We're at this point with the Covidiots

New England isn't following your curve.
Yeah, yeah, yeah..."I know a guy."


You think New England is following your curve ?

Are you looking at the statistics.

60-70% of deaths are New York, New Jersey (next to New England), Penn, Conn, Mass ........ They are getting worse.

You have two other areas (New Orleans and Detroit) that are taking a big hit.

The rest of the country (like your HOT SPOT South Dakota has six deaths), isn't doing so bad.

And "I know a guy" is me publishing articles....not your opinionated horseshit.

Fuck off.
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.

You hit that one on the head.

The responses from the tRumplings are unintentionally, hilariously, ironic.
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.


When you compare Sweden which did not have the strict lock down orders, with other countries which did, the number of cases, and deaths, is not all that different.

In fact, in places like Taiwan and Hong Kong, they are also seeing a flattening of the curve.

The only way your model is logical, is if we simply make a bunch of assumptions.

We assume that the actions put in place are the cause of the reduction of new cases.
We assume that without those actions the situations would have continued on into infinity.

But history discredits that theory. The Spanish flu was a thousand times worse than Corona. Obviously with 50 Million dead, it was far worse.

However, even with that vastly far more devastating flu, it didn't just keep going forever, until everyone on the planet was infected, and entire civilizations were wiped out. The virus died out, without any lock down or social distancing.

Now that isn't to say that we should not have any reasonable measures put in place, but if you think we are going to keep the country locked down for years, you are crazy.

You can't destroy the entire world over this. Millions more will die for the economic destructive policies, that anti-science idiots put in place.
This is why we have hundred year old truisms like "The path to hell is paved with good intentions".

The lock down will have to end. And I would imagine soon.
But the left doesn't care about the increase of deaths that will occur the longer the economy stays shutdown.
As long as Trump loses the election, then all those deaths will be worth it.
"The left doesn't care..." Don't tell me what I care about, or what I think. I'm quite able to do that myself. Tell me what you think, and then maybe we can have a discussion. But if you insist on demonizing "the left" with your interpretation of what "the left" is, then there's nothing to talk about.

What you don't realize is that person did tell you what they think.

If you've ever taken a psychology class you would know about "projection."

Republicans have taken projection to an art form. Everything they accuse others of, every way they describe others, is them describing themselves.

They expect everyone to be like them and are projecting what they do, what they think and how they feel on everyone else. Then they use that as some sort of lame weapon against people.

It's very sick and twisted but if you want to know what republicans think or feel or want to do, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. They have just told you what they think, or feel or want to do.

I think it's sad that republicans care more about money than life. They would rather kill people with this virus.

What is really sad is that they are too stupid to see the longer they keep spreading the virus, the longer the shutdowns will have too last. If they had even the slightest bit of patience, they would rather be shutdown for a short time now than run around spreading the virus causing a much longer shutdown.

They are literally causing this virus to be worse and shutdown to have to last longer than it would be if they stopped being spoiled brats and followed the shutdown orders by their governors.
First I heard Congress is going to vote in $2000 a month for every person over 16. Plus continue the $600 a week unemployment and the states unemployment.

Then I hear they are talking of continuing the lock down through the summer. The entire world has stopped.

24/7 news cycle is about Covidiots-19 and how bad it is.

We have Republicans and Democrats fighting, governors and mayors, police and other authorities bullying people.

Then they say not to stress or worry. WTF? When and where does it end and to what means?
It ends when Americans realize that shutdowns only lead to be infections later anyway so they say ‘Fuck it!’ and go back to work in spite.

This is a scam.
Exactly - the President himself has been calling the pandemic a hoax from day one.
By his own prediction the virus will have disappeared by now - if it's disappeared why has he shut down the country?!!
The idiot democrats had tantrums and demanded it. Foolish experts recommended it.
Are you saying Trump caved to a bunch of snowflakes over a hoax?!!!
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.

Pushing a false narrative.

A Comparison of Lockdown UK With Non-Lockdown Sweden
Chart 1
View attachment 324008
Chart 2
View attachment 324009
Chart 3
View attachment 324010
Chart 4
View attachment 324011

"(Note: In terms of timelines, Sweden reported its first Covid-cases eight days before the UK (15 on 3rd March, compared with 77 on 11th March in the UK), whilst the UK recorded its first deaths two days before Sweden (10 on 14th March, compared with 4 for Sweden on 16th March)).
Looking at these charts, particularly charts 2 and 4 which are a like-for-like comparison, as at 11th April, I think we can say the following:

  1. In terms of reported cases, the data shows no evidence that the UK lockdown approach has been any more successful than the Swedish approach. In fact, per million people, Sweden has had fewer cases than the UK.
  2. In terms of recorded deaths, again there is no evidence so far that the UK lockdown approach has been any more successful than the Swedish approach. In fact, per million people, Sweden has had fewer deaths than the UK.

As I say, the situation may well change as the days and weeks go by, but so far, according to the official data from both countries, the approach taken in the UK of keeping people in their homes and closing down huge swathes of the economy, has not had any more positive effect on reducing Covid-19 cases or deaths than the Swedish approach. Yet it will put millions out of work, it will destroy thousands of businesses, it will lead to a massive deterioration of mental health, it will lead to an increase in suicides, it will lead to old people dying on their own without their carers, and it already has led to an increase of state power on a scale never seen before. There is that!"

This graph actually shows the total COVID-19 positive cases by date in Sweden.

I'm not sure what the fuck crap your posting.
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.


Yes they've flattened the bell curve, but it extends itself due to the cycle of infection merely taking longer Marc

So you see, the conjecture is it's not going to leave , merely be less of a threat in terms of body count for the duration of the shutdown

The good news? well it's mutating , and quicker than they can test

The bad news? it may well come back hard and fast when the kiddies go back to school this fall

So, if you're advocating any Gub'Mit plan, we've heard zero zip nada nothing from them to address the obvious

On March 12, the Ohio Secretary of Health, a top doctor, stated that 100,000 Ohioans were positive for COVID 19 and the number was doubling every 6 days. That means by 10 April, 3.2 million people in Ohio are positive.

In the state so far, 248 have died in the whole state. That is really a minuscule death rate, as per Dr. Acton's estimates.

Believe me, if I had pulmonary distress and went into see the doctor, I would much rather be diagnosed with the Chinese Kung Flu than be diagnosed with TB, emphysema or small cell carcinoma.

But that's just me , maybe leftards have a different point of view.

Ya, not so much polishpropapaganda

You have a problem with his math ?

Please share.

I have a problem with the fact the Ohio Secretary of Health never stating such.

You should to.

google is your friend

Ohio Department of Health believes 100,000 Ohioans are carrying coronavirus

COLUMBUS, Ohio — More than 100,000 people are believed to be infected with the coronavirus, according statements by officials with the Ohio Department of Health during a Thursday afternoon news conference.

That number accounts for around 1% of Ohio’s population.

.@DrAmyActon: I know it is hard to understand #COVID19 since we can't see it, but we know that 1% of our population is carrying this virus today -- that's over 100,000 people.

— Governor Mike DeWine (@GovMikeDeWine) March 12, 2020
"We know now, just the fact of community spread says that at least 1%, at the very least 1% of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," said Dr. Amy Acton, Director of ODH. "We have 11.7 million people."

According to the Governor Mike DeWine’s Office and the ODH, cases are expected to double every six days.
We're shut down until May 24th now. Each state is different and it should be left up to the governors. They know where their states are at.
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.

Pushing a false narrative.

A Comparison of Lockdown UK With Non-Lockdown Sweden
Chart 1
View attachment 324008
Chart 2
View attachment 324009
Chart 3
View attachment 324010
Chart 4
View attachment 324011

"(Note: In terms of timelines, Sweden reported its first Covid-cases eight days before the UK (15 on 3rd March, compared with 77 on 11th March in the UK), whilst the UK recorded its first deaths two days before Sweden (10 on 14th March, compared with 4 for Sweden on 16th March)).
Looking at these charts, particularly charts 2 and 4 which are a like-for-like comparison, as at 11th April, I think we can say the following:

  1. In terms of reported cases, the data shows no evidence that the UK lockdown approach has been any more successful than the Swedish approach. In fact, per million people, Sweden has had fewer cases than the UK.
  2. In terms of recorded deaths, again there is no evidence so far that the UK lockdown approach has been any more successful than the Swedish approach. In fact, per million people, Sweden has had fewer deaths than the UK.

As I say, the situation may well change as the days and weeks go by, but so far, according to the official data from both countries, the approach taken in the UK of keeping people in their homes and closing down huge swathes of the economy, has not had any more positive effect on reducing Covid-19 cases or deaths than the Swedish approach. Yet it will put millions out of work, it will destroy thousands of businesses, it will lead to a massive deterioration of mental health, it will lead to an increase in suicides, it will lead to old people dying on their own without their carers, and it already has led to an increase of state power on a scale never seen before. There is that!"
View attachment 324410

This graph actually shows the total COVID-19 positive cases by date in Sweden.

I'm not sure what the fuck crap your posting.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I thought you were down with that pathetic fuckup Drumpf? Is reality starting to penetrate that haze most Drumpftards walk around in?

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