We're on the right track! MSNBC unhinged over Mike Johnson's speakership

If the lefty election deniers and conspiracy loons at MSNBC are this distraught, then Johnson was definitely the right man for the job!

The Republicans didn't even allow the DemoKKKrats time to cook up fake rape allegations against him.

Well done, Republicans!

If your main point in electing leadership is to piss people off you're doing it wrong.

And like most republicans there's probably some connection to child sexual abuse in his past somewhere.
Fuck you hypocrite!!!!
What you assholes put this country through all throughout Trump's presidency was REPREHENSIBLE!!!!!
All fucking LIES, and you have the NERVE to just brush that off as NOTHING ?????
No way, PUNK!!!!!!! :fu:
Does Mikey know that he's expected to be on call to wash Trump's ass when Kari isn't around?

Or maybe you can be on call.
What will you say in 2025 when we find out abortion is why Trump lost? Young women.
Roe v Wade is gone, not abortion. Outlawed abortions is just the jive ploy Democrats are planning to make a big deal out of in the next election. I suppose some of the dumber ones will even fall for it. MAGA
Roe v Wade is gone, not abortion. Outlawed abortions is just the jive ploy Democrats are planning to make a big deal out of in the next election. I suppose some of the dumber ones will even fall for it. MAGA
You could try talking that jive bs before you overturned Roe and now you appoint a guy who's on record saying he would push to make abortion illegal.

Hey pal, go fuck yourself. I know this is what you are going to tell women but they aint buying it because other women are telling them the truth. You're trying to slow creep lie your way to a federal ban and we all know it. Even though you deny it. Liar bitch.
You wanted to know which ones I believed in

You keep deflecting to Biden MSNBC press secretaries

If you want to know my comments on each, then stick to that

You got plenty of time for insults in all your other threads

Men cannot get pregnant

This isn’t even an argument, unless there is some medical operation that I’m not aware of or a human was born with both female and male sex organs.
Is that even possible? I don’t know, I’m not some sex pervert.

Great non-answer. Let's move on to #3:
  • Trump colluded with Russia
You could try talking that jive bs before you overturned Roe and now you appoint a guy who's on record saying he would push to make abortion illegal.

Hey pal, go fuck yourself. I know this is what you are going to tell women but they aint buying it because other women are telling them the truth. You're trying to slow creep lie your way to a federal ban and we all know it. Even though you deny it. Liar bitch.
Hey now, look at Qdog go. If you don't watch yourself you might over amp. In reality, you're the biggest jive turkey of them all, pushing that abortion will be illegal bs. You need to check with the squad and get your talking points updated. Good luck trying to catch them when they're not too busy supporting baby killers but a hard core anarchist such as yourself should be able to find an avenue. MAGA
You could try talking that jive bs before you overturned Roe and now you appoint a guy who's on record saying he would push to make abortion illegal.

Hey pal, go fuck yourself. I know this is what you are going to tell women but they aint buying it because other women are telling them the truth. You're trying to slow creep lie your way to a federal ban and we all know it. Even though you deny it. Liar bitch.
You don't like people talking like Progs? A little of your own medicine! Don't worry. He will not get any legislation through that eliminates abortion.

Let's see your answer.

My answer is anyone who believes men can get pregnant is mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed out in public. Yet, the VAST majority of your party believes exactly that.

Now, are we moving on to #3?

  • Trump colluded with Russia
Great non-answer. Let's move on to #3:
  • Trump colluded with Russia
c'mon, you're posting today for another 7 straight hours.
You certainly have time to answer #2.

We can't move to number 3 until you give your answer or non-answer to #2.
Gooooooooooo marvin.
c'mon, you're posting today for another 7 straight hours.
You certainly have time to answer #2.

We can't move to number 3 until you give your answer or non-answer to #2.
Gooooooooooo marvin.

Did you somehow miss the first part of my post, or are you just stalling while you wait for your talking points?

Here it is again, my answer to #2:

My answer is anyone who believes men can get pregnant is mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed out in public. Yet, the VAST majority of your party believes exactly that.

Men can absolutely NOT get pregnant.

Can we move on to #3 now? Have you gotten you instructions from Beijing and Moscow?
My answer is anyone who believes men can get pregnant is mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed out in public. Yet, the VAST majority of your party believes exactly that.

Now, are we moving on to #3?

  • Trump colluded with Russia
I don't have a party, I just despise trump. For obvious reasons.
biden can fuck himself too.
along with most every other politician, either party.


The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.

Did trump direct this propaganda, I doubt it, Putin controls trump, no way Putin would take trump seriously.

Taking trump out of the equation, do you believe this statement or deny it.
The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.
I don't have a party, I just despise trump. For obvious reasons.
biden can fuck himself too.
along with most every other politician, either party.


The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.

Did trump direct this propaganda, I doubt it, Putin controls trump, no way Putin would take trump seriously.

Taking trump out of the equation, do you believe this statement or deny it.
The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.

Well, you failed to answer this one, but you did answer one further down the list (Trump is a Russian agent).

So, we can add another kooky conspiracy theory to your "I believe" list.

Now, on to #4:
  • The "pee tape" (lol)
Well, you failed to answer this one, but you did answer one further down the list
Fuck Off MM.
I answer and you flip the words to meet your agenda.

#1. We agree, I don't care what words came out of bidens mouth or other talking heads, We agree that COVID vaccine does NOT make you immune.

#2. We agree, a man cannot get pregnant. Duh.

Even though we agree, you somehow spin it into a non-answer.

Now answer #3, The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation. True or False.
Wait, you're point is MSNBC employs "election deniers and conspiracy loons" based on your demonstrable detachment from reality? The detachment acknowledged by a plethora of Trump insiders who have admitted the Orange Messiah lost?
Back to the drawing board.
Democrats spent four years denying the 2016 election, including a bogus 2-plus-year investigation based on what was known to be bogus evidence. All to keep their phony complaint in the news.
You are a sucker to democrat gaslighting and you are an ultra-hypocrite.

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