Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Not sure yet. Probably a nilla shake.
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Now I want a chocolate shake for dessert before I go to bed. And I just might do that.
I brined them for a couple of hours (should have been overnight but oh well) and then smoked them for 7 on the barbecue.
I start my new job on Monday - finally! - and sometime this weekend, I'm going to make a broccoli-pasta salad with tzatziki sauce on it, so that I have some to take to work for lunch.

What kind of job is it, Cecilie? :)

Doing customer service for an electric company based in South Texas. Added to the part-time job I do at home - providing customer service for a company that owns 150 Pizza Huts in South Texas - I'm a bit concerned about whether I'll be able to stand that many hours on the phone, talking to stupid people. But one does what one must to financially survive a divorce. *shrug* And they told me when they recruited me that what they really wanted was for me to put in the minimum necessary time on the phones so that they can promote me to either supervisor or trainer, which is why I actually accepted the position.
So the kids weren't wild about the chicken; I think they tried to eat it like regular baked chicken, with the skin..and the skin is a little bit strong with the smoke flavor (and a little tough). I took one chicken to my grown kids, and kept one at home...I have been slicing the breast meat, which is YUMMY. I told my dil to pull the meat from the bones, and she said they made wraps out of the chicken I gave them last night, and it was YUMMY. I'm thinking I'm going to make fajitas out of what's left of mine...I think the smoke will give it a very nice taste.
Tonight we had chicken and dumplings using my canned chicken (exceedingly delish), carrots, and bisquik...

and the kids made homemade lemonade! Awesome!

Applesauce for dessert if they are so inclined...my homemade applesauce.

I'm loving the whole canning thing. It is already saving me money.
Fajitas sound SO GOOD right now.

I had half a grilled cheese for dinner. Might fix a baked tater with all the fixin's on it, later.
Chicken enchiladas, with tzatziki-broccoli salad. And I'm baking homemade chocolate chip cookies to take to my training class at work tomorrow, to celebrate the end of our first week.
Stuffed peppers. Stuffed 'em myself if I may say so.

Looking forward to tomorrow - Okonomiyaki! My #1 fav!
Macaroni last night, I'm having left overs tonight. I will be making Puerto Rican rice sometime this week, I've been through 2 weeks without it I'm having withdrawals.
We had pulled pork sammiches on homemade rolls w/ coleslaw last night.

As I've mentioned pretty much in every thread I've been in since then (with pics! haha). Turned out excellent, I made a lot and have a lot left sooooo...

Having pulled pork enchiladas tonight! Hoho! W/refried beans, since I haven't canned any yet...I might do that tonight, we'll see.

So tonight I'll probably add a little chili and a wee touch of hot sauce, roll it up in corn tortillas, make up some enchilada sauce, and slap some cheese on the top and call it cookin.

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