Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?

Both of these candidates are huge mistakes.

Trump has been spiraling down in flames for the past week.

What is strange is that he is still somewhat competative.
that just shows you how highly thought of hillary is...
When you can admit supporting Hillary is a colossal mistake.
Doesn't seem like that will happen
It is now evident that Hillary is not only going to win, but win BIGLY

Hillary will give us eight more years of Obama and I am perfectly happy with that
I, as well a millions more, cringe at the thought. We are the group called, IC "Integrity Counts"... Obviously, you are not a member.
OMG!!! This is hilarious. "Integrity Counts." And you actually think Trump has integrity? Amazing. Incredible. Most people voting for him are doing so despite his complete and obvious lack of it.
it seems like most are voting for him because they cant stand hillary more.....
They wouldn't vote for any Democrat, no matter who it was. They vilify, hysterically and with much hyperbole and untruth, any Democratic candidate for president.
you see that from the other side with respects to republicans too....
I wonder if Trump's quote means he is admitting that he was just bragging and lying at the expense of Nancy O'Dell? Good Glory, this man is juvenile. Either way, he's (hopefully) toast.
He is a disgusting person with zero redeemable qualities. The sad part is, Hillary is every bit as bad (if not worse) but progressives deny it and defend her.
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.

I am Donald Trump and I approve this gropage

How are Trump and a Loaf of Bread at a Breakfast Diner alike ?

They are both toast .....
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.

I am Donald Trump and I approve this gropage

How are Trump and a Loaf of Bread at a Breakfast Diner alike ?

They are both toast .....

According to you lefties, men get a "free grope".

March 22, 1998: Why Feminists Support Clinton
Here is your chance USMB Republicans. When are you going to stand up and say......I am a loyal Republican and I can no longer support Donald Trump
Well...I am not a loyal Republican. It's a disgusting party of Kennedy-era liberals. I am a constitutional conservative. And I never supported Donald Trump.

Now...when are you going to grow up and denounce Hitlery Clinton? A woman who stayed married to a serial adulterer because she's addicted to money and power. A woman who destroyed the lives of women who were the victims of sexual assault because she's addicted to money and power. A woman who illegally used a private email account to avoid congressional oversight. A woman who then wiped that server after the F.B.I. wanted it as part of an investigation. A woman who lies to the American people every time she speaks - including to cover up the deaths of Americans in Benghazi. A woman who denounces "wealth inequality" and Wall Street but then accepts over $700,000 from Goldman Sachs alone.

Here is your chance Wrongwinger.
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


I think if you look real close, they were both on the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 63 also.

Oh brother, the brainwashing on the right wing has reached pandemic proportions.
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


I think if you look real close, they were both on the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 63 also.

Oh brother, the brainwashing on the right wing has reached pandemic proportions.

Says the indoctrinated shill
Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.... This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
As opposed to Bill Clinton who you love, adore, and vehemently defend and who lied about sexually assaulting women until DNA evidence proved what rational people (i.e. anyone not a progressive lap dog) already knew.
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


I think if you look real close, they were both on the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 63 also.

Oh brother, the brainwashing on the right wing has reached pandemic proportions.
Here is the lapdog progressive yet again denying all reality. Hey...remember when you declared Bill Clinton completely innocent back in the 90's? And then remember how you were too immature to admit you were wrong when he went on national television and admitted it was all true? Your new narrative was that it "didn't matter". Yeah...it's just like that all over again.

It's to the point now where you can't even come up with desperate denials. You just have to try sarcasm and then run away.
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


I think if you look real close, they were both on the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 63 also.

Oh brother, the brainwashing on the right wing has reached pandemic proportions.

Says the indoctrinated shill
The shill who is a woman that actually supports the side waging a horrific war on women. Bill Clinton sexually assaulted dozens of women and they love him. John F. Kennedy slept with hundreds of women while married and they love him. I guess women like CC like being nothing more than degraded sexual objects???
Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.... This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
As opposed to Bill Clinton who you love, adore, and vehemently defend and who lied about sexually assaulting women until DNA evidence proved what rational people (i.e. anyone not a progressive lap dog) already knew.

Bill Clinton never sexually assaulted anyone

Trump is running for president and openly admitted it
Back in 2005, Dick Cheney famously stated that the insurgency in Iraq was in "its last throes"....
Good if wrong phrase.....

This thread helps to show the "last throes" of Trump's defenders just before they declare that Trump was really a slimy RINO.......We're just a month away from right wingers' barrage of excuses as to why they suffered perhaps the biggest loss of this (and last) century.
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Back in 2005, Dick Cheney famously stated that the insurgency in Iraq was in "its last throes"....
Good if wrong phrase.....

This thread helps to show the "last throes" of Trump's defenders just before they declare that Trump was really a slimy RINO.......We're just a month away from right wingers'barrage of excuses as to why they suffered perhaps the biggest loss of this (and last) century.

Trump is the most flawed candidate ever to be nominated for President

He will be soundly rejected by the voting public and his supporters will deny culpability for the worst fiasco in Republucan history
Bill Clinton never sexually assaulted anyone
Bill Clinton sexually assaulted dozens of women. By your "logic" - Donald Trump never sexually assaulted anyone. It's not assault if a person consents and he said they let him. Stop spreading so many lies wrongwinger.
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?

Trump's base is uneducated white men. Trump is expressing himself in a why they only dream of. Being about to go up to a good looking woman and grab her pu$$y with no repercussions? It's a dream. A fantasy. It's what a "leader" does. Go ahead, ask one of his male supporters.
Being about to go up to a good looking woman and grab her pu$$y with no repercussions? It's a dream. A fantasy. It's what a "leader" does. Go ahead, ask one of his male supporters.
He learned from the master...his good pal Bill Clinton. Democrat Bill Clinton.

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