Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I hate moving. Though now that I'm almost 50 I no longer sink into a black depression and cry hysterically, forcing everybody else to do the work, or just leaving everything (or many things) behind. I'm a big girl now!

Tonight was our turn for grilled cheese sammiches and tomato soup. It was good.

As God is my witness, I will never move again . . . without professional movers.
I don't give a damn...about the cost, anything to relieve the tremendous pressure!
Noomi, what the heck is CHICKEN SALT??

I had to rep for that. I'm a big fan of chicken fat...and of salt...so chicken salt has GOT to be yum!

We had burgers cooked on the barbecue at the kids' after school program. They have a "parents night" every couple of months or so, and feed us dinner, have a drawing for baskets. Tonight the kids danced (I can't remember what dance it was, Indian dancing...not circle dance, something else where everybody does everything in sync). Love the drums! The burger was fine...burger, chopped salad, ranch dressing, pork & beans, watermelon and a chunk of cake with no frosting, but who cares. I was exhausted...picked up the kids at 5:30 after being out of town from 7 am, raced home, let the dogs out, raced back to the school..and I'm glad I did. This weekend, I think I'm smoking again!
^you don't know what chicken salt is? Don't they have that in America? OMG it is better than real salt, if you get the real stuff, its bloody amazing. :) It doesn't taste like chicken, though!

This is apparently a list of what is in chicken salt - no idea how accurate this is, though:

Caster sugar
Flavour enhancer 621
Rice cereal
Nl flavour
Vegetable powders
Hydrolysed vegetable protein (soybean)
Anti caking agent 554
Vegetable oil (soybean)

Makes it sound awful, but its really good.

Tonight I just had a pasty that mum bought from the bakery. Ate half, it tasted like shit, but the dogs liked it, so its not like it went to waste!
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^you don't know what chicken salt is? Don't they have that in America? OMG it is better than real salt, if you get the real stuff, its bloody amazing. :) It doesn't taste like chicken, though!

This is apparently a list of what is in chicken salt - no idea how accurate this is, though:

Caster sugar
Flavour enhancer 621
Rice cereal
Nl flavour
Vegetable powders
Hydrolysed vegetable protein (soybean)
Anti caking agent 554
Vegetable oil (soybean)

Makes it sound awful, but its really good.

Tonight I just had a pasty that mum bought from the bakery. Ate half, it tasted like shit, but the dogs liked it, so its not like it went to waste!

I looked it up, and chicken salt is a combination of seasonings common to Australia. Apparently, the seasonings used vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Think of it as comparable to . . . oh, buying a pre-mixed Cajun seasoning.

The most common ingredients include:

Chilli powder
Onion powder
White pepper
Garlic powder
Celery seed
Mustard seed

Sounds like it would probably be tasty. I keep nearly all of those on hand, anyway (with the possible exception of turmeric), so I might mix some up and give it a try.
Here's those enchiladas. Made with flour tortillas.

I when to the market and picked up some fresh market grind ground beef and the wife sauteed some mushrooms an onions, sliced some tomatoes and grilled some blue cheese mushroom burgers.


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