WELL...this is interesting: Brian Williams (NBC newscaster) admits lying

How disappointing. Not a very smart idea either, considering how easily his lies were found out.
Is pilling on the same psychologically as bullying? Are those who take pleasure in the pain of others incapable of empathy, and in fact mean to the core? If so, are they an example of a bad seed, or has something or someone created in them a lack of what we call humanity?

What motivates TGG to spend an inordinate amount of time pleasing himself with the downfall of another? We've all seen it, someone who cannot defend themselves is badgered by a small group of people. It's common in pre teens and middle school students; thankfully most grown ups have developed compassion and few take glee in the misfortune - self inflicted or otherwise - of others.
Is pilling on the same psychologically as bullying? Are those who take pleasure in the pain of others incapable of empathy, and in fact mean to the core? If so, are they an example of a bad seed, or has something or someone created in them a lack of what we call humanity?

What motivates TGG to spend an inordinate amount of time pleasing himself with the downfall of another? We've all seen it, someone who cannot defend themselves is badgered by a small group of people. It's common in pre teens and middle school students; thankfully most grown ups have developed compassion and few take glee in the misfortune - self inflicted or otherwise - of others.

Funny you should use such an analogy. Cos you're like the kid who can't stay on topic....You go and draw butterflies instead of doing your math. And then you point fingers when others don't appreciated you for it. Don't pretend this is about bullying. This is about you being a bitch and not genuinely regarding topics.

Here's the timeline of the lie as it grew over the years.

Since the 2003 incident, Williams’ Chinook story has been recounted countless times and gradually the reporter's role seems to have grown.

NBC reported the incident on March 26, 2003, with the headline, 'Target Iraq: Helicopter NBC’s Brian Williams Was Riding In Comes Under Fire.'

However when the incident was reported the next day by the New York Daily News it stated that a ‘chopper was hit and forced to land. Then the one carrying Williams landed.’

Three days later USA Today carried a similar report that stated: 'NBC's Brian Williams was stranded in the Iraqi desert for three days after a Chinook helicopter ahead of his was attacked by a man who fired a rocket-propelled grenade.

'The grenade just missed, but it forced the group to make an emergency landing. Luckily, a U.S. tank platoon was there and surrounded the helicopters, killing four Iraqis.'

In a 2007 entry from his blog Williams recounts how he was part of a ‘flotilla of four twin-rotor Chinook helicopters’.

‘Some men on the ground fired an RPG through the tail rotor of the chopper flying in front of ours.

'There was small arms fire. … All four choppers dropped their heavy loads and landed quickly and hard on the desert floor,’ he recalled.

By the next year Williams was claiming on his blog that 'all four of our low-flying Chinooks took fire.'

'The Chinook helicopter flying in front of ours (from the 101st Airborne) took an RPG to the rear rotor, as all four of our low-flying Chinooks took fire,' he wrote.

'We were forced down and stayed down -- for the better (or worse) part of 3 days and 2 nights.'

The tale takes a more dramatic twist during a 2013 appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman. By now Williams is recalling that two helicopter were hit - including his.

‘Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one I was in,’ he told Letterman.

Then during his report on January 30, Williams once again told an inaccurate version of events so that now ‘the helicopter we were travelling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG.’

Brian Williams forced to admit he was NOT shot down in the Iraq War Daily Mail Online

He obviously attended the Dan Blather Communist/Progressive school of Journalism. What a wanka.

A qualification for a position as anchor for NBC, the Obama-hugging network.
Is pilling on the same psychologically as bullying? Are those who take pleasure in the pain of others incapable of empathy, and in fact mean to the core? If so, are they an example of a bad seed, or has something or someone created in them a lack of what we call humanity?

What motivates TGG to spend an inordinate amount of time pleasing himself with the downfall of another? We've all seen it, someone who cannot defend themselves is badgered by a small group of people. It's common in pre teens and middle school students; thankfully most grown ups have developed compassion and few take glee in the misfortune - self inflicted or otherwise - of others.

Funny you should use such an analogy. Cos you're like the kid who can't stay on topic....You go and draw butterflies instead of doing your math. And then you point fingers when others don't appreciated you for it. Don't pretend this is about bullying. This is about you being a bitch and not genuinely regarding topics.


A "Bitch" is a female dog; or used by punks and gang members as a pejorative, demeaning women and non connected guys. That you choose to lie and pretend not to see a nexus ... or are too dumb to make the connection, is pitiful.

Your use of bitch is evidence enough to put you into the lowest social class.
I hope the people in this country is waking up to the fact our lamestream media has become a frikken JOKE and is not TO BE TRUSTED in anything

get your political news from other soucres
I hope the people in this country is waking up to the fact our lamestream media has become a frikken JOKE and is not TO BE TRUSTED in anything

get your political news from other soucres

Which sources do you recommend? Are Fox News one?
I hope the people in this country is waking up to the fact our lamestream media has become a frikken JOKE and is not TO BE TRUSTED in anything

get your political news from other soucres

Which sources do you recommend? Are Fox News one?

As far as I know there hasn't been a Fox News anchor who has lied his or her ass off.

Fox guests and pundits have screwed up. But not the news department as far as I know. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I can only go by reports.

And please bear in mind a 12 year lie by Brian Williams is very different than running with a story that hasn't been vetted and screwing up that way.

I don't have television and rely only on radio, print and the internet. So please tell me if I am incorrect.
Looks like we have another Stephen Glass on our hands. It's beginning to look like Williams has been lying for many years. His past reporting is now being heavily scrutinized.
I hope the people in this country is waking up to the fact our lamestream media has become a frikken JOKE and is not TO BE TRUSTED in anything

get your political news from other soucres

Which sources do you recommend? Are Fox News one?

As far as I know there hasn't been a Fox News anchor who has lied his or her ass off.

Fox guests and pundits have screwed up. But not the news department as far as I know. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I can only go by reports.

And please bear in mind a 12 year lie by Brian Williams is very different than running with a story that hasn't been vetted and screwing up that way.

I don't have television and rely only on radio, print and the internet. So please tell me if I am incorrect.

But not the news department? Really? Did you see the screw up that the FAUX Nooze team did when they said that the Boston Marathon bombers were caught and they weren't? How about when FAUX Nooze said that the Boston bombers were black Muslims?

But..............to be fair.................both CNN and FAUX Nooze said those very wrong things. FAUX just ran with it longer.

Interestingly enough, MSNBC didn't make that mistake.
There are several websites dedicated to cataloging the lies, omissions, half truths and uncorrected errors that FOX News farts out on a daily basis.

That the FOX news network isn't honest with its viewers is not a question that is up for debate.
Why do Communist/Progressive 'Journalists' like to lie so much? Obviously Brian Williams and Stephen Glass went to the same school of Journalism. So what's going on with American Journalism Schools? Who's teaching the kids?

One thing's for sure, less & less people are trusting the Government/Corporate Media these days. And i actually think that's not an all bad thing. People should seek alternative News information sources. They're more likely to get at least some truth. The Government/Corporate Media has agendas. And those agendas don't serve the People. They only serve their Globalist Elite masters. So Brian Williams getting busted for lying isn't an all bad thing. Hopefully, it will encourage Americans to seek alternative News sources.

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