We're All Becoming Border States Now


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
Massachusetts Sheriff: ?We?re All Becoming Border States? | Washington Free Beacon

"Massachusetts Sheriff Tom Hodgson is speaking out against the flow of illegal immigrants to his state, saying, “We’re all becoming border states now.”

“We want to know, what are the trends? What’s happening? What can we expect? We know there are going to be more coming here from Texas. We’ve already had two groups coming off the planes here,” Hodgson told his local news station."

Funny how "conservative" all of those enlightened blue states become when faced with the reality that us knuckle dragging, racist, red states have dealt with for years. It's always easy to champion your liberal cause when it doesn't occur in YOUR backyard. Now the rest of the country is wanting to know exactly what the hell are we supposed to do with these people who will drain or resources. Welcome to the world you helped create when you voted for Obama twice. Shipping people all over the nation and giving everyone a taste of what the southern border states have dealt with will put a coffin in the nail of the open border/amnesty crowd.
He's right, I live in Virginia and its like that here too. Eventually we'll become a Hispanic country and this won't matter anymore.
He's right, I live in Virginia and its like that here too. Eventually we'll become a Hispanic country and this won't matter anymore.

Sad but true. I have no issue with immigration or people of color. I have no problem with being a "melting pot", but the people coming don't want to melt like the people who came in the past. Those coming across the border illegally simply want to be safe and eat and I don't begrudge them that. But there is a process. And it is in the vested interest of any country to control who they allow in. Will they add to society or be a drain on society? Those crossing the border illegally will be a drain. All of those states north, east and west are finally catching on to the reality of the situation. They are all for letting anyone in as long as it's Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. that have to deal with absorbing them and caring for them. This is no different than all the liberals who cry for wind power until a company wants to build turbines within eyesight of their yard. It's different when the show is on the other foot.
He's right, I live in Virginia and its like that here too. Eventually we'll become a Hispanic country and this won't matter anymore.

Sad but true. I have no issue with immigration or people of color. I have no problem with being a "melting pot", but the people coming don't want to melt like the people who came in the past. Those coming across the border illegally simply want to be safe and eat and I don't begrudge them that. But there is a process. And it is in the vested interest of any country to control who they allow in. Will they add to society or be a drain on society? Those crossing the border illegally will be a drain. All of those states north, east and west are finally catching on to the reality of the situation. They are all for letting anyone in as long as it's Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. that have to deal with absorbing them and caring for them. This is no different than all the liberals who cry for wind power until a company wants to build turbines within eyesight of their yard. It's different when the show is on the other foot.

A good number of the illegals I've seen don't want to be Americans, they are sending money back home and biding their time to go back, there is no interest to assimilate. The moneygrams in the Latino markets are always packed, that money is not staying here.
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He's right, I live in Virginia and its like that here too. Eventually we'll become a Hispanic country and this won't matter anymore.

Sad but true. I have no issue with immigration or people of color. I have no problem with being a "melting pot", but the people coming don't want to melt like the people who came in the past. Those coming across the border illegally simply want to be safe and eat and I don't begrudge them that. But there is a process. And it is in the vested interest of any country to control who they allow in. Will they add to society or be a drain on society? Those crossing the border illegally will be a drain. All of those states north, east and west are finally catching on to the reality of the situation. They are all for letting anyone in as long as it's Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. that have to deal with absorbing them and caring for them. This is no different than all the liberals who cry for wind power until a company wants to build turbines within eyesight of their yard. It's different when the show is on the other foot.

A good number of the illegals I've seen don't want to be Americans, they are sending money back home and biding their time to go back, there is no interest to assimilate. The moneygrams in the Latino markets are always packed, that money is not staying here.

And the money flowing back home is why the Mexican government has no interest in helping secure the border.

I wonder why none of the amnesty/immigration reform folks have spoken up yet?
Sad but true. I have no issue with immigration or people of color. I have no problem with being a "melting pot", but the people coming don't want to melt like the people who came in the past. Those coming across the border illegally simply want to be safe and eat and I don't begrudge them that. But there is a process. And it is in the vested interest of any country to control who they allow in. Will they add to society or be a drain on society? Those crossing the border illegally will be a drain. All of those states north, east and west are finally catching on to the reality of the situation. They are all for letting anyone in as long as it's Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. that have to deal with absorbing them and caring for them. This is no different than all the liberals who cry for wind power until a company wants to build turbines within eyesight of their yard. It's different when the show is on the other foot.

A good number of the illegals I've seen don't want to be Americans, they are sending money back home and biding their time to go back, there is no interest to assimilate. The moneygrams in the Latino markets are always packed, that money is not staying here.

And the money flowing back home is why the Mexican government has no interest in helping secure the border.

I wonder why none of the amnesty/immigration reform folks have spoken up yet?

The illegals from Mexico and the other Latin American countries coming here is a big win for Mexico, if we had our border air tight guess where the end zone would be? Mexico, so of course they'll let them come on through.
A good number of the illegals I've seen don't want to be Americans, they are sending money back home and biding their time to go back, there is no interest to assimilate. The moneygrams in the Latino markets are always packed, that money is not staying here.

And the money flowing back home is why the Mexican government has no interest in helping secure the border.

I wonder why none of the amnesty/immigration reform folks have spoken up yet?

The illegals from Mexico and the other Latin American countries coming here is a big win for Mexico, if we had our border air tight guess where the end zone would be? Mexico, so of course they'll let them come on through.

Cut all aid to South America and charge a 25% tax on all monies being wired there.
And the money flowing back home is why the Mexican government has no interest in helping secure the border.

I wonder why none of the amnesty/immigration reform folks have spoken up yet?

The illegals from Mexico and the other Latin American countries coming here is a big win for Mexico, if we had our border air tight guess where the end zone would be? Mexico, so of course they'll let them come on through.

Cut all aid to South America and charge a 25% tax on all monies being wired there.

Changing drug policy would help. Just like the repeal of prohibition, making them legal takes the wind out of the sails of the black market which reduces the violence greatly. People can get back to regular lives, making other products in a secure setting and have no need for going elsewhere. I've never used drugs and I don't advocate people wasting their lives on them. But I'm libertarian enough to believe that each person should have to liberty to fail or succeed at their own hand. The war on drugs has been no more successful than the war on poverty. It isn't working and it has brought all the cartels and violence along with it. End one and you'll end the other and solve much of our border problems.

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