Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

you are a liar and a moron

nothing you say is ever true, nothing
the whole world knows it too...no joke

LOL, my detective agency was hired by the textile manufacturer. We had 2 vans parked with blackened windows and took 14 hours of video in 2 days.
Tell you what, I will make the same bet I have made with a few others here.
10 thousand dollars and you pick someone here to hold the $.
Check with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office Professional Licensing Division and see if I have a Private Detective License since 1982.
Check with the Federal District Court where this case was made and see if that video was entered into evidence. Would bet that case has been archived so you would have to order the transcripts but the Federal Archives are south of Atlanta for that district.
Years ago I worked many a strike across the southeast documenting and preserving evidence of union violence. We made many cases for local and state jurisdictions. Yes, the management of the companies hired us but all we did was memorialize the evidence and it was never pretty. Union violence included stoning vehicles dropping off workers where there were babies in car seats. Call me a liar all you want punk but I have the proof to back it up. That particular case the union filed a Federal injunction answer and I was subpoenaed to produce any and all videos of that incident.

Well, how about it Moe? 10K that I have had a detective license since 1982 and have worked numerous union thug cases from the mid 80s through the mid 90s.

Put up or shut up. Some people like you are all air and talk about it. I LIVE IT.

I was repoing cars and chasing fugitives while you were smashing zits on your forehead and eating boogers.

So what you are saying is that instead of helping that woman, you just sat there and watched her get beat....

That make you even more reprehensible than they were.

They were beating a scab who was stealing their jobs... there was a legit greivence there.

YOu just sat around and let it happen so you could get a big payday.

I take it back. I'd have respect for you if all you did was take dirty pictures.

LOL, no we helped her and since we were employees of the company the union filed a Federal lawsuit against the company for interfering with a lawful union strike.

Their case was that we had no right to stop them from beating the woman as she was illegally crossing a picket line.

The video proved us right and sent your team to the slammer Joe.
But you are very good at slanting, distorting and twisting the truth Joe.
You have to be a liar, a thug and a wimp. You are a union man.
LOL, no we helped her and since we were employees of the company the union filed a Federal lawsuit against the company for interfering with a lawful union strike.

Their case was that we had no right to stop them from beating the woman as she was illegally crossing a picket line.

The video proved us right and sent your team to the slammer Joe.
But you are very good at slanting, distorting and twisting the truth Joe.
You have to be a liar, a thug and a wimp. You are a union man.

Well, hopefull, the next time they beat the shit out of the paid spies. And smash all their equipment. And then their kneecaps.

Of course, your story always changes on this, before it was a truck driver who got shot, now it's some old lady who got beat up...

I'm sure it'll be a starving orphan the next time you tell it.
Yeah, people are forced to go buy that 72 inch big screen TV and charge it on the credit card.
Darn credit card companies for forcing them to do that. Shame on them!

Okay, let's look at that...

How much do the makers of that big screen spend tellign people THEY JUST HAVE TO HAVE THAT!!!

I've never seen the commercial that says, "You should only buy what you can afford on your budget." Nope. It's buy, buy, buy.

Seriously, fuck off. The only thing worse than the plutocrats are their toadies.

So if I spent a lot of money on commercials telling you "You just have to have a cock in your mouth" you would go and suck off the nearest dude you saw.

You are full of excuses but that makes sense, you are a union man.
LOL, no we helped her and since we were employees of the company the union filed a Federal lawsuit against the company for interfering with a lawful union strike.

Their case was that we had no right to stop them from beating the woman as she was illegally crossing a picket line.

The video proved us right and sent your team to the slammer Joe.
But you are very good at slanting, distorting and twisting the truth Joe.
You have to be a liar, a thug and a wimp. You are a union man.

Well, hopefull, the next time they beat the shit out of the paid spies. And smash all their equipment. And then their kneecaps.

Of course, your story always changes on this, before it was a truck driver who got shot, now it's some old lady who got beat up...

I'm sure it'll be a starving orphan the next time you tell it.

Where is your $$$ Joe. You also called me a liar years ago and would not back it up.
I offered you the same bet.
All of that has happened and more. One time they had the mat that law enforcement uses to flatten tires and we documented that also.
At least you admit you are a thug and support gang mugging of old women.
Yeah, people are forced to go buy that 72 inch big screen TV and charge it on the credit card.
Darn credit card companies for forcing them to do that. Shame on them!

Okay, let's look at that...

How much do the makers of that big screen spend tellign people THEY JUST HAVE TO HAVE THAT!!!

I've never seen the commercial that says, "You should only buy what you can afford on your budget." Nope. It's buy, buy, buy.

Seriously, fuck off. The only thing worse than the plutocrats are their toadies.

So if I spent a lot of money on commercials telling you "You just have to have a cock in your mouth" you would go and suck off the nearest dude you saw.

You are full of excuses but that makes sense, you are a union man.

NO, I wouldn't.

I also don't go out and buy a 72 Inch Screen I can't afford.

But your fellow travellers on the REligious right you've gotten into bed with seem to think that if you have a show like Glee, people are going to start sucking cocks, so they want that off the air totally... even if they show gayness in the most benign terms.
Where is your $$$ Joe. You also called me a liar years ago and would not back it up.
I offered you the same bet.
All of that has happened and more. One time they had the mat that law enforcement uses to flatten tires and we documented that also.
At least you admit you are a thug and support gang mugging of old women.

Since I've been here about 13 months, how can I have called you "liar years ago"? That would seem to be illogical.

Seriously, man, given your lack of reasoning skills, I really can't believe they would hire you to investigate a case that Scooby Doo could solve.
Okay, let's look at that...

How much do the makers of that big screen spend tellign people THEY JUST HAVE TO HAVE THAT!!!

I've never seen the commercial that says, "You should only buy what you can afford on your budget." Nope. It's buy, buy, buy.

Seriously, fuck off. The only thing worse than the plutocrats are their toadies.

So if I spent a lot of money on commercials telling you "You just have to have a cock in your mouth" you would go and suck off the nearest dude you saw.

You are full of excuses but that makes sense, you are a union man.

NO, I wouldn't.

I also don't go out and buy a 72 Inch Screen I can't afford.

But your fellow travellers on the REligious right you've gotten into bed with seem to think that if you have a show like Glee, people are going to start sucking cocks, so they want that off the air totally... even if they show gayness in the most benign terms.

Put the pipe down Joe. YOU KNOW that I oppose the religous right as much or more than you do.
I thought we were on the same page on that one. You must be BLIND.

Put the pipe down Joe. YOU KNOW that I oppose the religous right as much or more than you do.
I thought we were on the same page on that one. You must be BLIND.

I oppose the religious right, but I don't get into bed with them.

I used to, when I voted more Right Wing. Now I know better. Happened when my scumbag ex-boss announced he was totally going to suck up to a higher up manager at my expense becuase, "Hey, this isn't a union shop, and I don't have to respect seniority or record of job performance. I can just do what I want."

A year after that conversation, he had to let 60% of his employees go, before he hopped to antoher job himself.

So I get pretty sick of people who treat management like they are gods.

The fact is, that if you never talked about religous stuff on the right, and social issues, and guns, and got people scared of foriegners, no one would vote for you. Plutocracy was utterly crushed in the FDR years.

It just picked up a cross and a bible and a flag and got in through the back door.

Put the pipe down Joe. YOU KNOW that I oppose the religous right as much or more than you do.
I thought we were on the same page on that one. You must be BLIND.

I oppose the religious right, but I don't get into bed with them.

I used to, when I voted more Right Wing. Now I know better. Happened when my scumbag ex-boss announced he was totally going to suck up to a higher up manager at my expense becuase, "Hey, this isn't a union shop, and I don't have to respect seniority or record of job performance. I can just do what I want."

A year after that conversation, he had to let 60% of his employees go, before he hopped to antoher job himself.

So I get pretty sick of people who treat management like they are gods.

The fact is, that if you never talked about religous stuff on the right, and social issues, and guns, and got people scared of foriegners, no one would vote for you. Plutocracy was utterly crushed in the FDR years.

It just picked up a cross and a bible and a flag and got in through the back door.

Joe, I never treat management like Gods.
Take a guess why I ALWAYS got ALL of my fees for the entire job UP FRONT from management.
What does that tell you about my opinion of management and if I trusted them?
I have absolutely NO problems with unions in a right to work state.
My problem is you forcing people to join YOUR union.
That is slavery.
Joe, I never treat management like Gods.
Take a guess why I ALWAYS got ALL of my fees for the entire job UP FRONT from management.
What does that tell you about my opinion of management and if I trusted them?
I have absolutely NO problems with unions in a right to work state.
My problem is you forcing people to join YOUR union.
That is slavery.

It tells me that you have no sense of ethics or morals. That you take a check from people you know are immoral. You're really no better than a mercenary who shoots people to collect blood diamonds.

Now, I've got a bit of bitterness towards some past employers... the last one particularly. But I wouldn't take any job if I didn't think I was going to accomplish some good.

Yeah, my current job is a headache, but the products we make save lives. I like my co-workers. I also realize that my management will try to cheat me at every oppurtunity, because that's their job.

What a union's job is, basically, is to keep them from doing that.

I think every workplace should be REQUIRED to have a union. Period.

And frankly, when you have a high level of unionization, you have a high level of prosperity. Because management is forced to be better-

Oh, by the way, I noticed you completely ignored my points about child labor and unsafe mines that you had when there weren't unions...
Joe, I never treat management like Gods.
Take a guess why I ALWAYS got ALL of my fees for the entire job UP FRONT from management.
What does that tell you about my opinion of management and if I trusted them?
I have absolutely NO problems with unions in a right to work state.
My problem is you forcing people to join YOUR union.
That is slavery.

It tells me that you have no sense of ethics or morals. That you take a check from people you know are immoral. You're really no better than a mercenary who shoots people to collect blood diamonds.

Now, I've got a bit of bitterness towards some past employers... the last one particularly. But I wouldn't take any job if I didn't think I was going to accomplish some good.

Yeah, my current job is a headache, but the products we make save lives. I like my co-workers. I also realize that my management will try to cheat me at every oppurtunity, because that's their job.

What a union's job is, basically, is to keep them from doing that.

I think every workplace should be REQUIRED to have a union. Period.

And frankly, when you have a high level of unionization, you have a high level of prosperity. Because management is forced to be better-

Oh, by the way, I noticed you completely ignored my points about child labor and unsafe mines that you had when there weren't unions...

You justify beating up old women with weapons to keep your job and you lecture me about morals and ethics.
You are stupider than I thought. Thanks for confirming it.
When have children worked in mines lately Joe? 100 years ago?
You are a lost cause.

You justify beating up old women with weapons to keep your job and you lecture me about morals and ethics.
You are stupider than I thought. Thanks for confirming it.
When have children worked in mines lately Joe? 100 years ago?
You are a lost cause.

The unethical thing there was crossing that picket line to start with, not what followed.

You wingnuts would shoot a person if they came out of your house carrying out your TV, but you think that someone stealing your livelihood should be met with "Oh, well."

Fact is, Children don't work in mines now because people joined unions and fought against it. It certainly wasn't the folks hiring the Pinkerton Agency to bust them up who thought, "Wow, putting a child in a dangerous place like a coal mine is wrong!"
Some say that the basis for the demand that the definition of marriage be expanded so as to accommodate gays, no matter the basis of the objection by the majority of citizens.

"Some say"? Fox viewer I see...

The majority of citizens were overwhelmingly opposed to interracial marriage in 1965 when it was ruled on by the SCOTUS. Look at those numbers again...


Only 20% of Americans thought it should be legal. This is a simple yes or no question...since it was SOOOOOOO unpopular in the eyes of the American public, should it have been done?

Now, take a look at the same "popularity" poll regarding gay and lesbian marriage equality...(and just to be on an even keel, I'm providing Gallup again)


How popular do we need to be to achieve equality?

If you feel that there are actual damages suffered as a result of not being called married...even though you state that no one really knows what the exact relationship of one's neighbors is....

...could you list a few of the actual damages suffered sans the acceptance of gay marriage?

Well, let's start with the additional health care tax I pay...


Then we can talk about the fact that I'm a military retiree and my spouse cannot collect my pension in the event of my untimely demise. I can't make her a dependent on my retiree Heath Care plan. She can't even do the shopping at the commissary despite being the stay-at-home parent of our FAMILY.

Married couples get tax breaks on their Federal taxes, don't they? I don't.

And then there is the over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage...



You'll notice I've responded to your questions (with links, I might add) while you have yet to provide a single overriding harm that would result from me being able to legally marry my partner of 17 years and providing the stability of those legal protections that come with civil marriage. Where is the societal harm?
Some say that the basis for the demand that the definition of marriage be expanded so as to accommodate gays, no matter the basis of the objection by the majority of citizens.

"Some say"? Fox viewer I see...

The majority of citizens were overwhelmingly opposed to interracial marriage in 1965 when it was ruled on by the SCOTUS. Look at those numbers again...


Only 20% of Americans thought it should be legal. This is a simple yes or no question...since it was SOOOOOOO unpopular in the eyes of the American public, should it have been done?

Now, take a look at the same "popularity" poll regarding gay and lesbian marriage equality...(and just to be on an even keel, I'm providing Gallup again)


How popular do we need to be to achieve equality?

If you feel that there are actual damages suffered as a result of not being called married...even though you state that no one really knows what the exact relationship of one's neighbors is....

...could you list a few of the actual damages suffered sans the acceptance of gay marriage?

Well, let's start with the additional health care tax I pay...

Gay couples face bigger health insurance coverage bills - MSN Money

Then we can talk about the fact that I'm a military retiree and my spouse cannot collect my pension in the event of my untimely demise. I can't make her a dependent on my retiree Heath Care plan. She can't even do the shopping at the commissary despite being the stay-at-home parent of our FAMILY.

Married couples get tax breaks on their Federal taxes, don't they? I don't.

And then there is the over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage...

Marriage Rights and Benefits | Nolo.com

HowStuffWorks "Benefits of Marriage"

You'll notice I've responded to your questions (with links, I might add) while you have yet to provide a single overriding harm that would result from me being able to legally marry my partner of 17 years and providing the stability of those legal protections that come with civil marriage. Where is the societal harm?

You've listed three problems/damages.
If those were ameliorated, are you saying that 'civil unions' are acceptable?
Unions had a place once, now they're pretty much just parasites.

I will concede unions have gotten complacent and haven't kept up with the times....

But the reason they are needed, that some people will do anything for a profit, including screw over their own, is still there.

when i see someone who can barely afford mac and cheese for dinner, like ima, say that unions are the problem

i almost weep for their ignorance

What makes you think that I can't afford a mac and cheese? I've never been in a union, they tried once, I told them to fuck off. And I did very well for myself, thank you very much.
Pol chick, you never answered my question: why are you so obsessed with what people you don't know (gays) get up to?

Is your religion telling you to hate gays?
Pol chick, you never answered my question: why are you so obsessed with what people you don't know (gays) get up to?

Is your religion telling you to hate gays?

Can you provide any indication that I am "so obsessed with what people you don't know (gays) get up to?"


The statement is a fabrication on your part, similar to the fabrication that the Obama administration advanced that Romney is in any way responsible for the death of Ms. Soptic.

And, probably, based on the same dishonest frenzy.
Pol chick, you never answered my question: why are you so obsessed with what people you don't know (gays) get up to?

Is your religion telling you to hate gays?

Can you provide any indication that I am "so obsessed with what people you don't know (gays) get up to?"


The statement is a fabrication on your part, similar to the fabrication that the Obama administration advanced that Romney is in any way responsible for the death of Ms. Soptic.
You're against gay marriage, right? So you must care what people you don't know get up to, otherwise you wouldn't care.

And, probably, based on the same dishonest frenzy.

You're against gay marriage, right? So you must care what people you don't know get up to, otherwise you wouldn't care.
You're also basing your opposition on religious grounds, and everyone should know that the bible is a load of fiction, written by people who had barely just invented the wheel and who thought the world was flat... So instead of leaning on an invisible being to guide your way of thinking, why not just live and let live, I think Jesus, if he actually really existed, would have married gays himself, as he was very likely gay as well.
Some say that the basis for the demand that the definition of marriage be expanded so as to accommodate gays, no matter the basis of the objection by the majority of citizens.

"Some say"? Fox viewer I see...

The majority of citizens were overwhelmingly opposed to interracial marriage in 1965 when it was ruled on by the SCOTUS. Look at those numbers again...


Only 20% of Americans thought it should be legal. This is a simple yes or no question...since it was SOOOOOOO unpopular in the eyes of the American public, should it have been done?

Now, take a look at the same "popularity" poll regarding gay and lesbian marriage equality...(and just to be on an even keel, I'm providing Gallup again)


How popular do we need to be to achieve equality?

If you feel that there are actual damages suffered as a result of not being called married...even though you state that no one really knows what the exact relationship of one's neighbors is....

...could you list a few of the actual damages suffered sans the acceptance of gay marriage?

Well, let's start with the additional health care tax I pay...

Gay couples face bigger health insurance coverage bills - MSN Money

Then we can talk about the fact that I'm a military retiree and my spouse cannot collect my pension in the event of my untimely demise. I can't make her a dependent on my retiree Heath Care plan. She can't even do the shopping at the commissary despite being the stay-at-home parent of our FAMILY.

Married couples get tax breaks on their Federal taxes, don't they? I don't.

And then there is the over 1,000 rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage...

Marriage Rights and Benefits | Nolo.com

HowStuffWorks "Benefits of Marriage"

You'll notice I've responded to your questions (with links, I might add) while you have yet to provide a single overriding harm that would result from me being able to legally marry my partner of 17 years and providing the stability of those legal protections that come with civil marriage. Where is the societal harm?

You've listed three problems/damages.
If those were ameliorated, are you saying that 'civil unions' are acceptable?

Look at that...STILL not a single answer to the questions posed and yet here you are AGAIN asking yet another question yourself.

I will be happy to answer your Civil Union question when you answer my two simple question I posed.

Number one...Since interracial marriage was so unpopular, should it have been ruled on by the SCOTUS, yes or no.

Number two...What is the societal harm in allowing me the rights, benefits and protections of legal, civil marriage?

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