We're All CVS Employees Now


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site

Employees Now
By Tara Servatius

CVS employees, and the rest of America, had better get used to turning over personal health information like their glucose levels and body mass index to their insurers - and to the federal government.

Starting in 2014, per the dictates of the federal government, your doctor must record your body mass index (BMI), which measures whether you are overweight, each time he or she treats you and turn it over to the government via your electronic health record, which every patient is required to have. Your BMI will then be tracked by the Health and Human Services Department, the agency rolling out ObamaCare, and a bevy of other state and federal agencies.

Shock and anger ensued this week as CVS employees learned that if they didn't turn over that information to their insurers, they'd be fined. But CVS is merely rolling out what may become one of the most controversial aspects of ObamaCare a little ahead of schedule.

One needs only to look to Europe to see how our political elites will use ObamaCare, and the BMI weight measure they are so determined to record for each of us, to intrude into and regulate not just our health care, but our lives.

In the U.K., overweight patients or those who smoke are branded "undeserving" and denied treatments like cataract surgery (without which they could eventually go blind) and knee and hip surgery, leaving some who don't qualify for the surgery in agonizing pain. Some of the U.K.'s "trusts," which regulate the national health care system for various zones of the country, go farther, denying all operations to those who don't meet the government's weight dictates except for lifesaving surgery on their hearts, brains or to remove cancer.

All of it here
Read more: Articles: We're All CVS Employees Now
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Starting in 2014, per the dictates of the federal government, your doctor must record your body mass index (BMI), which measures whether you are overweight, each time he or she treats you and turn it over to the government via your electronic health record, which every patient is required to have.


Your BMI will then be tracked by the Health and Human Services Department, the agency rolling out ObamaCare, and a bevy of other state and federal agencies.

Starting in 2014, per the dictates of the federal government, your doctor must record your body mass index (BMI), which measures whether you are overweight, each time he or she treats you and turn it over to the government via your electronic health record, which every patient is required to have.


Your BMI will then be tracked by the Health and Human Services Department, the agency rolling out ObamaCare, and a bevy of other state and federal agencies.


True & True, you LIAR.

BTW, you never answered how much you're being paid to deflect on message boards for the administration...
My electronic medical records are filled with nothing but lies. Weight and BMI is a very poor way to judge someone's health or even how fat they are. Athletes routinely have high BMI rates.
links in article at site

Employees Now
By Tara Servatius

CVS employees, and the rest of America, had better get used to turning over personal health information like their glucose levels and body mass index to their insurers - and to the federal government.

Starting in 2014, per the dictates of the federal government, your doctor must record your body mass index (BMI), which measures whether you are overweight, each time he or she treats you and turn it over to the government via your electronic health record, which every patient is required to have. Your BMI will then be tracked by the Health and Human Services Department, the agency rolling out ObamaCare, and a bevy of other state and federal agencies.

Shock and anger ensued this week as CVS employees learned that if they didn't turn over that information to their insurers, they'd be fined. But CVS is merely rolling out what may become one of the most controversial aspects of ObamaCare a little ahead of schedule.

One needs only to look to Europe to see how our political elites will use ObamaCare, and the BMI weight measure they are so determined to record for each of us, to intrude into and regulate not just our health care, but our lives.

In the U.K., overweight patients or those who smoke are branded "undeserving" and denied treatments like cataract surgery (without which they could eventually go blind) and knee and hip surgery, leaving some who don't qualify for the surgery in agonizing pain. Some of the U.K.'s "trusts," which regulate the national health care system for various zones of the country, go farther, denying all operations to those who don't meet the government's weight dictates except for lifesaving surgery on their hearts, brains or to remove cancer.

All of it here
Read more: Articles: We're All CVS Employees Now
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Well this knocks out most of the NFL.
Look at the useful idiot laugh as the federal go'vt is stealing his privacy.

Good Julia, good useful idiot. Obama sends a BIG wet kiss to you. He depends on low-information dolts like you to continue his destruction of this nation, and on his paid propagandists like greenbeard as well.

Here's a reporter who confirmed this 2 years ago.

Does Obamacare mandate BMI screening? - Atlanta Conservative | Examiner.com

Do you believe a person who has ruined his lungs by smoking or his liver by drinking deserves to be on the transplant list along with or even ahead of the nurse who gave her life in the service of others and caught TB from a patient or hep C from a lab tube of blood under too much pressure that exploded and cut her giving her the disease?
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WAAH! They are gonna know I am FAT!

No, but they will think I have emphysema, acid reflux and diabetes. I don't, but that's what's in my electronic medical records. Why are they in my medical records when these things are patently untrue? Because the physician's assistant had the opinion that these are common ailments of my age. If I do not have these conditions, there is something wrong with me that must be corrected by the reporting. So I now have pre existing conditons, when I don't have them in reality.
your Dr records those numbers anyway right?

So do you claim those numbers are then sent with you name attached to someone so they can use then against you?
Look at the useful idiot laugh as the federal go'vt is stealing his privacy.

Good Julia, good useful idiot. Obama sends a BIG wet kiss to you. He depends on low-information dolts like you to continue his destruction of this nation, and on his paid propagandists like greenbeard as well.

Here's a reporter who confirmed this 2 years ago.

Does Obamacare mandate BMI screening? - Atlanta Conservative | Examiner.com

Do you believe a person who has ruined his lungs by smoking or his liver by drinking deserves to be on the transplant list along with or even ahead of the nurse who gave her life in the service of others and caught TB from a patient or hep C from a lab tube of blood under too much pressure that exploded and cut her giving her the disease?

Practitioners of medicine do not pick and choose who will live and who will die. That's why prisoners on death row are as entitled to a transplant as the nurse who gave her life to others and is ill through no fault of her own.

Before his death, my husband was on the liver transplant list. If someone smokes, they must stop. If someone drinks, they must stop. Otherwise they are taken off the list. Although I seem to recall a pop singer who drank just as heavily after his transplant as before. When you start picking and choosing who is deserving and who is not, that nurse could be denied care in favor of someone even more deserving.
Look at the useful idiot laugh as the federal go'vt is stealing his privacy.

Good Julia, good useful idiot. Obama sends a BIG wet kiss to you. He depends on low-information dolts like you to continue his destruction of this nation, and on his paid propagandists like greenbeard as well.

Here's a reporter who confirmed this 2 years ago.

Does Obamacare mandate BMI screening? - Atlanta Conservative | Examiner.com

Yes, he is stepping up the pace in the march towards communism. ( In my opinion ) My last hope is that the voters see how much is left of their paychecks by `2014, and eyes are opened wide, if it is not too late.
your Dr records those numbers anyway right?

So do you claim those numbers are then sent with you name attached to someone so they can use then against you?

What numbers? Is this an exhibition of your insanity? If you have acid reflux you will go to the doctor and say I have heartburn. If you have a cough and can't breathe, the doctor will diagnose emphysema. If I have none of these symptoms and the doctor records them anyway, there is little I can do about it. The only chance I have to refute the diagnosis of diabetes is with a blood test which I will have.

I've been going through this lack of diabetes for more than five years but I've never had anyone actually put it in my medical records.
Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?
your Dr records those numbers anyway right?

So do you claim those numbers are then sent with you name attached to someone so they can use then against you?

BMI is an arbitrary number, and takes now account for muscle mass verses fat, or how active that person is, as well as genetics.

I'm all for encouraging folks to stop smocking, to stop or limit drinking, exercise, and to eat healthy. But as we've seen in nations with single payer -- which America is on the skids to -- rationing and LONG wait times are required, and numbers like BMI and age will be used as an excuse to ration.

Never in America did I think the federal gov't, including the IRS, HHS, and other agencies would all have all my private information by MANDATE, and have a mandated level of HC insurance I will be required to have in order to just exist in the nation.

It's wholly unconstitutional, and immoral.

The Founders are rolling in their graves.
Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?

There is no privacy any more. Employers can ask for access to facebook and twitter accounts so they can find out more about you. What happens to the person that doesn't have those accounts? They just haven't bought into the idea that the whole world needs to be into your home. They are considered to have something to hide and not having these accounts are suspicious in and of themselves.

The whole idea of a right to privacy is ended.
Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?

Yep, it's amazing how they howled over perceived minor violations of privacy under Bush, which in fact were nothing, but now just lay back and spread their legs/bend over for all the violations being heaped on us from this rogue administration, even defending them!!!

Just beyond belief.
Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?

There is no privacy any more. Employers can ask for access to facebook and twitter accounts so they can find out more about you. What happens to the person that doesn't have those accounts? They just haven't bought into the idea that the whole world needs to be into your home. They are considered to have something to hide and not having these accounts are suspicious in and of themselves.

The whole idea of a right to privacy is ended.

Having a FB account is voluntary. Idiots who post all their private info on FB or Twitter deserve what they get IMO. I don't participate.

BTW, folks who don't have FB accounts are not considered "having something to hide" IMO. They are considered to be sane, prudent, and rational.
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Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?

There is no privacy any more. Employers can ask for access to facebook and twitter accounts so they can find out more about you. What happens to the person that doesn't have those accounts? They just haven't bought into the idea that the whole world needs to be into your home. They are considered to have something to hide and not having these accounts are suspicious in and of themselves.

The whole idea of a right to privacy is ended.

While there are no laws in place that prevent the employer asking for your FB password, the FB privacy policy forbids giving it to a third party.
Remember how they howled about Bush invading our Privacy?

There is no privacy any more. Employers can ask for access to facebook and twitter accounts so they can find out more about you. What happens to the person that doesn't have those accounts? They just haven't bought into the idea that the whole world needs to be into your home. They are considered to have something to hide and not having these accounts are suspicious in and of themselves.

The whole idea of a right to privacy is ended.

While there are no laws in place that prevent the employer asking for your FB password, the FB privacy policy forbids giving it to a third party.

Ohhhhh it's their policy! That's really going to help.

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