"we're getting soft!"...Kentucky Governor criticizes American schools for closing due to the snow

the economy has slowed down to a stop
but there's one way to put us back on top
the solution my dear neighbor is to just bring back child labor
and work those little bastards till they drop
When I lived in Kentucky, every missed day of school due to snow was made up at the end of the year.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (a northern resident from 1986-1996)

P.S. One year, my final day was June 8th.
"snowstorms are creating snowflakes...you can use that Tomi Lahren!

i'm worried about my pipes...i dont want my pipes to burst" - Gutfeld
these children probably played outside in the snow anyway.
----------------------------------- my kids and the neighbor kids would be outside playing in the snow but they'd be in and out of the house all the time to get their noses wiped of frozen snot . I'd be out blowing snow or shoveling off the house roof or spltting wood . World didn't use to come to an end because of so called extreme cold or heat . Buses and cars are heated and if a bus breaks down they'd send another bus and the kids would love it but it never happened all my years riding a school buses .
Many years ago in the days of olde we never got a day off due to bad weather and you had to be dying to miss school if you be sick...Or else you gotz da belt.
pipes bursting , let a small amount of water run all night and your pipes PROBABLY won't burst as a person stays up and regulates water flow . Gutfeld is alright but he is a silly boy , almost a 'pajama boy' same as the rest that are on his silly show . -------------------------- and the bottom line problem is Safety FIRST over and above everything else as the millenials get ready to GUT another pregnant woman of her baby up to the moment of DILATION of the woman .
these children probably played outside in the snow anyway.
----------------------------------- my kids and the neighbor kids would be outside playing in the snow but they'd be in and out of the house all the time to get their noses wiped of frozen snot . I'd be out blowing snow or shoveling off the house roof or spltting wood . World didn't use to come to an end because of so called extreme cold or heat . Buses and cars are heated and if a bus breaks down they'd send another bus and the kids would love it but it never happened all my years riding a school buses .
My Ma made sure we lived a half a block away from school so there was never any reason to not go to school and then we went to summer camps or sent to my grandparents farm sixty miles away.
When I lived in Kentucky, every missed day of school due to snow was made up at the end of the year.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (a northern resident from 1986-1996)

P.S. One year, my final day was June 8th.
We always started after Labor Day and got out before Memorial Day and summer school was for those that failed a class.
When I lived in Kentucky, every missed day of school due to snow was made up at the end of the year.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (a northern resident from 1986-1996)

P.S. One year, my final day was June 8th.
We always started after Labor Day and got out before Memorial Day and summer school was for those that failed a class.


Nobody can tell me what is wrong with that model either.


We need a constitutional amendment on this!!!! I'm not even kidding (well sort of) but few things set me off more than the school administrators trying to re-invent the wheel and starting the school year on a Thursday or some shit like that.

We need a governor that will give the districts 2 choices and 2 choices only!!!

For the fucking love of God, lets return that sanity to the schools! You go at 0700 or 0800 the Tuesday after Labor Day. You end the Friday before Memorial Day or, in very odd circumstances, perhaps the Friday after Memorial Day if it falls on the 25th. No exceptions unless your school burns down or there is a massive weather event that postponed school for a while. In most cases, you go on Saturday and make up snow days or weather days. Then you get 3 full fucking months off.

Either that or stop it with the whole summer off shit. Start each grade on 1/2/XX. IF you're in 9th grade, you start on 1/2/XX whatever day it is and you go to school until March 31. Take 2 weeks off in April then on April ___ Go back and continue going until July 31. 2 weeks off in August then start back up in mid august and go until Mid December. Two weeks off for the holidays and when 1/2/XX comes back around, you're in 10th grade.

I think 6 weeks off is too much myself and it doesn't get kids ready for the grind of the 9-5 but there is some value to being able to cut loos when you're a kid or take the family vacation or what not.

But for the fucking love of God...lets stop pretending we need 3 months off to harvest the crops or plant the crops or whatever. But if we're going to live under that fantasy, make it 3 months and stop jacking with the calendar and trying to reinvent the fucking wheel. I think the schools and the administrators probably know what is best as far as curriculum goes. Shoe horn that god-damned lesson plan into the time parameters listed. So the parents know when school starts, when it ends....every year for 12 fucking years!

<off soap box now>
No one in this thread has posted the main point of more snow days than the past: LAWSUITS. Years ago, when there wasn't social media and people were more trusting, you weren't looking to make a buck if your kid's bus broke down. Now, if you send your kid to school in three inches of snow and the bus slides, somebody, somewhere is looking for a payday. Make no mistake about that.

So to all the citizens and all the parents who complain--I mean what really do you want to do about that? Tort reform? Let's do it, then. Out the parents who press frivolous charges against the schools? Let's do that too. But that won't get done, of course, so people will just sit back and complain. And of course, complain about the wrong thing entirely.

(BTW, when districts say "child safety", they mean that. They also mean "We don't want to get sued". So own that, fellow Americans.)

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