Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Can someone get Bizarro Girl back on her medication?

When will you realize that repetition is a sure give-away of lack of imagination....

...plus, it wasn't even clever the first time.

See, it tends to be excessive.

Let me define that for you: Excessive- like putting a dunking chair on the Titanic.

Put a little more effort into these posts.


(Too long; didn't read; you're stupid and should stop posting.
Can someone get Bizarro Girl back on her medication?

When will you realize that repetition is a sure give-away of lack of imagination....

...plus, it wasn't even clever the first time.

See, it tends to be excessive.

Let me define that for you: Excessive- like putting a dunking chair on the Titanic.

Put a little more effort into these posts.


(Too long; didn't read; you're stupid and should stop posting.

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the posts wherein non-thinking Leftist robots reveal how accurate I am in posting about the desires of the Liberal.

Countless times I've exposed these two themes:

1. The ad hominem, so very useful to those who are unable to absorb, much less rebut, a conservative post.


2. ...rather than debate an idea, you less intellectually endowed wish to shut down opposition ideas.

And, right on cue....

...you post:

"....you're stupid and should stop posting."

And...a bonus....you admit you can't read!!!

I get a hat-trick!

Please...don't ever change.
Well....not that you could.

You’re probably the right one to ask this….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?
I used to think Bizarro Girl was just a really stupid person....

But now I think she has some kind of serious issue... The OCD numbering of points, to start with.

1. "I used to think...."
C'mon now....isn't that a bit of an exaggeration???

2. "But now I think she has some kind of serious issue... "
You know that, in reality, it is just your abject fear.

3. There is no number three, I just put it in to bug you.
When will you realize that repetition is a sure give-away of lack of imagination....

...plus, it wasn't even clever the first time.

See, it tends to be excessive.

Let me define that for you: Excessive- like putting a dunking chair on the Titanic.

Put a little more effort into these posts.


(Too long; didn't read; you're stupid and should stop posting.

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the posts wherein non-thinking Leftist robots reveal how accurate I am in posting about the desires of the Liberal.

Countless times I've exposed these two themes:

1. The ad hominem, so very useful to those who are unable to absorb, much less rebut, a conservative post.


2. ...rather than debate an idea, you less intellectually endowed wish to shut down opposition ideas.

And, right on cue....

...you post:

"....you're stupid and should stop posting."

And...a bonus....you admit you can't read!!!

I get a hat-trick!

Please...don't ever change.
Well....not that you could.

You’re probably the right one to ask this….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?


Tick...if I get your drift, you think this thread is about homosexuality.....

You may have stopped in at the wrong place.

I understand the thread to be about Chik-Fil-A, and/or gay marriage.....

...is the difference too nuanced for you?

So you can go back to non-incendiary Cheerios....

The moron was protesting General Mills because they support same sex marriage in their benefit packages. There's no nuanced difference. Take from his protest what you will.

Tick...if I get your drift, you think this thread is about homosexuality.....

You may have stopped in at the wrong place.

I understand the thread to be about Chik-Fil-A, and/or gay marriage.....

...is the difference too nuanced for you?

So you can go back to non-incendiary Cheerios....

The moron was protesting General Mills because they support same sex marriage in their benefit packages. There's no nuanced difference. Take from his protest what you will.

READ: Deflection. :eusa_hand:
Tick...if I get your drift, you think this thread is about homosexuality.....

You may have stopped in at the wrong place.

I understand the thread to be about Chik-Fil-A, and/or gay marriage.....

...is the difference too nuanced for you?

So you can go back to non-incendiary Cheerios....

The moron was protesting General Mills because they support same sex marriage in their benefit packages. There's no nuanced difference. Take from his protest what you will.

READ: Deflection. :eusa_hand:

Read: The T is on the sauce again and trying to use big words.
Yep, I did that but it was nothing to brag about.
A gang of male punks pummeling a 55 year old lady.
And you are proud of that. A woman wanting to feed her kids.
A mine collapsing costs a company 1000 times what it would cost them to settle a union strike Joe.
I am amazed you would post such bull shit.
You obviously do not know shit about mining. OSHA and 101 other government agencies has to okay any mine opening after a strike or during a strike if there are new workers that come in.
But you know that. You know what you are posting is a pack of lies to inflame and distort the truth.
That is what union goons do.

NO, they beat up a scab that crossed a picket line. Once you're told not to do something and you do it, you kind of get what's coming to you. No sympathy there.

Funny, you've told this story about 10 times, this is the first time she was a 55 year old lady. Before she was a male truck driver...

Fact is, right after they toss the unions out, the safety usually goes out the window. Again, what happens when you have desperate scabs who couldn't qualify to even get into the union.

Upper Big Branch Mine disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 19, 2011, the independent investigation team released a report which faulted both Massey Energy and the MSHA for the blast. Massey was strongly condemned by the report for multiple failures to meet basic safety standards outlined in the Mine Act of 1977. “A company that was a towering presence in the Appalachian coal fields operated its mines in a profoundly reckless manner, and 29 coal miners paid with their lives for the corporate risk taking,” read the report. “The company's ventilation system did not adequately ventilate the mine. As a result, explosive gases were allowed to build up.” Also detailed in the report are allegations that Massey Energy threatened miners with termination if they stopped work in areas that lacked adequate oxygen levels. Numerous other state and federal safety standards that Massey failed to comply with were detailed in the report.

Wow, good thing we didn't have a union there making sure that they could fire those slacker who wouldn't go into dangerous shafts...

I am sure you beat up old women to make sure the mines are safe.
Unions are on the way out Joe as only 20% of mines are unionized now. Get used to it.
You lost. Suck it up and shake our hands and play another day.
Explain to us how a company that pays higher than market wages extorted from them by union violence have more $$ for safety.
This ought to be rich.
Admit it Joe. In discussions about business and profit you have no clue. You are a union man. All you care about is your job. If you really cared about safety you would not beat up old women.
Last edited:
One can only wonder if you noticed that my thesis of the Left's association with violence is documented, linked to three sources.

Now, compare that to what you managed to bang out with your paws.....are you able to understand why you are considered a dim-wit?

You do?

Excellent. Or, at least a good start.

Would you agree with me that remediation probably would be a waste of effort...and you would be better served to proceed immediately with the lobotomy?

Cherry piping isnt evidence....

"Cherry piping...."????

"Cherry piping..."????

Need I say more?

picking.....i thought i fixed it....but do shut up.....
I note your efforts.....but have no fear: your annual "Stupidest Poster" award is assured.

But...in the subcategory....help me with this....

....which is lower, your use of language, or your IQ?

Awe..don't worry dear, nothing can be worse than this thread you made...

....and when you are give the award this year, try to keep the "duhs" out of your speech.

you still made this thread..It is amazing how instead of admitting error, you double down on everything.

See the thing that you retards don't get but expect. Is the idea that every little post you make is a gem buried in the internets just waiting for someone to discover it.

You are Pc what i call a "wannabe Crank". You want to be taken as an intellectual, as someone to be respected for your amazing insights.

When the reality is you are a partisan hack who has a bigger thesaurus then lets say Stephanie. You dont deserve the time of day for a serious debate.
Yep, I did that but it was nothing to brag about.
A gang of male punks pummeling a 55 year old lady.
And you are proud of that. A woman wanting to feed her kids.
A mine collapsing costs a company 1000 times what it would cost them to settle a union strike Joe.
I am amazed you would post such bull shit.
You obviously do not know shit about mining. OSHA and 101 other government agencies has to okay any mine opening after a strike or during a strike if there are new workers that come in.
But you know that. You know what you are posting is a pack of lies to inflame and distort the truth.
That is what union goons do.

NO, they beat up a scab that crossed a picket line. Once you're told not to do something and you do it, you kind of get what's coming to you. No sympathy there.

Funny, you've told this story about 10 times, this is the first time she was a 55 year old lady. Before she was a male truck driver...

Fact is, right after they toss the unions out, the safety usually goes out the window. Again, what happens when you have desperate scabs who couldn't qualify to even get into the union.

Upper Big Branch Mine disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 19, 2011, the independent investigation team released a report which faulted both Massey Energy and the MSHA for the blast. Massey was strongly condemned by the report for multiple failures to meet basic safety standards outlined in the Mine Act of 1977. “A company that was a towering presence in the Appalachian coal fields operated its mines in a profoundly reckless manner, and 29 coal miners paid with their lives for the corporate risk taking,” read the report. “The company's ventilation system did not adequately ventilate the mine. As a result, explosive gases were allowed to build up.” Also detailed in the report are allegations that Massey Energy threatened miners with termination if they stopped work in areas that lacked adequate oxygen levels. Numerous other state and federal safety standards that Massey failed to comply with were detailed in the report.

Wow, good thing we didn't have a union there making sure that they could fire those slacker who wouldn't go into dangerous shafts...

I am sure you beat up old women to make sure the mines are safe.
Unions are on the way out Joe as only 20% of mines are unionized now. Get used to it.
You lost. Suck it up and shake our hands and play another day.
Explain to us how a company that pays higher than market wages extorted from them by union violence have more $$ for safety.
This ought to be rich.
Admit it Joe. In discussions about business and profit you have no clue. You are a union man. All you care about is your job. If you really cared about safety you would not beat up old women.

Actually, unions will make a comeback.

Asshole capitalists? Well, I think you need to look up France 1789 to see how that usually works out.

But seriously, how do unions make workplaces safer.... Hmmmmm....

Scenario One-

Scab Worker- "Hey, Boss, the mine is unsafe. I don't think we should go down there until you spend some money to fix the problem."

Asshole - "Get down in that mine, or you're fired."

And then because he's a stupid scab and he doesn't know what he's doing, he manages to get a bunch of people killed. Because he hasn't worked as a apprentice to a miner who knows what he's doing. He's just some scab who got hired off the street. So you Get Sabo or Big Branch.

Scenario Two

Union worker "Hey, Boss, the mine is unsafe. I don't think we should go down there until you spend some money and fix the problem."

Asshole = Get down in that m ine or your fired.

Union Worker- "Um, no, actually, you're going to fix it, or we shut down your operation. And none of the other guilds will work with you until you do."

Simple thing. It's called "an equal playing feild". Maybe the asshole decides to get out of the mine business and sell it, and the next guy does it right.
Awe..don't worry dear, nothing can be worse than this thread you made...

....and when you are give the award this year, try to keep the "duhs" out of your speech.

you still made this thread..It is amazing how instead of admitting error, you double down on everything.

See the thing that you retards don't get but expect. Is the idea that every little post you make is a gem buried in the internets just waiting for someone to discover it.

You are Pc what i call a "wannabe Crank". You want to be taken as an intellectual, as someone to be respected for your amazing insights.

When the reality is you are a partisan hack who has a bigger thesaurus then lets say Stephanie. You dont deserve the time of day for a serious debate.

"You want to be taken as an intellectual,..."

Just curious, 'piping', considering the immense distance involved between you and any associations with 'intellectuals,'.....exactly how would you be able to recognize one?

Wouldn't one appear as the same dot on the horizon as, say....one of your ability?
Cherry piping isnt evidence....

"Cherry piping...."????

"Cherry piping..."????

Need I say more?

picking.....i thought i fixed it....but do shut up.....

Every heard of Wm.Shakespeare?

When he heard someone refer to 'Cherry piping' he wrote:

"Hoist with his own petard,..."

OK...I have to admit....it was the funniest post of the day....."Cherry piping...."

Keep it up, piping....at least you're good for something: comic relief.
So basically, if enough people agree, you can un-sanction any equal rights? So in other words, you could vote to re-instate slavery as well?

What part of enumerated powers do you not understand? The XIII Amendment makes your question absurd.

Amendment XIII

Section 1

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Some of our Leftist friends received all of their instruction via 'Schoolhouse Rock.'

Constitutions can be amended if enough people agree, making them pretty much useless in protecting equal rights. Just look at gay marriage, some states want it put in their constitution making it illegal. So equal rights aren't really protected in the US, unless of course the Supremes say so. Which they will. No doubt.
What part of enumerated powers do you not understand? The XIII Amendment makes your question absurd.

Amendment XIII

Section 1

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Some of our Leftist friends received all of their instruction via 'Schoolhouse Rock.'

Constitutions can be amended if enough people agree, making them pretty much useless in protecting equal rights. Just look at gay marriage, some states want it put in their constitution making it illegal. So equal rights aren't really protected in the US, unless of course the Supremes say so. Which they will. No doubt.

The People are the reservoir of power.

Not the courts, nor even elected official, who know better than the people.

If the people of the state decide to favor gay marriage, then so be it.
As of now, that has not been the case.

By the way, youra, although it is early in the day, your statement:

"Constitutions can be amended if enough people agree, making them pretty much useless in protecting equal rights. ..."

...is certainly in the running for 'the dumbest statement of the day.'

My money is on you.
Some of our Leftist friends received all of their instruction via 'Schoolhouse Rock.'

Constitutions can be amended if enough people agree, making them pretty much useless in protecting equal rights. Just look at gay marriage, some states want it put in their constitution making it illegal. So equal rights aren't really protected in the US, unless of course the Supremes say so. Which they will. No doubt.

The People are the reservoir of power.

Not the courts, nor even elected official, who know better than the people.

If the people of the state decide to favor gay marriage, then so be it.
As of now, that has not been the case.

By the way, youra, although it is early in the day, your statement:

"Constitutions can be amended if enough people agree, making them pretty much useless in protecting equal rights. ..."

...is certainly in the running for 'the dumbest statement of the day.'

My money is on you.

Why? What's the problem? Constitution CAN be amended.:confused:
Here's how it's going to play out. Six states have legalized gay marriage.

God did not wipe them off the face of the earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Other states will in the short term, but the real kicker is going to be when the SCOTUS slaps down DOMA, making gay marriage in those six states valid in all the other no matter what the bigots like Dan Cathy think.

Then those other states are going to realize, "Hey, there's money being made and we ain't making it."

Gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states by 2020.

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