Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Wok-cooked (slowly, in olive oil, w/cover) chicken breast, steamed kernel corn, water and a chocolate bar.
My wife brought home some pork steaks & soaked them in oily Italian dressing. I foil wrapped potatoes, corn on the cob, onion & mushrooms sautéed in soy sauce. I threw them on the grill set to the lowest setting. I immediately walked away for 3 minutes to grab a patio chair & the grill turned into an inferno. I hadn't even grabbed a spatula, beer or water yet. I turned of all the burners & it kept right on burning. Had to run in & get a glass of water to put it out. Lesson, don't use oily dressing on grill. Everything had a layer of black soot on it but at least it did not totally char or burn. It was edible just not the best tasting. The dogs got extra meat scraps tonight.
Veal Rollitini. Stuffing made with parsley, mozzarella, pecorino, egg and breadcrumbs.

Sauce/gravy made with mushrooms, marsala, veal stock/butter roux, and the fond from sauteeing the veal.
We had leftover roast and carrots and I think it was even better tonight.

No rolls, I didn't make any and the ones from last night are no more, lol.

I'm making more tomorrow though.
I am having cod and ex is having barbque chicken (oven), baked taters, corn. For dessert....hmm. Not sure yet. Probably a nilla shake.



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Blueberry sushi rolls.

?? Never heard of such a thing. Interesting. :thup:

I grilled a couple of small steaks, then oven-roasted some taters with magic herbs and spices. Corn onna cob. I chose to forgo the tost salat tonight.

Basically, it's a seafood roll with avocado in it, butterflied shrimp laid across the top, spicy mayo squirted on it, and then a line of blueberries placed down the middle of it. The little bite of sweetness in with the spicy is wonderful.
I made 'sghetti for the hubby but for me, I just rolled up some cheddar cheese in honey roasted turkey slices.
Being in the restaurant business, this was my Memorial Day

Country-Style Ribs, chargrilled and BBQ'd
Tater Salad
Baked Beans
Salad (with Ranch, of course)


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