Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

Being about to go up to a good looking woman and grab her pu$$y with no repercussions? It's a dream. A fantasy. It's what a "leader" does. Go ahead, ask one of his male supporters.
He learned from the master...his good pal Bill Clinton. Democrat Bill Clinton.
That's ridiculous. Besides, Bills not even running.
I have to blame Republican voters. The low information voters who watch fox, listen to Limbaugh and read Drudge. They have been led by the nose to the bizarre views they now hold.
This is what known as progressive projection. Since they've spent their entire life being "lead around by the nose" due to their very limited intellect (and their laziness which prevents them from doing any of their own homework). Therefore, they can't imagine that other people think for themselves and are not influenced by anything they hear or see on tv.

It's why progressives give the fall down hilarious line about going into Iraq for oil. They see that in Hollywood movies and they can't think for themselves so they take that as "information" instead of fiction for entertainment. It never occurs to them that there are people out there who aren't limited as they are.
It is the batshit crazy racist low information .....need I say "deplorable" that have forced Trump on their party

You deserve what you got
Being about to go up to a good looking woman and grab her pu$$y with no repercussions? It's a dream. A fantasy. It's what a "leader" does. Go ahead, ask one of his male supporters.
He learned from the master...his good pal Bill Clinton. Democrat Bill Clinton.
That's ridiculous. Besides, Bills not even running.
Wow....another intelligent comment from Rdean. What is "ridiculous" about it? The fact that you can't even articulate why it is "ridiculous" pretty much proves that it's not.
It is the batshit crazy racist low information .....need I say "deplorable" that have forced Trump on their party
Now that part is true. All of the "bat-shit cazy, racist, low information" (and you forgot to add unethical) progressives that showed up to vote in Republican primaries did force Trump on the Republican Party.
You deserve what you got
I knew you couldn't get through a single post with 100% accuracy! The Republican Party got what you uninformed progressives think they deserved. Not what they actually deserved. The party that freed the slaves from you racist and greedy progressives deserved Rand Paul. Or Ted Cruz. Or Ben Carson. Or Marco Rubio. Sadly, unethical progressives (redundant, I know) forced Donald Trump on them. Not surprising though since progressives have always been about force.
It is the batshit crazy racist low information .....need I say "deplorable" that have forced Trump on their party
Now that part is true. All of the "bat-shit cazy, racist, low information" (and you forgot to add unethical) progressives that showed up to vote in Republican primaries did force Trump on the Republican Party.
You deserve what you got
I knew you couldn't get through a single post with 100% accuracy! The Republican Party got what you uninformed progressives think they deserved. Not what they actually deserved. The party that freed the slaves from you racist and greedy progressives deserved Rand Paul. Or Ted Cruz. Or Ben Carson. Or Marco Rubio. Sadly, unethical progressives (redundant, I know) forced Donald Trump on them. Not surprising though since progressives have always been about force.

I think I smell a.......conspiracy

It wasn't conservatives who picked Trump to represent them....it was them sneaky Librals
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.

Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


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I'd like to blame the Republican Party for Trump......
We know... You've been trying to blame the Republican Party for your own life since you were aware of it. It's what people of limited intellect do.
Oh no its "libruls" who are to blame LOL scratch a conservative and find a whiner LOL sad weak Bimbo like ,,"people of limited intellect" waaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


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That is something that has been debunked so many times its pathetic ..sure Bill and Hillary Clinton are pro Dixie flag sure enough LOL
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?

The only one that has an upcoming rape trial is Trump....the only one that has SWORN COURT TESTIMONY ALLEGING THAT HE RAPED IS TRUMP...YOU ALL KNOW THAT BY NOW
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.


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in 2008. Rethugs were enraged for two reasons. Not only was the new POTUS an African-American, in charge of what white Christian males thought was rightfully theirs, but the conservative politicians that had flapped their gums so much about 'those people' taking the country away and ruining things seemed to have either very little interest or very little ability to put a stop to things.WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA jAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R) called on Donald Trump to step down Sunday
Clinton has engaged in a criminal coverup, politicized the FBI and the IRS, destabilized the Middle East, abandoned U.S. personnel to their deaths in Benghazi, sold our our national interests for donations to the Clinton Foundation, destroyed the lives of women who dared to tell the truth about Bill's abuses, violated the Espionage Act...but Trump said pussy in a private conversation.

I am Donald Trump and I approve this gropage

How are Trump and a Loaf of Bread at a Breakfast Diner alike ?

They are both toast .....

According to you lefties, men get a "free grope".

March 22, 1998: Why Feminists Support Clinton
YEAH honey Liberals get a free grope what ever you say waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.... This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
As opposed to Bill Clinton who you love, adore, and vehemently defend and who lied about sexually assaulting women until DNA evidence proved what rational people (i.e. anyone not a progressive lap dog) already knew.
who has sworn Court testimony against him alleging rape

1) Donald Trump __________

2) Bill Clinton __________

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bob Schieffer: Trump’s Language Not ‘Boys Being Boys’ But ‘Pigs Being Pigs’
Source: Mediaite

During a panel discussion on CBS’s Face the Nation, former FTN host Bob Schieffer, who has served as a presidential debate moderator before, was asked what questions he’d pose to the two presidential candidates tonight.


“I guess what I would say would be this,” Schieffer told host John Dickerson. “‘Mr. Trump, if some man did to your daughters what you were talking about in that debate, in that tape, would you think that was cool? Would you be OK with that?'”

After fellow panelists Major Garrett and Norah O’Donnell said they’d be interested in hearing that answer and wondered if that question will even be posed in the town hall forum, Schieffer then delivered the following blow.

“Yes. Because this language goes beyond boys being boys,” Schieffer plainly leveled. “This is pigs being pigs. And I think that it is not a distraction. It is an issue.”


Read more: Bob Schieffer: Trump’s Language Not ‘Boys Being Boys’ But ‘Pigs Being Pigs’
Trump did not say he would like to do these things......He boasted that he actually did them and that he intended to keep on doing it.... This from a man married to a beautiful woman for only eight months and pregnant with his son Baron
As opposed to Bill Clinton who you love, adore, and vehemently defend and who lied about sexually assaulting women until DNA evidence proved what rational people (i.e. anyone not a progressive lap dog) already knew.
who has sworn Court testimony against him alleging rape

1) Donald Trump __________

2) Bill Clinton __________

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?

See how the far left will always choose worse than Bush every chance they get.

So can you far left drones show any law that Trump voted on that affected you personally?

Edit: Notice the far left thinks it is funny to watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
There is no "worse than Bush". At least until Trump came along. And he's all yours.

Republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

nixon was very bad. reagan was worse than nixon, the first bush was worse than reagan. The bush boy was worse than his dad.

The next republican president will be worse than the bush boy.

They have a candidate who would be worse than the bush boy.

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