We're on the right track! MSNBC unhinged over Mike Johnson's speakership

I don't have a party, I just despise trump. For obvious reasons.
biden can fuck himself too.
along with most every other politician, either party.


The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.

Did trump direct this propaganda, I doubt it, Putin controls trump, no way Putin would take trump seriously.

Taking trump out of the equation, do you believe this statement or deny it.
The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation.
Obvious lie. Russia didn't do anything it hasn't done in previous elections.
When you come right down to it, this whole thing couldn't have happened any better for Republicans. Now we have an intelligent, fair minded person as Speaker for the first time in many decades. Thank God. MAGA
Wonder what will happen with a republican that won't rubber stamp any ridiculous spending bill. Will be curious to see if money keeps getting poured in the crapper.
Covid vaccine makes you immune?

I did my own search of “immune” and the search came back with no results.

So go ahead and search, tell me what you find. Then I’ll continue.
That's what vaccines are supposed to do, dummy. They even claimed you could not transmit COVID if you were vaccinated.
If the lefty election deniers and conspiracy loons at MSNBC are this distraught, then Johnson was definitely the right man for the job!

The Republicans didn't even allow the DemoKKKrats time to cook up fake rape allegations against him.

Well done, Republicans!

Proof that the MAGA crowd isn’t serious about the problems facing the country and actually governing. They’d rather have a circle jerk and crow about ‘owing the libs’.
Fuck Off MM.
I answer and you flip the words to meet your agenda.

#1. We agree, I don't care what words came out of bidens mouth or other talking heads, We agree that COVID vaccine does NOT make you immune.

#2. We agree, a man cannot get pregnant. Duh.

Even though we agree, you somehow spin it into a non-answer.

Now answer #3, The Russian propaganda machine flooded US Social Media Sites with LIES and Misinformation. True or False.

That doesn't answer the question.

The specific conspiracy theory you believe in is that Trump colluded with Russia. You posting a cut and paste statement that Russia posts on US social media sites does nothing to address the "Trump colluded with Russia" conspiracy theory you seem to believe.

So, am I correct that you do indeed believe this particular conspiracy theory? If not, say so.

Then we can move on to the next one: the "pee tape" you all said exists.
Proof that the MAGA crowd isn’t serious about the problems facing the country and actually governing. They’d rather have a circle jerk and crow about ‘owing the libs’.

Remind me, how is the MSNBC twat's whining about Mike Johnson helping again?
That doesn't answer the question.

The specific conspiracy theory you believe in is that Trump colluded with Russia. You posting a cut and paste statement that Russia posts on US social media sites does nothing to address the "Trump colluded with Russia" conspiracy theory you seem to believe.

So, am I correct that you do indeed believe this particular conspiracy theory? If not, say so.

Then we can move on to the next one: the "pee tape" you all said exists.
He's going to play the usual weasel game.
Sure. I'd be willing to bet you believe nearly every one of these:

  • Covid vaccines make you immune
  • Men can get pregnant
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • The "pee tape" (lol)
  • Global warming is caused by humans
  • Anyone who calls themselves a woman IS a woman
  • Jews control the media
  • Trump is a Russian agent
  • Border patrol agents beat migrants with whips
  • January 6th was an insurrection
  • 9/11 was an "inside job" (i.e. the Jews did it)
  • The government released AIDS to kill black people
  • Jussie Smollett was lynched
  • The border is secure
  • Someone put a noose in Bubba Wallace's garage
  • "Wars for oil"
  • Israel is a terrorist state
  • The Holocaust didn't happen
  • Systemic racism still exists
  • The KKK was a Republican organization
  • CRT is true
  • "The parties switched in the South!" lol
  • Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years
  • Trump buried his wife on his golf course
  • Joe Biden isn't a racist
  • "Hands up, don't shoot" lol
WELL five of your list are TRUE. The rest mostly just political propaganda.
Proof that the MAGA crowd isn’t serious about the problems facing the country and actually governing. They’d rather have a circle jerk and crow about ‘owing the libs’.
Liberal Dictionary
Governing - spend spend spend.
Blaming Democrats for your own nuts. Typical MAGAt losers. :heehee:
Horrible too say this, But with this speaker the problems will become crystal clear,
Things may be really hard for a while,
Maybe we can at some point begin to let lose of the hate & blame.

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