Were Poll Watchers kept Out of Ballot Counts?


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

No they were not

I posted this thread because the MAGArats are trying to use this lie as an excuse for ACTUALLY excluding ANYONE but partisan "auditors" in Arizona in their "forensic audit"
From what I understand, they were excluded at times at some places and kept so far away from the counting tables at others that they might as well have been excluded. Different things happened in different states, counties and precients. Was it intentional ? I don’t know. Were there shenanigans? I don’t know. But observers need to be Close enough to actually observe all the actions of the vote counters.
No poll watchers were excluded.

The question of electoral misconduct in Arizona has been long answered.

The GOP desire for an audit will not happen.

No they were not

I posted this thread because the MAGArats are trying to use this lie as an excuse for ACTUALLY excluding ANYONE but partisan "auditors" in Arizona in their "forensic audit"

Everyone knows the Dems stole the election.

The fact that you little shit weasels keep having a fit about audits is very telling.


No they were not

I posted this thread because the MAGArats are trying to use this lie as an excuse for ACTUALLY excluding ANYONE but partisan "auditors" in Arizona in their "forensic audit"

Evidently video disagrees with your BS.

Michigan still counting votes, angry poll watchers barred in Detroit, Trump sues

No they were not

I posted this thread because the MAGArats are trying to use this lie as an excuse for ACTUALLY excluding ANYONE but partisan "auditors" in Arizona in their "forensic audit"

Evidently video disagrees with your BS.

Michigan still counting votes, angry poll watchers barred in Detroit, Trump sues
From your link

Greg King of the Trump campaign said the problem arose when people left for lunch and did not sign out, so when they returned it created the appearance of too many people in the room.

A Democratic poll observer, Liz Linkewitz, said she and other Democrats had been barred as well and it was not a partisan issue.

“I’m very upset,” said Sherman Rogers, 53, a Republican who was among those barred from entering.

A city election commissioner later came out and explained that controlling the number of people in the room was necessary to protect against the coronavirus and there were still poll challengers from all parties in the hall. He left after people kept shouting over him.

Idiot Trumpers didn't sign out when they left or lunch. Only so many can be allowed in and when they came back and tried to sign in they exceeded capacity on paper

Stupid Trumpers created the problem in that ONE counting office and yet there were still observers from both parties there observing.
From the righty's link ~ there were still poll challengers from all parties in the hall.
From what I understand, they were excluded at times at some places and kept so far away from the counting tables at others that they might as well have been excluded. Different things happened in different states, counties and precients. Was it intentional ? I don’t know. Were there shenanigans? I don’t know. But observers need to be Close enough to actually observe all the actions of the vote counters.
And this was brought before Courts and found to be either false or inconsequential
Only fake news creeps believe the election was stolen.
Only gaslighing assholes tell us to believe them and not our own lying eyes and ears.
Yep, real true Americans are telling you not to believe your own lies.
Sorry man, on this particular topic, your n00b status is going to have to require you to take a back seat.

This forum was flooded with a bunch of new members, both for and against Trump, and no one takes shit seriously from any of you folks that joined after the election on any of these controversies.

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