We’re All Living The Republican Dream Now

What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

we are anit-violent mobs murdering people in the streets, while our dem opposites support that.

so, if you want to not be murdered, you should vote republican.
Voting your fears just gets you politicians that will never stop trying to scare you into supporting tyranny.

it is not politicians telling me about the violent mobs murdering people in the streets.

and it is not politicians telling me how much people like you hate people like me. it is you telling me that.

your dem mayors are ordering cops to stand down while violent mobs rule the streets.

voters have a clear choice. vote for a civilized society or mob rule.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}
Biden's clear healthcare policy. Open borders, free healthcare for illegals. Hospitals close.
You see, the modern U.S. right is committed to the proposition that greed is good, that we’re all better off when individuals engage in the untrammeled pursuit of self-interest. In their vision, unrestricted profit maximization by businesses and unregulated consumer choice is the recipe for a good society.

explains them to a tee.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

You should put the blame where it belongs, on the Chinese and the Dem idiots who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.

ordering the cops to stand down, so the mobs have "room to destroy"

is pretty simple.

i'm sure we could talk a lot about the nuances of the issue, but, not being in danger from violent murderous mobs, is going to be my policy position on this one.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}
Biden's clear healthcare policy. Open borders, free healthcare for illegals. Hospitals close.

No he doesn't want open borders, and he doesn't want free healthcare. They have free healthcare for illegals now, esp in Texas.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.
This is the liberal wetdream.

This story is nothing but fake news from the Daily Cooze.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

great op. a strong assertion with nothing to support it. not one fact or even factual claim to be addressed. nothing but spin and opinion.

In all honesty...

Reagan left with a deficit and debt mountain
G H Bush did a good job.
G W Bush financial Crash and 2 unpaid wars
Trump worst economy in 100 years, pandemic out of control, unchecked foreign election interference, campaign staff in jail and massive division.

Question should be: How many Trump Campaign staff have to goto jail for the reelection campaign?

anyone claiming to be "honest" and mentions reagan without mentioning the context of the cold war, is not being honest.

So Reagan you admit was borrow and spend President....

When has it become Republican mantra to lower taxes during a war?

since you dems made it a pillar of your ideology to demonize any republican that wanted fiscal responsibility.

you won that argument. we gave up. why are you not happy about that?

we realized that we can never win, when you are telling the voters that we want to cut their checks.

why so bitter? it did not take you long to come up with other smears to attack us with.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
Just try having a policy discussion with a republican these days. It quickly turns to a declaration of who needs to be jailed/killed/deported/beaten/bombed to achieve whatever goal is at hand. When all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
Just try having a policy discussion with a republican these days. It quickly turns to a declaration of who needs to be jailed/killed/deported/beaten/bombed to achieve whatever goal is at hand. When all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail.
Agreed. They've been convinced by those same voices that they're at "war". And in war, the ends justify the means, and honesty is the last priority.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
Just try having a policy discussion with a republican these days. It quickly turns to a declaration of who needs to be jailed/killed/deported/beaten/bombed to achieve whatever goal is at hand. When all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail.

that is what happens when you shut down all attempts at debate.

we still have conflicts of interest, but there is no possibility of talking it out.

you guys understand that, obviously. hence your violent mobs in the streets.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
Just try having a policy discussion with a republican these days. It quickly turns to a declaration of who needs to be jailed/killed/deported/beaten/bombed to achieve whatever goal is at hand. When all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail.
Agreed. They've been convinced by those same voices that they're at "war". And in war, the ends justify the means, and honesty is the last priority.

it is hard to have a productive talk with someone who spends all their time calling you "wacist".
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

You should put the blame where it belongs, on the Chinese and the Dem idiots who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
Crushing the Marxist wave is Republican
Coming from republicans is a non issue.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}

where does biden stand on violent mobs murdering people in the streets? cause trump is against.

Actually Trump fuels riots...

Riot Policing 101: Don't have the Police remove identification and wade into citizens violently while detaining people without charge...
Violently removing peaceful protestors for photo ops...
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

And a doddering old geezer locked in a Delaware basement has been christened as the autocrat that will bring America back according to the Leftards. Mr. Biden's platform of Defunding the Police, Disarming the people, Mandatory Masks and requiring all Americans to bend over to Homosexual Activism is supposed to lift America up.
The healtcare Plan POTUS Trump Has forwarded in in a package that will be availabel for view on 09/06/2020 after the Senate hearing that puts Joe Biden in Prison for Obama/Biden care AG Barr guarantees that

So you have nothing except wishful thinking..

This is the usual Projecting, have no policy so just accuse everyone else of no policy.

This is over 4 years and no credible policy...
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}

where does biden stand on violent mobs murdering people in the streets? cause trump is against.

Actually Trump fuels riots...

Riot Policing 101: Don't have the Police remove identification and wade into citizens violently while detaining people without charge...
Violently removing peaceful protestors for photo ops...
A President for all Americans would have the capacity to at least honestly examine and identify what might be driving people to behave the way they are. Such a President would have the capacity to identify the difference between protestors and criminals, and would demonstrate at least some empathy for the opinions of the former.

Instead, all this person can do is take the talk radio angle, as usual, and refuse to understand half the country, as usual. Because he's as shallow and dishonest as talk radio is.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}

where does biden stand on violent mobs murdering people in the streets? cause trump is against.

Actually Trump fuels riots...

Riot Policing 101: Don't have the Police remove identification and wade into citizens violently while detaining people without charge...
Violently removing peaceful protestors for photo ops...
A President for all Americans would have the capacity to at least honestly examine and identify what might be driving people to behave the way they are. Such a President would have the capacity to identify the difference between protestors and criminals, and would demonstrate at least some empathy for the opinions of the former.

Instead, all this person can do is take the talk radio angle, as usual, and refuse to understand half the country, as usual. Because he's as shallow and dishonest as talk radio is.

you spend years calling someone(s) names and then are upset when they don't treat you with kid gloves.

maybe being so divisive and hysterical after you lost, was a bad plan?

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