Well, Trump Is My President Now

And I truly hope he succeeds.

I think he might have a good shot.

Because like I said before in the following thread

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

Trump is not a conservative.

I don't believe he'll run like many rightwingers believe he will or wants him to.

I hope Democrats, and Republicans, learn from the Bush II Administration and not give this man a pass on everything because he's their guy, or they want access.

I'm personally willing to give him credit where credit is due. Right now though, he has some catching up to do.

I want to know exactly where he stands on #BlackLivesMatter, that's the first issue I want to see him address. We'll take it from there.
I would love to see him govern as a President should By leaving social issues to the states and the people where they belong and to just concern himself with the constitutional duties of the federal executive. Which means he is to be OUR representative to the world and to protect THIS country before all others.

The rest is up to us to solve, not government.
And I truly hope he succeeds.

I think he might have a good shot.

Because like I said before in the following thread

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

Trump is not a conservative.

I don't believe he'll run like many rightwingers believe he will or wants him to.

I hope Democrats, and Republicans, learn from the Bush II Administration and not give this man a pass on everything because he's their guy, or they want access.

I'm personally willing to give him credit where credit is due. Right now though, he has some catching up to do.

I want to know exactly where he stands on #BlackLivesMatter, that's the first issue I want to see him address. We'll take it from there.
BLM is a domestic terrorist group and should be treated as such.
I believe President Trump will work well with everyone. He is well loved by both Republicans and Democrats. It's an opportunity to come together as a nation. I'm looking forward to a new beginning.
I don't think he's "loved" by Democrats.

We just don't hate the man.

Hate is a Republican characteristic, not a Democratic one.

You live in a fantasy world
oh now its elected officials?....regular democrats dont count?...and if you wanted it to be just elected ones,why did you say "WE" just dont hate the man?....who is we?....
It's always been elected officials.

Go and check my post history.
you did say "we" marc....would that not include all democrats?...
Good point. I am, however, referring to the representative "we."

There's no equivalency there.

Republicans in office repeate the same radical rightwing bullshat that the peons like USMB posters and internet trolls say. They've been doing this for the last 8 years now.
8 years ago when Obama and the democrats took over the presidency, senate and house, they basically told the republicans to get fucked: they were going to do whatever they wanted cause they won and the republicans can't stop them. That set the tone for where we are now with a historically low congressional approval rating and a very high rate of distrust and disgust with the whole political process.

It's on the republicans now to rise above that. To be the adults in the room and make good on what Trump said: he wants to be a president for all Americans, and welcomes those who didn't support him to come together to guide and help him. Republicans need to reach across the aisle to work with the democrats to actually pass some reforms that have some bi-partisan support. Just cause the republicans won it doesn't give them cart blanche to do whatever they want. They owe it to all Americans to change the tone in Washington, provide some leadership and show everyone that not only the government but all of us can work together to make things better for everyone.

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