Were FISA Judges Complicit?

That is a loop hole which must be closed. NOW!

On sunday morning futures...nunes mentioned the possibility of shutting down the FISA court entirely.

And then what? No surveillance at all on people suspected involved with terrorist or criminal activity? Or unimpeded surveillance anybody they want to? Just do it? It's currently against the law, you know. Maybe they just need to start sending people to prison for filing false or deceptive applications, I wouldn't be surprised of the number of fraudulent cases would drop significantly and quickly.

This could mean a whole new level of constitutional crisis we are in.

Were FISA judges complicit in this coup attempt?

USSC chief justice John Roberts is in charge of FISA judges...is he complicit?

I hesitate to even ask this question for fear I may not want to hear the answer!

The Horowitz testimony this week PROVES that the FISA judges were lied to and were presented with false evidence...and yet they have done nothing about it...I haven't even heard any TV personalities talking about it.

Then today we has Devin Nunes on sunday morning futures say:

- FISA judges have taken no action against people who have lied to them.
- FISA judges are putting Americans in danger.

I've been searching for more on this and this is the first I've heard anybody (on TV) mention it. I still fear the answer because the wrong answer is going to throw out country into a great unknown!
Everyone is out to get fat donnie.

This could mean a whole new level of constitutional crisis we are in.

Were FISA judges complicit in this coup attempt?

USSC chief justice John Roberts is in charge of FISA judges...is he complicit?

I hesitate to even ask this question for fear I may not want to hear the answer!

The Horowitz testimony this week PROVES that the FISA judges were lied to and were presented with false evidence...and yet they have done nothing about it...I haven't even heard any TV personalities talking about it.

Then today we has Devin Nunes on sunday morning futures say:

- FISA judges have taken no action against people who have lied to them.
- FISA judges are putting Americans in danger.

I've been searching for more on this and this is the first I've heard anybody (on TV) mention it. I still fear the answer because the wrong answer is going to throw out country into a great unknown!
Everyone is out to get fat donnie.
I see your aversion to facts and law is showing again..

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG

This could mean a whole new level of constitutional crisis we are in.

Were FISA judges complicit in this coup attempt?

USSC chief justice John Roberts is in charge of FISA judges...is he complicit?

I hesitate to even ask this question for fear I may not want to hear the answer!

The Horowitz testimony this week PROVES that the FISA judges were lied to and were presented with false evidence...and yet they have done nothing about it...I haven't even heard any TV personalities talking about it.

Then today we has Devin Nunes on sunday morning futures say:

- FISA judges have taken no action against people who have lied to them.
- FISA judges are putting Americans in danger.

I've been searching for more on this and this is the first I've heard anybody (on TV) mention it. I still fear the answer because the wrong answer is going to throw out country into a great unknown!
Complicit in their silence, at the very least.
Justice Roberts will not be involved, its the other judges who are in question. The FISA court, if it is found they participated in the Coup D'etat, will be closed down in short order. That could have serious repercussions.
The NSA, FBI and CIA bypass the FISA court most of the time anyway. ( see parallel construction)
I don't see anything changing yet.
That is a loop hole which must be closed. NOW!
FISA needs to be abolished outright...They can't be trusted with the power.


This could mean a whole new level of constitutional crisis we are in.

Were FISA judges complicit in this coup attempt?

USSC chief justice John Roberts is in charge of FISA judges...is he complicit?

I hesitate to even ask this question for fear I may not want to hear the answer!

The Horowitz testimony this week PROVES that the FISA judges were lied to and were presented with false evidence...and yet they have done nothing about it...I haven't even heard any TV personalities talking about it.

Then today we has Devin Nunes on sunday morning futures say:

- FISA judges have taken no action against people who have lied to them.
- FISA judges are putting Americans in danger.

I've been searching for more on this and this is the first I've heard anybody (on TV) mention it. I still fear the answer because the wrong answer is going to throw out country into a great unknown!

Likely Barr will be asking this same question.......and he and Durham have arrest powers....
Was wondering what power or authority the FISA Court judges have when they find out they've been lied to or deceived. A strongly worded letter to somebody higher-up? Don't really know, but there really should be consequences. I did read that such actions are a felony, so I would imagine (hope) that those were did the lying or deception should be indicted for it, along with those who were complicit and signed off on the warrant applications.

They can send the FBI lawyers before the Bar to lose their law licenses, and that is at a minimum.......Barr and Durham will likely take it from there...
FISA needs to be abolished outright...They can't be trusted with the power.

I'm conflicted on this.

On one hand there is really no way to protect us against FISA when another criminal obama gets voted into office.

On the other hand FISA gives us a necessary layer of security against terrorism and infiltration.

What to do...what to do... :dunno:

HEYYYYY I know! Trump can use FISA like obama did and start spying on all the democrats :dance:
FISA needs to be abolished outright...They can't be trusted with the power.

I'm conflicted on this.

On one hand there is really no way to protect us against FISA when another criminal obama gets voted into office.

On the other hand FISA gives us a necessary layer of security against terrorism and infiltration.

What to do...what to do... :dunno:

HEYYYYY I know! Trump can use FISA like obama did and start spying on all the democrats :dance:
Democrats will be back in power again and they are inherently corrupt....Flush it.

And if you want to eavesdrop on someone, I will reiterate Rand Paul....

FISA needs to be abolished outright...They can't be trusted with the power.

I mostly agree...bit I think it goes WAY beyond just the FISA courts.
The Federal Government has become weaponized as a tool against "We The Peasants" and is already hugely favoring the Elites and 1% ers.

Who can become President? Only Billionaires or those supported by Billionaires.
How often do the Elites either avoid prosecution entirely or pay their way to a favorable flavor of "Justice" ?

Does Congress give a flip about "We The Peasants" any longer? Mostly they vote for Congressional benefits increases or as told by their handlers.

"We The Peasants" should be SERIOUSLY asking ourselves at this point if we can trust GOVERNMENT with power.

Right now TODAY...The Federal Government has snatched enough of our "Rights" and trampled so many of our Constitutional Protections that the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves.
Was wondering what power or authority the FISA Court judges have when they find out they've been lied to or deceived. A strongly worded letter to somebody higher-up? Don't really know, but there really should be consequences. I did read that such actions are a felony, so I would imagine (hope) that those were did the lying or deception should be indicted for it, along with those who were complicit and signed off on the warrant applications.

It's only a felony if a Republican does it.
I have asked this before, but no answer came. WHO are the FISA judges? How are they appointed and what is the framework they use when they have been lied to?
I heard on hannitys radio show...a FISA judge has issued a statement over the horowitz report.

Seems pretty weak to me...I still wonder if the judges were complicit in this coup attempt.

By Gordon Ahl
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 3:43 PM 
In response to the Justice Department inspector general report on the Russia investigation, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has issued an order requiring the government to provide a sworn written statement by Jan. 10, 2020 on what the Justice Department has done and plans to do to ensure that statements of fact in each FISA application filing to the court are complete and accurate. The document is available here and below

FISA Court Order in Response to Inspector General Report
FISA judges do not have the responsibility or the authority to question documents placed in front of them by the FBI. Since we know for certain that the FBI intentionally used unverified documents to secure the warrant, who do we blame? These are serious charges that go beyond incompetence and approach the level of treason. Who ya gonna call when the highest level of law enforcement has been corrupted?
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Who ya gonna call when the highest level of law enforcement has been corrupted?

That's what I mean when I say if FISA judges were complicit it could throw America into chaos! A constitutional crisis like we've never seen before.

This could mean a whole new level of constitutional crisis we are in.

Were FISA judges complicit in this coup attempt?

USSC chief justice John Roberts is in charge of FISA judges...is he complicit?

I hesitate to even ask this question for fear I may not want to hear the answer!

The Horowitz testimony this week PROVES that the FISA judges were lied to and were presented with false evidence...and yet they have done nothing about it...I haven't even heard any TV personalities talking about it.

Then today we has Devin Nunes on sunday morning futures say:

- FISA judges have taken no action against people who have lied to them.
- FISA judges are putting Americans in danger.

I've been searching for more on this and this is the first I've heard anybody (on TV) mention it. I still fear the answer because the wrong answer is going to throw out country into a great unknown!

They are at least guilty of nonfeance if not misfeasance.
Who ya gonna call when the highest level of law enforcement has been corrupted?

That's what I mean when I say if FISA judges were complicit it could throw America into chaos! A constitutional crisis like we've never seen before.
Why stop at FISA judges? Is the Obama administration guilty of orchestrating the whole thing and was the mainstream media complicit in the attempted coup? It goes beyond a Constitutional crisis to a treasonous attempt to overthrow the government.
Why stop at FISA judges? Is the Obama administration guilty of orchestrating the whole thing and was the mainstream media complicit in the attempted coup? It goes beyond a Constitutional crisis to a treasonous attempt to overthrow the government.

We know for certain that the FBI was involved, the CIA was involved...the gov'ts of UK, Italy, Ukraine, and Australia were involved...That couldn't be possible without orders from the POTUS!
We need to go with what we know and that is the fact that the FBI leadership engaged in a plot to interfere with and later to overthrow the results of a lawful election. After the former FBI director is convicted of treason we need to drain the rest of the swamp.

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