We're at this point with the Covidiots

Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
its reopening in stages not one big floodgate,,,
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
its reopening in stages not one big floodgate,,,
Can you explain specifically what that means or are you just nodding your head to what the orange fuckup is saying?
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I don't know where you live, but the guidelines for reopening require that the Virus be way, way down in the community first and the initial steps out the front door are very cautious ones. If there is a resurgence of the virus, they go back into shutdown. It's going to be babysteps. If your governor follows the guidelines, it should be okay.

Sorry for your loss, btw.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
its reopening in stages not one big floodgate,,,
Can you explain specifically what that means or are you just nodding your head to what the orange fuckup is saying?
I could but wheres the fun on that,,,

not like its not been posted everywhere,,,
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
its reopening in stages not one big floodgate,,,
Can you explain specifically what that means or are you just nodding your head to what the orange fuckup is saying?
I could but wheres the fun on that,,,

not like its not been posted everywhere,,,
The fun is in seeing you attempt to explain it. I know it wont be fun for you but it will be for everyone that knows its just another fucked up idea from a clueless fool. Go ahead and give it your best shot why dont you? :)
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I don't know where you live, but the guidelines for reopening require that the Virus be way, way down in the community first and the initial steps out the front door are very cautious ones. If there is a resurgence of the virus, they go back into shutdown. It's going to be babysteps. If your governor follows the guidelines, it should be okay.

Sorry for your loss, btw.
Do you think its smart to attempt to restart while there is no vaccine and adequate testing? Is it going to be more dangerous, economically, and psychologically damaging to have to close back down or simply stay the course until there is a definite resolution?
No one is saying open the floodgates or suggesting we just start everything up on Monday like it's business as usual. This is not going to be a nationwide restart of the economy it's going to be done slowly in phases and how it's done is going to vary from state to state depending on how the cronavirus curve in the state is going.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
The answer is simple.

If you don't want to catch it, then stay home.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I don't know where you live, but the guidelines for reopening require that the Virus be way, way down in the community first and the initial steps out the front door are very cautious ones. If there is a resurgence of the virus, they go back into shutdown. It's going to be babysteps. If your governor follows the guidelines, it should be okay.

Sorry for your loss, btw.
Do you think its smart to attempt to restart while there is no vaccine and adequate testing? Is it going to be more dangerous, economically, and psychologically damaging to have to close back down or simply stay the course until there is a definite resolution?
I think if it is started in areas where the Virus is having very little impact, and if all due caution is taken, that it will be okay. Face it, A., the shutdown is half-assed and the response has been embarrassing, but it is what it is. Letting communities get back to work cautiously, slowly, is no worse than what's going on now. There is still traffic passing by my window, like before. There is still a crowd at the grocery store and the drug store every day. No one around here is wearing a mask. We stand six feet apart and then handle money from god knows where. We have two cases in our county, a county larger than Rhode Island and with low population. All hotels and motels are shut, so we won't be getting a lot of travelers. In areas like ours (and there are a lot of them) we might as well start getting back out there.
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Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I don't know where you live, but the guidelines for reopening require that the Virus be way, way down in the community first and the initial steps out the front door are very cautious ones. If there is a resurgence of the virus, they go back into shutdown. It's going to be babysteps. If your governor follows the guidelines, it should be okay.

Sorry for your loss, btw.
Do you think its smart to attempt to restart while there is no vaccine and adequate testing? Is it going to be more dangerous, economically, and psychologically damaging to have to close back down or simply stay the course until there is a definite resolution?
Five yrs from now with no vaccine can we open up then
The OP says this: "Can we please hit pause on reopening the economy?"

But what he's actually saying is this: "Grab 'em by the pussy smear didn't work, Russia smear didn't work, Ukraine smear didn't work, impeachment smear didn't work,...…......…… Goddamnit, we finally tanked the one thing that even minorities liked, a paycheck ! Now please for the love of god let us keep this one thing that will kill Trump's presidency !"
Productivity must be the priority.

By now, games in stadiums, concerts and theaters must be closed. Those are part of our culture but are not essential for survival. Museums and other places must be like today's stores, limited amount of people visiting and following the arrow sign showing what direction to take from entrance to exit.

Same as well as having churches with different schedules for the worshiper to reunite with others but in lesser numbers in each turn.

Unfortunately restaurants to allow lesser number of customers, and so forth.

Manufacturing to provide individual protection so employees won't take the virus home after work.

The new normal will change as it was before after gradually everybody got the virus and medicine is used to minimize the effects of the disease. It is lunacy trying to kill the virus, so best is to allow it inside the body and be part of our species.

After that, concerts, games and more might come back, not before.

This Corona virus is WEAK but smart enough to spread out easy and reach everywhere.

Bigger step is to take seriously in keeping our bodies healthy, STOP smoking. The governments of the world must learn from this historical lesson and finally stop the vicious of smoking but ending such industries.

Next plague will do the same and probably worst if we don't keep a healthy body to resist the attack.
4) “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” — Sigmund Freud.
We have to pick our poison.

It would be unwise to totally disregard the social distancing mitigations we are now practicing. On the other hand, if we don't open back up for business, we could be in store for a great depression that ultimately kills more than the virus. The treasurer can't continue writing trillion dollar checks for 18 months until a vaccine is approved for use.

We have to fine a lane to drive down the middle of these two extremes.

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