We’re All Living The Republican Dream Now

As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

Stay off the kook sites......and the bong hits.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.

LOL Paul Krugman.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.
You're an idiot.
And yet, the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics will tell you the impeached president trump and the congressional Republicans are doing their usual bang-up job.

The Republican dream is a nightmare that's gone on since Reagan first set it in motion.


Wow, surprised you didn't add "Drumpf" after using the term impeached, like it means anything.

Betram while typing " Fuh Fuh Fuh, Orange Man Bad, Fuh Fuh Fuh, Impeached!, wank wank wank:"
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

we are anit-violent mobs murdering people in the streets, while our dem opposites support that.

so, if you want to not be murdered, you should vote republican.
Voting your fears just gets you politicians that will never stop trying to scare you into supporting tyranny.


Unless of course we go with socialism and give up our freedoms....
And yet, the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics will tell you the impeached president trump and the congressional Republicans are doing their usual bang-up job.

The Republican dream is a nightmare that's gone on since Reagan first set it in motion.

As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.
Fake news. Everybody knows it's all on the anti American party . Yep , if you want to make a Democrat lose their cool quick , just carry an American flag , they will not be able to control their hate. Can you believe they not only spied on the incoming administration! That's dirty, but that's not even the half of it . If these treasonous scum don't end up in gitmo real soon why should anyone obey the laws ?; it's not like the Russian fraud , witch hunt . There is plenty of documented evidence to put most of the top dems in prison . And a bunch of the fbi. Anyone that claims conspiracy is just full of it. There is plenty of proof. Damn , Obama sure hates America! Like most dems.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
well America KHNOWS that the foul mouth Democrates like you do not have a chance with Joe Biiden in 2020 the polls are bs all supported by idiots like you and CNN and by the Way, The lastest thing to Hutrt America again creted by China and payed for bt Drunkl Nancy Pelosi has failled the new vacine will be out in October 2020 and Hillary still lost
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
well America KHNOWS that the foul mouth Democrates like you do not have a chance with Joe Biiden in 2020 the polls are bs all supported by idiots like you and CNN and by the Way, The lastest thing to Hutrt America again creted by China and payed for bt Drunkl Nancy Pelosi has failled the new vacine will be out in October 2020 and Hillary still lost
Is English your first language?
As the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus mounts and threatens to skyrocket far beyond our nation’s ability to control it, many Americans are shaking their heads in dismay, wondering what has happened to their country. Recently, as the schools remain shut down, as businesses continue to founder, as the crisis prolongs, it’s as if, suddenly, the willful, happy, hopeful blindness of millions of people has suddenly given way to a collective shock of understanding and recognition of the actual horror that lies before us all.

what is happening right here, right now, is nothing more than the natural endgame of all Republican, “conservative” philosophy. This is where it was all headed, and where it has always been headed. And anyone with half a brain should have seen it coming:

It didn’t even take half a brain to see it coming.
Only half a brain would blame r's for what democrats are clearly doing.
See you guys argue back and forth yet what neither side admits is that giving the rich breaks somehow is the key. So both parties are discredited and have epically FAILED to provide reasons to vote for your side.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better.
Mac you can say the same thing about the democrats....
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better.
Mac you can say the same thing about the democrats....
Major media is biased to the Left. Talk radio is 100% pure, shameless, intellectually dishonest bias.

There's a significant difference there.
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
What the hell is a democrat these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.

Biden has a clear Healthcare policy

What is Trump's?
{note: just getting rid of Obamacare is not a policy}

where does biden stand on violent mobs murdering people in the streets? cause trump is against.

Actually Trump fuels riots...

Riot Policing 101: Don't have the Police remove identification and wade into citizens violently while detaining people without charge...
Violently removing peaceful protestors for photo ops...
A President for all Americans would have the capacity to at least honestly examine and identify what might be driving people to behave the way they are. Such a President would have the capacity to identify the difference between protestors and criminals, and would demonstrate at least some empathy for the opinions of the former.

Instead, all this person can do is take the talk radio angle, as usual, and refuse to understand half the country, as usual. Because he's as shallow and dishonest as talk radio is.
A President for all Americans
when have we had one of them?....
What the hell is a republican these days? In this post-policy era the only thing you can count on them to care about is fucking people over.
I don't know that the rank-and-file Trumpsters necessarily want to fuck people over. They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better. Look at how they've willingly celebrated the shallowest thinkers in politics - Dubya, Palin, Trump. This is how they view the world, because that's the world that is provided for them.
They've just been listening to the wrong voices for so long that they don't know any better.
Mac you can say the same thing about the democrats....
Major media is biased to the Left. Talk radio is 100% pure, shameless, intellectually dishonest bias.

There's a significant difference there.
im talking about the so called leaders who have been there so long that i was a kid when they first got in congress...
Republican dream? This is the perfect democrat scenario. People threatened with arrest if they attend church service or walk in a park without a mask while anarchists roam at will. If the democrat party can only keep up the pressure until November they might have a chance at electing a brain damaged old man.

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