We’re All Living The Republican Dream Now

What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}

where does biden stand on violent mobs murdering people in the streets? cause trump is against.

Actually Trump fuels riots...

Riot Policing 101: Don't have the Police remove identification and wade into citizens violently while detaining people without charge...
Violently removing peaceful protestors for photo ops...
A President for all Americans would have the capacity to at least honestly examine and identify what might be driving people to behave the way they are. Such a President would have the capacity to identify the difference between protestors and criminals, and would demonstrate at least some empathy for the opinions of the former.

Instead, all this person can do is take the talk radio angle, as usual, and refuse to understand half the country, as usual. Because he's as shallow and dishonest as talk radio is.

Yeah, the way Democrats "examine and identify what might be driving" conservatives, with their famous inclusiveness of never hiring, knowing, or talking to anyone from the right. We definitely need to be led by people who are all about empathizing with criminals, but can't even conceive of that idea as regards law-abiding citizens who voted for Trump.

As usual, you accuse others of your own misbehavior.

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