /today's/ standards it would be improper.

Now for the record, a year down the road tomcat bangs a 15 year old and gets busted for it (M.C. v. Northern Insurance Company of New York (4/21/00) sp-5264) My name and "interaction" with Mr. & Mrs. Flory was "mentioned" in the original court hearing - which I can't seem to find anymore - but I wasn't /party/ to the lawsuit because I had no interest in it - basically the police called me up and asked me about it I relayed the situation and said it wasn't a big deal to me. I declined to press charges but the lawyer asked if they could put my name down in a "characterization" situation and I said sure whatever, because really he knew damn well the girl was 15, the perv. No sympathy.

Now as far as "sexual harassment" by /current/ standards - Yes, almost daily. Lessee if I can remember the bigger ones:

Working as a bartender the owner rubbed his [covered] crotch on my ass and hit on me - I said uhm yeah no and that was the end of it.

Oil Riggers on the North Slope were constantly hitting on me - It became a joke with us honestly, I was the dirty girl who was going to clean their shit up (aka my job was to clean up their management fuckups)

When I was modeling in HS /everyone/ was copping feels, like seriously everyone, other models, the hair dressers, the make up artists, the wardrobe folks, reporters, you name it. Modeling was like free feel central heh

Working at multi-national corporations, I had a co-worker pinch my ass while we were in a meeting with clients. After the meeting I told him if he did it again I'd deck him { he then proceeded to make a scene about what a bitch I was in front of all the co-workers and got himself fired three days later - I was good friends with the CEO's buddy. } ( Then I had to do his fucking job too the bastard. )

I think I'm forgetting a big one, but the bottom line is that kind of shit was "the usual" back in those days (1990 through somewhere in 2000) it was sexist as fuck. I personally was never "offended" to the point that I needed anyone's "help" to get through it. I was "tougher" than women are today. I was able to deal with it myself and didn't need the law to back up the force of my words. When I said no that was the end of it.

As far as the hypothetical rape stuff... I'm a feisty bitch with an extremely sharp mind... I'm not against "pretending" to go along so I can castrate them with my teeth and I would have no qualms against doing it. Typical rapists expect some frightened woman who cries and carries on (that is typically what they're after,) but with me they'd have another thing all together - and they best kill me too because I have a near photographic memory and a shit ton of money for PI's to hunt their ass down - hell I might even hire an assassin. Though, honestly, I cannot imagine myself being raped, I'm just not... "that kind" of woman who would go down without a lethal fight. I might end up dead in the process, but I guarantee you the fuckers blood would be all over me. He best burn the body heh

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