Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I've been doing a lot of fast and easy stuff because I've been busy all week with moving. Tonight I believe I'll throw together some red beans and rice with sweet sausage.
I'm going to put a big chicken on the rotisserie in a bit, and add some apple wood chips for smoke.

Add a big salad and some Chardonnay...and voila, dinner.
Pot roast, mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans last night.

same exact meal last night

one of my favorites

except add buttered bread

I hadn't made pot roast in a while so I decided to give it a go, originally I was going to make home made Gyros but I couldn't find the right bread so I scratched that and went with the pot roast.
We had homemade chicken pot pie last night, using chicken I canned...and it was da yum.

Night before that...smoked pork, smoked over 12 hours...oh my.
Did the cold-cuts-and-veggie-platter thing again last night, since it was the end of The Moving Day From Hell. Still managed to be delicious. I see no reason that sandwiches can't be a taste treat with just a little bit of thought put into it.
I hate moving. Though now that I'm almost 50 I no longer sink into a black depression and cry hysterically, forcing everybody else to do the work, or just leaving everything (or many things) behind. I'm a big girl now!

Tonight was our turn for grilled cheese sammiches and tomato soup. It was good.

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