Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

My lazy cook version of eggplant Parmesan. I love eggplant. :)
Take one medium size eggplant and cut into about 1/4 inch squares. Dice a red onion and some garlic. Saute all three together in olive oil until the onion is translucent and the eggplant is a little browned. Add a can of crushed or diced tomatoes, a small tin of tomato paste and enough water to get a nice consistancy. Add a teaspoon of white sugar and Italian spices + a bay leaf, a few red pepper flakes, and 1/2 cup red wine. Simmer for about an hour. Spoon it over whole wheat pasta, cooked of course, and sprinkle with shreaded Parmensan cheese.
Cecilie, my daughter used to hate onions so we went through a stage where we didn't cook with them at all, and I usually didn't even have them in the house. Just use more salt, and maybe more pepper. Use more chicken stock to cook things...like if you cook a rice dish that calls for onions but there are none, up the flavor with chicken stock. Or celery.
Cecilie, my daughter used to hate onions so we went through a stage where we didn't cook with them at all, and I usually didn't even have them in the house. Just use more salt, and maybe more pepper. Use more chicken stock to cook things...like if you cook a rice dish that calls for onions but there are none, up the flavor with chicken stock. Or celery.

Thing is, I already use stock in place of water and a lot of spices, so it's probably still going to taste bland to me.

I'm told there's an Asian spice you can substitute for onion at least some of the time.
I had a double cheeseburger tonight @ 5 guys!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmm (Them and Wendys taste the best)
We're going to grill burgers, and serve with caprese salads (and herbed focaccia for mr. boe).

And we have a big bottle of Rudy's BBQ sauce!
Caprese salad! Oh yum! My favorite thing, had a weird version today...with apple cider vinegar, olive oil and dried basil, lol. It was still good.

Tonight we're feeding Papa Murphy's pizza.
Chef salad tonight. This week, I start accumulating recipes and next week, I become the family cook. :) Haven't cooked for family since 2008, so I am practically in tears, I am so happy to be making myself useful again.

And I am a really good cook. ;)

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