Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state conventions (never used)
Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state legislatures (never used)
Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions (used once)
Proposal by Congress, ratification by state legislatures (used all other times)

But so what? My point is that if the Constitution can be changed by the majority, then equal rights have no real protection.

And 'rights'?

Gay marriage is hardly one....

Marriage is....according to the SCOTUS anyway. They've declared it such on no less than three occasions.

Since marriage has been declared, not just a right, but a fundamental right...what reasonable person standard is there to deny this fundamental right to law abiding, tax paying gay and lesbian Americans? See, that's the key. Those opposed to granting us that fundamental right have to establish a societal harm in allowing us to marry the non-familial, consenting adult of our choice. Nobody has been able to which is why we keep winning in court.

Gay marriage?

Never been adjudicated by the High Court.

But has by the people.

"If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation)
Since all 31 states that have voted on constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage (SSM) have passed them, typically by overwhelming popular votes,..."
If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation) ? The Monkey Cage

Is it your considered opinion that the people of the nation have no right to have their opinions considered as correct....or only that of someone called a 'judge'?

Do you consider yourself good or exceptionally good at following orders?
And 'rights'?

Gay marriage is hardly one....

Marriage is....according to the SCOTUS anyway. They've declared it such on no less than three occasions.

Since marriage has been declared, not just a right, but a fundamental right...what reasonable person standard is there to deny this fundamental right to law abiding, tax paying gay and lesbian Americans? See, that's the key. Those opposed to granting us that fundamental right have to establish a societal harm in allowing us to marry the non-familial, consenting adult of our choice. Nobody has been able to which is why we keep winning in court.

Gay marriage?

Never been adjudicated by the High Court.

Not yet, but it will be. Using precedent, they can only rule in favor of marriage equality. There is no societal harm and therefore no reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians.

Are there any other fundamental rights you wish only to deny gays and lesbians?

But has by the people.

"If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation)
Since all 31 states that have voted on constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage (SSM) have passed them, typically by overwhelming popular votes,..."
If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation) ? The Monkey Cage

Is it your considered opinion that the people of the nation have no right to have their opinions considered as correct....or only that of someone called a 'judge'?

Do you consider yourself good or exceptionally good at following orders?

Well, it's a damn good thing we haven't let civil rights be a popularity contest before this...

Interracial marriage was decided in a court of law in 1965. What if we had waited for it to be "popular" among the unwashed masses?


Should we have waited until the LATE 1990s to allow interracial marriage?
Marriage is....according to the SCOTUS anyway. They've declared it such on no less than three occasions.

Since marriage has been declared, not just a right, but a fundamental right...what reasonable person standard is there to deny this fundamental right to law abiding, tax paying gay and lesbian Americans? See, that's the key. Those opposed to granting us that fundamental right have to establish a societal harm in allowing us to marry the non-familial, consenting adult of our choice. Nobody has been able to which is why we keep winning in court.

Gay marriage?

Never been adjudicated by the High Court.

Not yet, but it will be. Using precedent, they can only rule in favor of marriage equality. There is no societal harm and therefore no reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians.

Are there any other fundamental rights you wish only to deny gays and lesbians?

But has by the people.

"If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation)
Since all 31 states that have voted on constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage (SSM) have passed them, typically by overwhelming popular votes,..."
If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation) ? The Monkey Cage

Is it your considered opinion that the people of the nation have no right to have their opinions considered as correct....or only that of someone called a 'judge'?

Do you consider yourself good or exceptionally good at following orders?

Well, it's a damn good thing we haven't let civil rights be a popularity contest before this...

Interracial marriage was decided in a court of law in 1965. What if we had waited for it to be "popular" among the unwashed masses?


Should we have waited until the LATE 1990s to allow interracial marriage?

I can see why it is imperative for you to change the subject....but as painful for you as it is, I'm going to stick to this point.

I'm certain that you are one of the 'reliable Democrat voters' who have been immersed in government schools, mainstream media, and Liberal echo chambers...that have convinced you that actually thinking about the beliefs implanted is not to your advantage....

but....…daring to stand up against the common themes, with the concomitant fear of having your fellow leftists accuse you of being against ‘progress and enlightenment” or call you an “airhead”- makes left-wingers tremble and weak men liberals.

No matter! Be brave, independent...

....do you understand that there is a reason why Judeo-Christian tradition is the basis for Western civilization...

....and it is not an accident?

And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?

Stop hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein and use your God-given mind.
Gay marriage?

Never been adjudicated by the High Court.

Not yet, but it will be. Using precedent, they can only rule in favor of marriage equality. There is no societal harm and therefore no reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians.

Are there any other fundamental rights you wish only to deny gays and lesbians?

But has by the people.

"If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation)
Since all 31 states that have voted on constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage (SSM) have passed them, typically by overwhelming popular votes,..."
If Same-Sex Marriage Is so Popular, Why Does It Always Lose at the Ballot Box? (Includes state-level data on support and legislation) ? The Monkey Cage

Is it your considered opinion that the people of the nation have no right to have their opinions considered as correct....or only that of someone called a 'judge'?

Do you consider yourself good or exceptionally good at following orders?

Well, it's a damn good thing we haven't let civil rights be a popularity contest before this...

Interracial marriage was decided in a court of law in 1965. What if we had waited for it to be "popular" among the unwashed masses?


Should we have waited until the LATE 1990s to allow interracial marriage?

I can see why it is imperative for you to change the subject....but as painful for you as it is, I'm going to stick to this point.

I'm certain that you are one of the 'reliable Democrat voters' who have been immersed in government schools, mainstream media, and Liberal echo chambers...that have convinced you that actually thinking about the beliefs implanted is not to your advantage....

but....…daring to stand up against the common themes, with the concomitant fear of having your fellow leftists accuse you of being against ‘progress and enlightenment” or call you an “airhead”- makes left-wingers tremble and weak men liberals.

No matter! Be brave, independent...

....do you understand that there is a reason why Judeo-Christian tradition is the basis for Western civilization...

....and it is not an accident?

And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?

Stop hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein and use your God-given mind.

That whole incoherent tirade has what to do with the discussion?

The only thing you said that made any sense is:

"And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?"

Which is why marriage equality will be a reality. Religion has no bearing on the discussion.

I noted how you addressed a sum zero of my points which proves to me that you have no argument. You can provide no societal harm in allowing me to marry the non-familial, consenting adult partner of my choice.

Don't be distressed by your inability. Nobody else has been able to either...
Not yet, but it will be. Using precedent, they can only rule in favor of marriage equality. There is no societal harm and therefore no reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians.

Are there any other fundamental rights you wish only to deny gays and lesbians?

Well, it's a damn good thing we haven't let civil rights be a popularity contest before this...

Interracial marriage was decided in a court of law in 1965. What if we had waited for it to be "popular" among the unwashed masses?


Should we have waited until the LATE 1990s to allow interracial marriage?

I can see why it is imperative for you to change the subject....but as painful for you as it is, I'm going to stick to this point.

I'm certain that you are one of the 'reliable Democrat voters' who have been immersed in government schools, mainstream media, and Liberal echo chambers...that have convinced you that actually thinking about the beliefs implanted is not to your advantage....

but....…daring to stand up against the common themes, with the concomitant fear of having your fellow leftists accuse you of being against ‘progress and enlightenment” or call you an “airhead”- makes left-wingers tremble and weak men liberals.

No matter! Be brave, independent...

....do you understand that there is a reason why Judeo-Christian tradition is the basis for Western civilization...

....and it is not an accident?

And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?

Stop hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein and use your God-given mind.

That whole incoherent tirade has what to do with the discussion?

The only thing you said that made any sense is:

"And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?"

Which is why marriage equality will be a reality. Religion has no bearing on the discussion.

I noted how you addressed a sum zero of my points which proves to me that you have no argument. You can provide no societal harm in allowing me to marry the non-familial, consenting adult partner of my choice.

Don't be distressed by your inability. Nobody else has been able to either...

1. The point you miss is that you have no point.

2. Gay marriage has nothing to do with the races.


In fact....

"...black voters who, in most states where the issue has been on the ballot, have been overwhelmingly against it? In spite of eloquent pleas from NAACP chapters and progressive black clergy, the black electorate remains unmoved."
Why are blacks lagging on openness to gay marriage? - Los Angeles Times

3. Only the lock-step Leftists, you, are in line with the idea that gay marriage is important.

Gays didn't even turn out for the "Gay Kiss-in" at Chik-Fil-A....

4. The gay marriage push has a two-fold import
a. to gin up support for a failed President

b. to weaken Judeo-Christian foundations of the nation.

Unions had a place once, now they're pretty much just parasites.

I will concede unions have gotten complacent and haven't kept up with the times....

But the reason they are needed, that some people will do anything for a profit, including screw over their own, is still there.

The only problem with that is that companies need to pay a living wage... Who do you think buys their products. Companies wouldn't be in business if people couldn't afford their products..

So what incentive do businesses have fucking over their employees (their customers?)...

If a business didn't pay a decent wage they would be out of business...

Unions only serve to fuck the business owner and that is exactly what they do... "give us whatever the fuck we want or we will go on strike and shut you down."

The real greedy ones are the unions.
Skipping over my argument of how unions have made workplaces safer... gadawg goes into a personal attack.... It ain't about me, guy..


The difference between you and I is that whatever wage you can negotiate for your labor is fine with me. I hope you can get $400 an hour or more and that is okay with me.
Go for it. That is capitalism and the free market.
Another difference between you and I is that if you have more skills than I do and happen to market that and make millions I would congratulate you for that and use you as a role model.
But you look down and condemn anyone out there that makes 1 cent more than you or is willing TO WORK FOR LESS than you. You are so jealous and envious of OTHERS that negotiate their wages in the marketplace the same as you but happen to have more skills than you and cry like a 5 year old and call them "greedy" and "selfish".
Hypocrit like most union members. Too soft to negotiate your own wage so you have to have a mob to do it for you.
It is amazing Joe what you could accomplish in your life if you did not sit around like a cry baby worrying who gets more credit for it.
My grandfather taught me at a young age that if I received $2 an hour then I needed to give $3 worth of work for that. When I played ball I remembered that and always gave 110% and never worried about the times someone else, that was obviously more talented than me!, played more than I did.
Union workers only give what they are paid worrying that if they give a half of 1% more effort than someone else they will not get paid for it.
And that is what has ruined American industry.

Guy, your virtues are all in your own mind, as I suspect is your "success". People who have to brag about their success on the internet are usually right up there with people who brag about their penis size on the internet...

Unions are needed because given human nature, people will try to fuck you if given an oppurtunity, period. All a union does is even the playing field, the last thing in the world a bully wants is someone who can hit back.

And as I've pointed out, it doesn't work this way in the rest of the world. Only in America does someone claim he still deserves his 8-figure severnce package after bankrupting the company.

The oppossite of Capitalism isn't Socialism, it's Democracy.

Where have I bragged about my success? Where?
Not anywhere in that post or anywhere else.
Talk about changing the subject!
Unions are the bullies.
You have a serious insecurity problem Joe.
I can see why it is imperative for you to change the subject....but as painful for you as it is, I'm going to stick to this point.

I'm certain that you are one of the 'reliable Democrat voters' who have been immersed in government schools, mainstream media, and Liberal echo chambers...that have convinced you that actually thinking about the beliefs implanted is not to your advantage....

but....…daring to stand up against the common themes, with the concomitant fear of having your fellow leftists accuse you of being against ‘progress and enlightenment” or call you an “airhead”- makes left-wingers tremble and weak men liberals.

No matter! Be brave, independent...

....do you understand that there is a reason why Judeo-Christian tradition is the basis for Western civilization...

....and it is not an accident?

And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?

Stop hissing at Emmanuel Goldstein and use your God-given mind.

That whole incoherent tirade has what to do with the discussion?

The only thing you said that made any sense is:

"And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?"

Which is why marriage equality will be a reality. Religion has no bearing on the discussion.

I noted how you addressed a sum zero of my points which proves to me that you have no argument. You can provide no societal harm in allowing me to marry the non-familial, consenting adult partner of my choice.

Don't be distressed by your inability. Nobody else has been able to either...

1. The point you miss is that you have no point.

Of course I do, you just don't like it because it's true.

2. Gay marriage has nothing to do with the races.

It does in the precedent set by Loving v Virginia. The discrimination is the same right down to the arguments used.



In fact....

"...black voters who, in most states where the issue has been on the ballot, have been overwhelmingly against it? In spite of eloquent pleas from NAACP chapters and progressive black clergy, the black electorate remains unmoved."
Why are blacks lagging on openness to gay marriage? - Los Angeles Times

:lol: All that proves is that homophobia comes in all colors.

3. Only the lock-step Leftists, you, are in line with the idea that gay marriage is important.



Gays didn't even turn out for the "Gay Kiss-in" at Chik-Fil-A....

Seriously?Because most of us didn't take a day off to suck face at biggoty chicken we must not care? ROFLMAO

4. The gay marriage push has a two-fold import
a. to gin up support for a failed President

Riiigghhttt...like we were gonna vote for Romney before the President supported full marriage equality.

Y'all just can't get your story straight (pardon the pun) on this. I believe there are a few threads on this board about how his support for marriage equality is gonna hurt him. :lol:

b. to weaken Judeo-Christian foundations of the nation.

How? How does allowing us equal access to legal, civil marriage weaken it? We aren't talking about religious marriage.

Help! Irony poisoning...
How many of these idiot rightwing liars on here think this is a problem?

"Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."
Unions are the bullies.


oh god, thanks for that, when you do sarcasm you are very good at it

I have video that I took 20 years ago where a 55 year old woman was attempting to start her new job at a factory and a dozen union thugs beat her with hoses and curtain rods.
Just one of many.
Guess that does not qualify as bullies in your mind.

you are a liar and a moron

nothing you say is ever true, nothing
the whole world knows it too...no joke
That whole incoherent tirade has what to do with the discussion?

The only thing you said that made any sense is:

"And the judges of our nation are charged with applying the Constitution, not altering it based on their opinions?"

Which is why marriage equality will be a reality. Religion has no bearing on the discussion.

I noted how you addressed a sum zero of my points which proves to me that you have no argument. You can provide no societal harm in allowing me to marry the non-familial, consenting adult partner of my choice.

Don't be distressed by your inability. Nobody else has been able to either...

1. The point you miss is that you have no point.

Of course I do, you just don't like it because it's true.

It does in the precedent set by Loving v Virginia. The discrimination is the same right down to the arguments used.

How Arguments Against Gay Marriage Mirror Those Against Miscegenation - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

:lol: All that proves is that homophobia comes in all colors.



Seriously?Because most of us didn't take a day off to suck face at biggoty chicken we must not care? ROFLMAO

Riiigghhttt...like we were gonna vote for Romney before the President supported full marriage equality.

Y'all just can't get your story straight (pardon the pun) on this. I believe there are a few threads on this board about how his support for marriage equality is gonna hurt him. :lol:

b. to weaken Judeo-Christian foundations of the nation.

How? How does allowing us equal access to legal, civil marriage weaken it? We aren't talking about religious marriage.

Help! Irony poisoning...

Some say that the basis for the demand that the definition of marriage be expanded so as to accommodate gays, no matter the basis of the objection by the majority of citizens.

If you feel that there are actual damages suffered as a result of not being called married...even though you state that no one really knows what the exact relationship of one's neighbors is....

...could you list a few of the actual damages suffered sans the acceptance of gay marriage?
Unions had a place once, now they're pretty much just parasites.

I will concede unions have gotten complacent and haven't kept up with the times....

But the reason they are needed, that some people will do anything for a profit, including screw over their own, is still there.

when i see someone who can barely afford mac and cheese for dinner, like ima, say that unions are the problem

i almost weep for their ignorance

oh god, thanks for that, when you do sarcasm you are very good at it

I have video that I took 20 years ago where a 55 year old woman was attempting to start her new job at a factory and a dozen union thugs beat her with hoses and curtain rods.
Just one of many.
Guess that does not qualify as bullies in your mind.

you are a liar and a moron

nothing you say is ever true, nothing
the whole world knows it too...no joke

LOL, my detective agency was hired by the textile manufacturer. We had 2 vans parked with blackened windows and took 14 hours of video in 2 days.
Tell you what, I will make the same bet I have made with a few others here.
10 thousand dollars and you pick someone here to hold the $.
Check with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office Professional Licensing Division and see if I have a Private Detective License since 1982.
Check with the Federal District Court where this case was made and see if that video was entered into evidence. Would bet that case has been archived so you would have to order the transcripts but the Federal Archives are south of Atlanta for that district.
Years ago I worked many a strike across the southeast documenting and preserving evidence of union violence. We made many cases for local and state jurisdictions. Yes, the management of the companies hired us but all we did was memorialize the evidence and it was never pretty. Union violence included stoning vehicles dropping off workers where there were babies in car seats. Call me a liar all you want punk but I have the proof to back it up. That particular case the union filed a Federal injunction answer and I was subpoenaed to produce any and all videos of that incident.

Well, how about it Moe? 10K that I have had a detective license since 1982 and have worked numerous union thug cases from the mid 80s through the mid 90s.

Put up or shut up. Some people like you are all air and talk about it. I LIVE IT.

I was repoing cars and chasing fugitives while you were smashing zits on your forehead and eating boogers.
Last edited:
Unions had a place once, now they're pretty much just parasites.

I will concede unions have gotten complacent and haven't kept up with the times....

But the reason they are needed, that some people will do anything for a profit, including screw over their own, is still there.

The only problem with that is that companies need to pay a living wage... Who do you think buys their products. Companies wouldn't be in business if people couldn't afford their products..

So what incentive do businesses have fucking over their employees (their customers?)...

If a business didn't pay a decent wage they would be out of business...

Unions only serve to fuck the business owner and that is exactly what they do... "give us whatever the fuck we want or we will go on strike and shut you down."

The real greedy ones are the unions.

Except the whole system is rigged towards putting people in debt... except instead of owing their soul to the company story, they owe it to Citibank and Discover.
Yeah, people are forced to go buy that 72 inch big screen TV and charge it on the credit card.
Darn credit card companies for forcing them to do that. Shame on them!
I have video that I took 20 years ago where a 55 year old woman was attempting to start her new job at a factory and a dozen union thugs beat her with hoses and curtain rods.
Just one of many.
Guess that does not qualify as bullies in your mind.

you are a liar and a moron

nothing you say is ever true, nothing
the whole world knows it too...no joke

LOL, my detective agency was hired by the textile manufacturer. We had 2 vans parked with blackened windows and took 14 hours of video in 2 days.
Tell you what, I will make the same bet I have made with a few others here.
10 thousand dollars and you pick someone here to hold the $.
Check with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office Professional Licensing Division and see if I have a Private Detective License since 1982.
Check with the Federal District Court where this case was made and see if that video was entered into evidence. Would bet that case has been archived so you would have to order the transcripts but the Federal Archives are south of Atlanta for that district.
Years ago I worked many a strike across the southeast documenting and preserving evidence of union violence. We made many cases for local and state jurisdictions. Yes, the management of the companies hired us but all we did was memorialize the evidence and it was never pretty. Union violence included stoning vehicles dropping off workers where there were babies in car seats. Call me a liar all you want punk but I have the proof to back it up. That particular case the union filed a Federal injunction answer and I was subpoenaed to produce any and all videos of that incident.

Well, how about it Moe? 10K that I have had a detective license since 1982 and have worked numerous union thug cases from the mid 80s through the mid 90s.

Put up or shut up. Some people like you are all air and talk about it. I LIVE IT.

I was repoing cars and chasing fugitives while you were smashing zits on your forehead and eating boogers.

So what you are saying is that instead of helping that woman, you just sat there and watched her get beat....

That make you even more reprehensible than they were.

They were beating a scab who was stealing their jobs... there was a legit greivence there.

YOu just sat around and let it happen so you could get a big payday.

I take it back. I'd have respect for you if all you did was take dirty pictures.
Yeah, people are forced to go buy that 72 inch big screen TV and charge it on the credit card.
Darn credit card companies for forcing them to do that. Shame on them!

Okay, let's look at that...

How much do the makers of that big screen spend tellign people THEY JUST HAVE TO HAVE THAT!!!

I've never seen the commercial that says, "You should only buy what you can afford on your budget." Nope. It's buy, buy, buy.

Seriously, fuck off. The only thing worse than the plutocrats are their toadies.

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