Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

Trump is the most flawed candidate ever to be nominated for President
Trump is #3 you drama queen. Hillary Clinton is the most flawed candidate to ever be nominated for president. Bill Clinton is #2.


Heard it all before. No liberal candidate can be anything but flawed to you nutjobs.

Trump is totally unsuited for the job he seeks. Both professionally and by temperament. You are about to see what happens when you run a comic book character as your candidate

You will get what you deserve
At least 'Sick Willy' is only a sexual assaulter, sexusl harasser, rapist, and adulterer instead of a murderer like Teddy was.

Then again the Clinton Body Count is longer than his 'johnson'...

yet Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating all that and came up with nothing. The man must be a criminal mastermind.

Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


Yup. So essentially, it can be proved that Trump said "Pussy", unlike all those other baseless accusastions you guys come up with.
Trump is the most flawed candidate ever to be nominated for President
Trump is #3 you drama queen. Hillary Clinton is the most flawed candidate to ever be nominated for president. Bill Clinton is #2.
Compare the qualifications of Trump and Clinton for the office of President and you will find that Trump has none, other than having money.
Do righties forget the 3 instances that Trump has been accused of rape, and the number of times he forced women down on him for a BJ?
Because you know the gender and race of people anonymously posting on USMB? Thank you for proving yet again that everything you post is a lie. This is why you have the credibility of a worm.

If you didn't have the acumen of a 10 year old, maybe you too could discern gender by posters' statements. Keep trying.
I'd like to blame the Republican Party for Trump......but I can't
They saw this disaster coming a year ago and did everything they could to prevent it

I have to blame Republican voters. The low information voters who watch fox, listen to Limbaugh and read Drudge. They have been led by the nose to the bizarre views they now hold. Government is evil, the poor deserve what they get, the rich will take care of us

They gave us Trump
Here is the lapdog progressive yet again denying all reality. Hey...remember when you declared Bill Clinton completely innocent back in the 90's? And then remember how you were too immature to admit you were wrong when he went on national television and admitted it was all true? Your new narrative was that it "didn't matter". Yeah...it's just like that all over again.

It's to the point now where you can't even come up with desperate denials. You just have to try sarcasm and then run away.

um, yeah, you see, I'm going to assume you were too young to remember what actually happened in the 1990's and you got the Hate Radio version.

Here' what happened. Most people assumed he tapped the fat chubby intern, but really didn't care. He wasn't talking, she wasn't talking, it really wasn't anyone's business. We were too busy enjoying a sweet economy.

Then Ken Starr went on a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation where he threatened and terrorized Lewinsky's family, White House staffers and others, and most people were sort of horrified by the thing.

Congress went through a sham of an impeachment hearing, and the voters spanked them for it, forcing Newt (who was fucking a lobbyist at the time behind his wife's back) to resign in disgrace.
Congress went through a sham of an impeachment hearing, and the voters spanked them for it, forcing Newt (who was fucking a lobbyist at the time behind his wife's back) to resign in disgrace.

.....and after that entire charade, please indicate what Bill's approval ratings were at the end of his 2 terms.
Congress went through a sham of an impeachment hearing, and the voters spanked them for it, forcing Newt (who was fucking a lobbyist at the time behind his wife's back) to resign in disgrace.

.....and after that entire charade, please indicate what Bill's approval ratings were at the end of his 2 terms.

I didn't want to overload Poodle with too much information. Yes, they were north of 70%.
Because you know the gender and race of people anonymously posting on USMB? Thank you for proving yet again that everything you post is a lie. This is why you have the credibility of a worm.

If you didn't have the acumen of a 10 year old, maybe you too could discern gender by posters' statements. Keep trying.
If you didn't have the disingenuous disposition of an idiot progressive, maybe you too could admit that you're a pathological liar with the credibility of a worm.
Congress went through a sham of an impeachment hearing, and the voters spanked them for it, forcing Newt (who was fucking a lobbyist at the time behind his wife's back) to resign in disgrace.
.....and after that entire charade, please indicate what Bill's approval ratings were at the end of his 2 terms.
Bill's approval ratings were about average because idiot asshat progressives like yourself will blindly support anyone with a "D" behind their name. Sadly, you people also get off on women being used and abused so that didn't hurt his cause with you asshats either.
the rich will take care of us
That one little fragmented sentence right there beautifully and eloquently summarizes your entire limited intellect. You are always looking for someone else to take care of you. You refuse to take responsibility for yourself. It's why you are a progressive and why you have such little regard for the rights and freedoms someone else died to provide you with - trading them for pitiful liberal government table scraps.
Government is evil...
Conservatives don't think government is evil. They just know that unconstitutional progressive government is evil. They know that selfish, parasitic progressives (such as yourself) are evil.
I have to blame Republican voters. The low information voters who watch fox, listen to Limbaugh and read Drudge. They have been led by the nose to the bizarre views they now hold.
This is what known as progressive projection. Since they've spent their entire life being "lead around by the nose" due to their very limited intellect (and their laziness which prevents them from doing any of their own homework). Therefore, they can't imagine that other people think for themselves and are not influenced by anything they hear or see on tv.

It's why progressives give the fall down hilarious line about going into Iraq for oil. They see that in Hollywood movies and they can't think for themselves so they take that as "information" instead of fiction for entertainment. It never occurs to them that there are people out there who aren't limited as they are.
Most of Trump's supposed "missteps" and "gaffes" have been manufactured by the leftist news media.

And yes, yes, I know: It's no big deal that Hillary got four Americans killed in Benghazi by cutting back on security even as the situation was getting worse (and even though some of the security arrangements would have been paid for with DOD money) and by refusing to intervene to get Ambassador Stevens' hundreds of rejected security requests fulfilled (she could have overruled those idiotic rejections with one phone call, but didn't). It's no big deal that as Secretary of State Hillary would rake in millions in donations for her foundation from high rollers in foreign nations after meeting with leaders in those foreign nations (I know: just a coincidence). It's no big deal that Hillary participated in the abortive attempt to blame the Benghazi attacks on a video. And it's no big deal that Hillary put untold numbers of people at risk by housing top secret Special Access information on a private server.
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?



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