Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

Funny that I am Hispanic and I am voting Trump. Just another liberal lie by sad people who are not Hispanic. Oh yeah, Tim Kaine thinks hes Hispanic.
You only need to convince the other 78% of Hispanics who will never vote Trump
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but some Hispanics are voting Trump. No problemo Jose. We are too smart to believe we are merely pawns in Hillary Timm tu tu Sick games.
" I have a right to grab your female kin's Genitals any time I want because I am a celebrity and I am very wealthy"....Donald Trump

Hispanics do not like to have their female kin handled like that mano
...and Tyrone Jesus , I doubt that you are God the judge of Trump, nor Jesus, nor Hispanic. Talk to the mano bro.
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?

See how the far left will always choose worse than Bush every chance they get.

So can you far left drones show any law that Trump voted on that affected you personally?

Edit: Notice the far left thinks it is funny to watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
There is no "worse than Bush". At least until Trump came along. And he's all yours.

Republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

nixon was very bad. reagan was worse than nixon, the first bush was worse than reagan. The bush boy was worse than his dad.

The next republican president will be worse than the bush boy.

They have a candidate who would be worse than the bush boy.
And that would be Cruz, a hateful, bigoted social conservative hostile to the rights of citizens, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
Most of Trump's supposed "missteps" and "gaffes" have been manufactured by the leftist news media.

And yes, yes, I know: It's no big deal that Hillary got four Americans killed in Benghazi by cutting back on security even as the situation was getting worse (and even though some of the security arrangements would have been paid for with DOD money) and by refusing to intervene to get Ambassador Stevens' hundreds of rejected security requests fulfilled (she could have overruled those idiotic rejections with one phone call, but didn't). It's no big deal that as Secretary of State Hillary would rake in millions in donations for her foundation from high rollers in foreign nations after meeting with leaders in those foreign nations (I know: just a coincidence). It's no big deal that Hillary participated in the abortive attempt to blame the Benghazi attacks on a video. And it's no big deal that Hillary put untold numbers of people at risk by housing top secret Special Access information on a private server.

No, they haven’t.

Trump’s ignorance, hate, fear, and bigotry have been exhibited by Trump himself – having nothing whatsoever to do with the mythical ‘liberal media.’

Trump says something stupid, Trump does something stupid, Trump is alone responsible, he has only himself to blame.
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?

Who cares what die hard trump supporters say the rest of the way? It's the undecideds who matter and the final nail for trump probably came weeks ago but this October surprise was truly the death blow
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but some Hispanics are voting Trump. No problemo Jose.

First, very few decent Hispanics would use the term, "no problemo, Jose"......

But, the more important point is that NO one ever stated that SOME Hispanics would choose to vote for Trump....heck, some polls now have it at an almost whooping 18%....There's no minority group (including mine) without its share of ignorance.........LOL

Trump has motivated Hispanics to vote — against him
For those of you Hispanics that studied English based literature (UK, American, etc...) like I did, and a little bit of linguistics: It is sooooo apparent in Mr. Trumps speech patterns that he speaks in a very New York state of mind(Billy Joel reference). For white bread middle America to find EVERYTHING he says SOOOO Shocking smacks of IGNORANCE! EVEN ON THE BUS Mr. T sounds like NY, maybe a bit awful- well Folks that's how NY people sound! ya ya ya Gracias!
...and "decent" Hispanics....what are "decent" Hispanics to you? And now FOOL remember you need to tell me how to be a better Hispanic. What a moron.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but some Hispanics are voting Trump. No problemo Jose.

First, very few decent Hispanics would use the term, "no problemo, Jose"......

But, the more important point is that NO one ever stated that SOME Hispanics would choose to vote for Trump....heck, some polls now have it at an almost whooping 18%....There's no minority group (including mine) without its share of ignorance.........LOL

Trump has motivated Hispanics to vote — against him
My hope is the high voter turnout hurts Republicans running for re election

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