Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I've stuffed with bleu and sauteed mushrooms.

Mm. And the jalepeno cheddar or mozzarella is kinda good that way too.

Mushrooms? GAG lol It is fungus! How does that make you feel? LOL :)

True...but then...cheese is mold.

And burger is ground up bits and fat.

Hmmmm... Touche
I do not use beef burger. I use deer with just a little bit of regular meat like 10% or so just for a little grease. My dad has a ground machine and we both go hunting. Lots of meat lol. I am picky about food. VERY picky. Far from frugal on most. Mushroom is a texture thing for me, really. As is peppers, onions and radishs. I cook with onions and peppers A LOT but i take them out lol
What is *regular meat*?

Lol..most people use pork or beef fat (suet) in their venison burger.

My son made backstrap last night, made me eat some. Yes it was yummy.
I've stuffed with bleu and sauteed mushrooms.

Mm. And the jalepeno cheddar or mozzarella is kinda good that way too.

Mushrooms? GAG lol It is fungus! How does that make you feel? LOL :)

How SHOULD it make you feel? The hamburger is dead cow flesh, for God's sake! There's not a single thing humans eat that couldn't be made to sound disgusting, if described in the right terms, with just the right tone of horror. Big deal.
Ok we had spaghetti tonight; just spaghetti and some angelfood cake that my daughter made last night, for dessert.

I wouldn't have cooked...the kids ate before they came home but they wanted spaghetti so we all had spaghetti and it was pretty good. It was home grown beef; pretty lean but absolutely zero chopped up vein and artery and gawd knows what.
Tonight? Caesar salad, then bluefish baked with herbs and olive oil , with butternut squash and dilled green beans as sides. And some apples and cheese (smoked gouda) with crackers for 'dessert' - with a glass of port. Yes, that should've been the appetizer, but someone got home late and the fish was hot so no time for 'nibblies'. OTOH, we still haven't had 'real' dessert - which I suspect will be some raspberry sherbert.
Well, the squash could've been better - I used frozen and won't be buying that (store brand) again! Maybe the local wildlife will eat it, but I didn't think it had very much flavor.....
Venison burger, stuffed w/bleu & sauteed mushrooms...


Ohmigod, my friend went bowhunting this last week, got a six-point buck, and tormented me all day with stories about how he was going to have venison for dinner, the bastard.

On the other hand, his wife is twenty pounds of tacky in a five-pound bag, and he has to eat his venison looking at her instead of me, so nyah nyah to HIM! :razz:

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