Wells Fargo CEO: "While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to recruit from."

it’s the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Blacks
What do you expect from Wells Fargo ? This was a bank deliberately ropes black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans, targeting them and even falsifying blk people's credit histories to make black applicants look like risks.

I am no fan of Wells Fargo, but do you have any facts to back up any of what you said, because frankly it sounds bat-shit crazy. :eek2yum:
Click on the link

Ah....yeah. I read the entire thing. Nothing about mud people, screwing over black borrowers or any of the other crazy shit you said, I know you feel everyone is out to get you but facts and evidence needs to be presented to convince people, Nothing you alleged is in the link. Nothing,
Read the link.

I read it. I have already said that. Read the post. :D
it’s the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Blacks
Sometimes these people try too hard. Many of the mass foreclosure fraud victims were Black after all, and trying to hire blacks to participate in real estate fraud and other financial crimes against fellow blacks is somewhat a tall order. There's always a Wells Fargo branch or ATM in a bad neighborhood, $3.00+ fee to use the ATM, $100 max withdrawal if you bank anywhere else, or $15–$20+/month if you actually want to pay to maintain a checking account there, and I don't think they pay the tellers all that much anyways, and the employees run a significant risk of criminal prosecution just for working there.

it’s the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Blacks
What do you expect from Wells Fargo ? This was a bank deliberately ropes black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans, targeting them and even falsifying blk people's credit histories to make black applicants look like risks.
Dont be mad at the truth. Black people suck because your culture holds you back. How the fuck are you supposed to compete in the real world when your drop out rates are so high? You people need to learn how to be embarrassed by underachieving. Until yo do, you will continue to underachieve.
Black people suck because your culture holds you back.
Black people are the culture of America. The problem white people think being blk is how you talk and act and think and dress.

Black culture is how white people act towards you because of how you look and dealing with systematic white supremacy.

How the fuck are you supposed to compete in the real world when your drop out rates are so high?
Well here is the thing. White people need a system of white supremacy that gives them an advantage because they know they can't compete on an equal playing field

After all how do you explain white people bribing their way into America's most prestigious universities ?

White people have mothers, fathers who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S.

Everyone knows the education system is rigged in favor of white people.

These college cheating scandals are not new.

The Asian cheating college scandal & a few years ago a man was indicted for taking the exams for wealthy children in New Jersey.

White people hate competing the right way. So they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.

You people need to learn how to be embarrassed by underachieving. Until yo do, you will continue to underachieve.
No other group of Americans has achieved and pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people.
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America should reward merit not skin color
Merit and talent count for nothing in this life on this cursed planet. I was awarded a merit scholarship and earned two college degrees on it, all for nothing.
if blacks dont measure up they should try harder
Affirmative action? There's a lady saying no, and calling the cops to press rape charges, and she wants only yes-men on the college campus.
When you set an arbitrary goal for some percentage of "diversity" in your work force you have shifted your hiring goals from "let's get the best people we can" to "let's lower the bar to make sure we get enough minorities in here". You can call me a Racist if you want, you would be wrong. I just tell it like it is.

If you have two candidates of similar credentials, one is white one is black I have no problem if you pick the black candidate. If the black candidate rates significantly lower than the white candidate and you still pick him, I think that is a problem.

As part of my long career in engineering I did resume screens and interviews. I know what I am talking about.

No you don't. Because if you did, you would consider the possibility of blacks or other people of color actually rating higher than whites. That is never considered by you racists.

it’s the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Blacks
What an ignorant comment-----------blacks more often don't finish school, more often don't have transportation, more often have a criminal degree, more often score lower on skills tests, and more often have a substane abuse habit---which means they are less likely to be hire.

And don't even get me started on that whole baggie pants and ebonics issues.
These are lies. And don't even get me started on dumb whiteness.
No you don't. Because if you did, you would consider the possibility of blacks or other people of color actually rating higher than whites. That is never considered by you racists.
That doesn't even make sense. You have no idea who I hired or didn't hire. You continue to make wrong assumptions about me because of your hatred for White people.
HSBC hired a plethora of minorities into high positions and are a scant few years later on the verge of bankruptcy.
Hire based on skills and drive, not based on race.
Merit and talent count for nothing in this life on this cursed planet. I was awarded a merit scholarship and earned two college degrees on it, all for nothing.
I'm confused, you are smart enough to earn two degrees on merit scholarship and it was for nothing?
I'm confused, you are smart enough to earn two degrees on merit scholarship and it was for nothing?
Every motor vehicle I have ever bought, and almost all of my money and possessions, have only been robbed, stolen, confiscated, seized, and taken from me. I'm not allowed to keep anything I make or earn or own in the notorious thieves' district which the United States has become under Democratic Party small local government rule.

Brute force and thuggery are the only lawful means to earn and keep money or possessions anymore.

Intelligence and education are worthless without the spoils of war, and the shedding of the blood of our enimies.
I'm confused, you are smart enough to earn two degrees on merit scholarship and it was for nothing?
Every motor vehicle I have ever bought, and almost all of my money and possessions, have only been robbed, stolen, confiscated, seized, and taken from me. I'm not allowed to keep anything I make or earn or own in the notorious thieves' district which the United States has become under Democratic Party small local government rule.

Brute force and thuggery are the only lawful means to earn and keep money or possessions anymore.

Intelligence and education are worthless without the spoils of war, and the shedding of the blood of our enimies.
That's horrible. I don't mean to sound trite but did you ever consider leaving the environment you are in and make a clean start?

it’s the CEO of Wells Fargo who lacks the talent to recruit Blacks
Having an IQ of 62, zero work ethic , bad attitudes, and playing the victim card is not employable lol
If someone has an IQ of 140 and a poor work ethic, he or she will be a bad employee. He or she will almost certainly blame his or her failures on things beyond his or her control like prejudice or a biased boss.

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