Well Trump supporters......will you finally admit you were wrong?

Bill said he never sexually harassed Paula Jones...

He paid her something like $80,000 to drop the case / not to refile the complaint...

Paula Jones had deep pockets. She had the entire nutjob Republican fringe paying for any legal fees she ran up. When her claim was initially rejected in court, they encourage her to continue the case as long as possible

Bill Clinton eventually paid her $800k to make it go away

You know Reublicans......that case would STILL be in court if they had their way
Please tell me again how Hillary is offended by what Trump SAID 11 Years ago but had so little problem with the fact that her husband RAPED several women that she attacked and demonized his victims...I LOVE that story!


We have evidence of what Trump said. There is no evidence of Bill Clinton raping anyone outside of rightwing conspiracy sites
Bill Clinton says he didn't have sex with 'that' woman - he DID.

3÷ women come forward and claim they were sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped by Bill Clinton ...

THEY are the only ones who have any credibility...

Is a blowjob sex?

A woman who gives a blowjob can still be a virgin, cannot get pregnant.
Thank you for demonstrating how you parrot and push their LIES...you just resorted to regurgitating Bill's bullshit argument about the definition of 'is' / 'is a BJ sex' pathetic attempt to claim he did not lie when he said he did not have sex with a woman.

Good lord you are just as willingly pathetic as he is.

I suppose you think Bill sticking a cigar up Lewinski's privates, which he did as well, was not sex but instead some twisted form of 'flavoring' his cigar?!
Paula Jones had deep pockets. She had the entire nutjob Republican fringe paying for any legal fees she ran up.
1st you libs slander her - once again attacking women - by calling her trailer trash that would chase a dollar is you dragged one through a trailer park...

Some things never change, as shown by the recent hacked and released DNC emails exposing them as racist, SEXIST, anti-Semitic homophobes...

And now you engage in Conspiracy Theory to claim the entire GOP plotted, conspired, and funded Paula Jones' being sexually harassed and law suit against that PIG of a President!

You're as f*ing paranoid and delusional as Hillary...

But way to keep publicly trashing women, calling sexual assault/harasdment victims liars, and waging that war on women, proving those recent leaked emails show a pattern of disregard for women that goes back decades and has not changed.
Please tell me again how Hillary is offended by what Trump SAID 11 Years ago but had so little problem with the fact that her husband RAPED several women that she attacked and demonized his victims...I LOVE that story!


We have evidence of what Trump said. There is no evidence of Bill Clinton raping anyone outside of rightwing conspiracy sites
Bill Clinton says he didn't have sex with 'that' woman - he DID.

3÷ women come forward and claim they were sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped by Bill Clinton ...

THEY are the only ones who have any credibility...

Is a blowjob sex?

A woman who gives a blowjob can still be a virgin, cannot get pregnant.
Thank you for demonstrating how you parrot and push their LIES...you just resorted to regurgitating Bill's bullshit argument about the definition of 'is' / 'is a BJ sex' pathetic attempt to claim he did not lie when he said he did not have sex with a woman.

Good lord you are just as willingly pathetic as he is.

I suppose you think Bill sticking a cigar up Lewinski's privates, which he did as well, was not sex but instead some twisted form of 'flavoring' his cigar?!
I'm gunna have to teach you about the birds and the bees someday
Paula Jones had deep pockets. She had the entire nutjob Republican fringe paying for any legal fees she ran up.
1st you libs slander her - once again attacking women - by calling her trailer trash that would chase a dollar is you dragged one through a trailer park...

Some things never change, as shown by the recent hacked and released DNC emails exposing them as racist, SEXIST, anti-Semitic homophobes...

And now you engage in Conspiracy Theory to claim the entire GOP plotted, conspired, and funded Paula Jones' being sexually harassed and law suit against that PIG of a President!

You're as f*ing paranoid and delusional as Hillary...

But way to keep publicly trashing women, calling sexual assault/harasdment victims liars, and waging that war on women, proving those recent leaked emails show a pattern of disregard for women that goes back decades and has not changed.
Paula Jones had no credibility. She was not believable. Her story kept changing. The court dismissed her case

Deep pocket republicans kept it going
Crooked Hillary is a train wreck with her corruption, dishonesty and incompetency but you stupid Moon Bats are simply too fucking stupid to know it.

Of course you are the same idiots that thought Obama's "hope and change" was going to produce prosperity, you morons.

At what point are you going to admit choosing Trump was a horrible mistake?

Can you actually say you are happy with your candidate?

See how the far left will always choose worse than Bush every chance they get.

So can you far left drones show any law that Trump voted on that affected you personally?

Edit: Notice the far left thinks it is funny to watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
Really, supporting Trump because he has not voted for anything bad? George Bush was a total disaster that took office with a balanced budget (thank you Clintons) & left with the worst recession in 80 years, record debyt a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse & two quagmire wars.
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."
That is about right. We know she is incompetent when it comes to being a leader, we don't know that about Trump. I still say, give Trump a chance for there is NO INTEGRITY at all with the Clintons. They have proven they can be bought and when Hillary was SoS, the leaders didn't even want to meet with her. That is really sad.
Where is that proof? Where have they been bought? Hillary visited 112 countries & improved our reputation around the planet. The Republicans have been after the Clintons for 30 years & all they got was Bill denying a consensual sexual relationship.

Donald Trump has shown us who he is. A woman bashing groper, a liar, a bigot, a person whose word is worthless, a "great businessman" who lost so much money that he likely did not pay income taxes for decades.
Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

They'll simply come up with the lame response that, "well, I really did NOT like Trump, but I hated Clinton more..."

As opposed to the Liberal premise that Hillary should be President because it is time for a woman to be President. You people got a taste of affirmative action presidencies and now you are addicted. Never mind substance and record even if it does reflect corruption, coverup and more lies. You simply scoff and mock at such notions because any process has been bought and paid for Hillary. Hence, the reason this election is going to be razor thin close is that many Americans, while not ardent supporters of Trump, have assessed Hillary's actions and will be voting more against Hillary as opposed to "for Trump".
Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates for President in 80 years. What corruption? Please post the facts on this. And it's all rigged? You fail to recognize that the Republican Party has been running investigation after investigation with the sole purpose of duping people like you. There was nothing against Clinton with Benghazi. There was nothing in the e-mails. There is nothing with the Clinton Foundation. The country did good the last time Hillary was in the White House & you're going to vote for a bad businessman, bigot, sexist liar. There is no justification for that.
a straight guy talking to another straight guy about pussy

is hillarys october surprise

Recounting stocking women while married to a pregnant wife is not just talking about women. Admitting to groping women is not just talk.

There is no "worse than Bush". At least until Trump came along. And he's all yours.

Just think. You stupid Libtards own that scumbag Slick Willy, that disaster Hussein Obama and this world class piece of lying shit Crooked Hillary.

There is no "worse than Bush". At least until Trump came along. And he's all yours.

Just think. You stupid Libtards own that scumbag Slick Willy, that disaster Hussein Obama and this world class piece of lying shit Crooked Hillary.
Such a well thought out post...well thought out if you are in the third grade
Recounting stocking women while married to a pregnant wife is not just talking about women. Admitting to groping women is not just talk.

Setting up a home server in order to cover up correspondence pertaining to a money laundering operation in a pay to play scheme of selling government influence is not just talk, is it?
Recounting stocking women while married to a pregnant wife is not just talking about women. Admitting to groping women is not just talk.

Setting up a home server in order to cover up correspondence pertaining to a money laundering operation in a pay to play scheme of selling government influence is not just talk, is it?
Oh please. You people are just ridiculous. If Hillary Clinton wanted to hide that mythical, unproven, money laundering from which they took no money Foundation, she would have used the State server & used personal e-mail for the other stuff. Your conspiracy theory makes no sense & is just plain stupid.
Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates for President in 80 years. What corruption? Please post the facts on this. And it's all rigged? You fail to recognize that the Republican Party has been running investigation after investigation with the sole purpose of duping people like you. There was nothing against Clinton with Benghazi. There was nothing in the e-mails. There is nothing with the Clinton Foundation. The country did good the last time Hillary was in the White House & you're going to vote for a bad businessman, bigot, sexist liar. There is no justification for that.

"Hillary is qualified" is the big joke of this election given her record of incompetency with everything she has ever done, her blatant dishonesty and the massive corruption of the foundation money laundering operation that she used to get rich on selling government influence, not to mention her criminal disregardful for national security. Plus she is a mean hateful ugly elitist asshole

She is an absolute walking disaster and probably the most corrupt and dishonest person to ever run for President. A real scumbag, just like her husband.

You stupid Moon Bat made one hellva mistake voting for this jackass Hussein Obama, who has been a disaster for this country. You will make an even bigger mistake voting for this piece of shit Crooked Hillary.

Of course you Moon Bat Libtards are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier and certainly have no intellectual or moral foundation so we kind of expect you to make dumbass decisions at the polls.
Please tell me again how Hillary is offended by what Trump SAID 11 Years ago but had so little problem with the fact that her husband RAPED several women that she attacked and demonized his victims...I LOVE that story!


We have evidence of what Trump said. There is no evidence of Bill Clinton raping anyone outside of rightwing conspiracy sites
Bill Clinton says he didn't have sex with 'that' woman - he DID.

3÷ women come forward and claim they were sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, and raped by Bill Clinton ...

THEY are the only ones who have any credibility...

Is a blowjob sex?

A woman who gives a blowjob can still be a virgin, cannot get pregnant.
Thank you for demonstrating how you parrot and push their LIES...you just resorted to regurgitating Bill's bullshit argument about the definition of 'is' / 'is a BJ sex' pathetic attempt to claim he did not lie when he said he did not have sex with a woman.

Good lord you are just as willingly pathetic as he is.

I suppose you think Bill sticking a cigar up Lewinski's privates, which he did as well, was not sex but instead some twisted form of 'flavoring' his cigar?!

The sex was consensual. Not abuse. Not illegal. Not worthy of a Congressional Investigation.

"Having sex" is intercourse. Everyone knows this. The others are sex acts.

Don't you find it odd that he was asked about "having sex" & not having intercourse? Was it a trap to pin lying onto Clinton.

I find it laughable that Newt was pushing this he had a mistress. His driver told of being asked to take Newt's daughter for a walk so Newt could get blown by his girlfriend in the backseat.

Besides, if people really care about Bill Clinton & Monica, how could they consider voting for Trump.
Trump has been one train wreck after another. His list of missteps is getting too long to even bother with

Trump supporters are going to throw him under the bus as soon as the election is over anyway. Very few USMB posters will admit they actually supported Trump after the election is over

Why not just get it over with now?


You are expecting Trump supporters to be honest? You should know better.
Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates for President in 80 years. What corruption? Please post the facts on this. And it's all rigged? You fail to recognize that the Republican Party has been running investigation after investigation with the sole purpose of duping people like you. There was nothing against Clinton with Benghazi. There was nothing in the e-mails. There is nothing with the Clinton Foundation. The country did good the last time Hillary was in the White House & you're going to vote for a bad businessman, bigot, sexist liar. There is no justification for that.

"Hillary is qualified" is the big joke of this election given her record of incompetency with everything she has ever done, her blatant dishonesty and the massive corruption of the foundation money laundering operation that she used to get rich on selling government influence, not to mention her criminal disregardful for national security. Plus she is a mean hateful ugly elitist asshole

She is an absolute walking disaster and probably the most corrupt and dishonest person to ever run for President. A real scumbag, just like her husband.

You stupid Moon Bat made one hellva mistake voting for this jackass Hussein Obama, who has been a disaster for this country. You will make an even bigger mistake voting for this piece of shit Crooked Hillary.

Of course you Moon Bat Libtards are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier and certainly have no intellectual or moral foundation so we kind of expect you to make dumbass decisions at the polls.
So, as predicted, you have no proof of this supposed corruption. Her record while in the White House, as a US Senator, as Secretary of State is solid. You stick with the bigoted groper.

Turn off Conservative Talk Radio & step away from the radio.
Paula Jones had deep pockets. She had the entire nutjob Republican fringe paying for any legal fees she ran up.
1st you libs slander her - once again attacking women - by calling her trailer trash that would chase a dollar is you dragged one through a trailer park...

Some things never change, as shown by the recent hacked and released DNC emails exposing them as racist, SEXIST, anti-Semitic homophobes...

And now you engage in Conspiracy Theory to claim the entire GOP plotted, conspired, and funded Paula Jones' being sexually harassed and law suit against that PIG of a President!

You're as f*ing paranoid and delusional as Hillary...

But way to keep publicly trashing women, calling sexual assault/harasdment victims liars, and waging that war on women, proving those recent leaked emails show a pattern of disregard for women that goes back decades and has not changed.
Paula Jones had no credibility. She was not believable. Her story kept changing. The court dismissed her case

Deep pocket republicans kept it going
Keep bashing the women, RW...

Compared to the pathelogically lting Clintons, Jones' credibility is SPOTLESS, YOU DELUSIONAL Clinton Apologist!
Who got 1× FALSE, 1 × PANTS ON FIRE, & 4 × PINOCCHIOS, Hillary or Bill's cictims?

Sorry, Libs - YOU LOSE!
Who claimed he did not have sex with Lewinski, demonstrating to the whole world he is a pathelogical liar, Bill or his victims?

Sorry, Libs - YOU LOSE!
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What Party got exposed with their own emails to be racist, SEXIST, anti-Semitic homophobes, the Democrats/DNC or the GOP?

Sorry, Libs - YOU LOSE!
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