Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Going out for Sushi before heading to a basketball game.
Feeling a bit celebratory tomorrow night - today was Joe's first day at his new job, and it went very well, and I got some really good news of my own - so I'm going to be making taco burgers, with some fresh pico de gallo and fresh guacamole to serve on them. (I love guacamole, but my husband and oldest son won't touch it.)

Taco burgers, to clarify, are a derivative of one of my favorite recipes, taco meatloaf. I hate plain homemade hamburgers, so I take the ground beef and mix it, meatloaf-style, with tomato paste, taco seasonings, shredded cheddar cheese, some unflavored yogurt (works as a binder in place of eggs), and crushed corn chips in whatever flavor I like (to replace plain bread crumbs). Then I form them into hamburger patties, grill, and voila!
Not sure what I want to do on the side. Maybe just some crispy steak fries, or maybe a more elaborate potato dish? Perhaps some hashed browns mixed with mexican veggies and diced green chiles.

I was going to make burgers tonight, I think I will try this.

You can do the most entertaining stuff with hamburgers. Oh, I forgot to mention diced onions, so put in diced onions.

Will do.
Going out for Sushi before heading to a basketball game.

Oh, don't I wish! We had a take a raincheck on Christmas for the boys because Joe and I were both in the middle of changing jobs and money was really tight, so we promised the oldest that when we started getting paychecks from the new employers, we'd all go out for sushi and a giant shopping expedition. (The youngest is too young to know Christmas from his left elbow yet.)
When I do hamburgers, I mix it with ranch powder (ranch dressing). If I am grilling them, I take 2 skinny patties, put a hard cheese in between (swiss cheddar soemthign liek that) make it like a sandwhich and close the ends. My buddy tried it and stuffed it with onion as well. Not into onion, but without them they are delicious!

I LOVE stuffed burgers.

I use blue cheese; I have a thing for blue cheese. I can't seem to control myself around it.
When I do hamburgers, I mix it with ranch powder (ranch dressing). If I am grilling them, I take 2 skinny patties, put a hard cheese in between (swiss cheddar soemthign liek that) make it like a sandwhich and close the ends. My buddy tried it and stuffed it with onion as well. Not into onion, but without them they are delicious!

I LOVE stuffed burgers.

I use blue cheese; I have a thing for blue cheese. I can't seem to control myself around it.

That sounds amazing!
I love blue cheese. Not TOO much of it, but still love it
Going out for Sushi before heading to a basketball game.

Oh, don't I wish! We had a take a raincheck on Christmas for the boys because Joe and I were both in the middle of changing jobs and money was really tight, so we promised the oldest that when we started getting paychecks from the new employers, we'd all go out for sushi and a giant shopping expedition. (The youngest is too young to know Christmas from his left elbow yet.)

One of the essentials of good living, imo, is to have a good local owner operated sushi place. Ours is wonderful...and rather cheap, too.
Speaking of which, my gf put blue cheese dressing in my lunch for my wings :)
Wow, I think that might be the first porn entry in the "Well? What did you have for dinner tonight" thread.

Just for that:


When I do hamburgers, I mix it with ranch powder (ranch dressing). If I am grilling them, I take 2 skinny patties, put a hard cheese in between (swiss cheddar soemthign liek that) make it like a sandwhich and close the ends. My buddy tried it and stuffed it with onion as well. Not into onion, but without them they are delicious!

I LOVE stuffed burgers.

I use blue cheese; I have a thing for blue cheese. I can't seem to control myself around it.

I love bleu cheese, but my husband and oldest son would stage a rebellion if I tried to put it in THEIR food.
I've stuffed with bleu and sauteed mushrooms.

Mm. And the jalepeno cheddar or mozzarella is kinda good that way too.
Tonight might be Pizza, but tomorrow I'm making Contre Filet de Richelieu.

Start with a beef tenderloin, cut into 1 1/2 inch slabs. Let them come to room temperature, covered.

The Richelieu sauce is the heart of the dish. Start with hollandaise, which I've posted recipes for in the past. A standard 3 egg batch is good. Saute about one cup of coarsely chopped scallions over low heat in salted butter, as to not scoarch, until they are a golden brown. Add a cup of sliced mushrooms, as a French dish, traditionally this would be chanterelle, but I prefer shitake. Cook the mushrooms until tender in the scallions. At the last moment, add a quarter cup of red Bordeaux or Cabernet. Briskly stir the hollandaise and SLOWLY add the onion, mushroom, wine mixture. Heat until hot, but do not boil or the sauce may break.

Now coat the tender loins with olive oil, chopped basil, and kosher salt (to taste.) In a hot iron skillet, sear the tenderloin. Preheat a stone or Pyrex pan in a 425 oven and put the seared meat in the pan. About 20 minutes will bring them to medium rare (warm, red center). Pour the Richelieu over the meat in the hot pan as it rests for 5 to 10 minutes.

Generally served with grilled asparagus and baby red potatoes. I originally got this recipe from a Julia Child cookbook (credit where due.)

I was going to have hot dogs, but I think I'll just go to your house.
When I do hamburgers, I mix it with ranch powder (ranch dressing). If I am grilling them, I take 2 skinny patties, put a hard cheese in between (swiss cheddar soemthign liek that) make it like a sandwhich and close the ends. My buddy tried it and stuffed it with onion as well. Not into onion, but without them they are delicious!

I LOVE stuffed burgers.

I use blue cheese; I have a thing for blue cheese. I can't seem to control myself around it.

I love bleu cheese, but my husband and oldest son would stage a rebellion if I tried to put it in THEIR food.

Same, without the son.

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