Were The 19, Hero Firefighters Racist?

By the way op....the reason why none of them are black is because in that area, there aren't that many blacks living there stupid. An extremely small minority. Ever been there? i have. to use this to spew your racist shit is sickening.

you are the last person that should accuse anyone else of anything
were there any Jews that died?

Was it a Jewish plot to kill Christians or a Muslim terrorist attack?
I wonder if any of them were gay and why were there no women firefighters?

The list of potential stupid questions is as endless as the OP is bloody cretinous.

Why do some people insist on blind idiocy?
I will use every oppertunity to throw race back at the left. They have had a monopoly on it for way too long. I used this extremely poignant topic, because I thought it would foster deep debate. I did not antisipate that an intorrogative would be so unwelcomed.; I did not expect instant judgement based on emotion.
If you can not explore whether a group of deceased non blacks could be called racist in todays mindsets. How are people so quick to accuse the living whites of it because of an all white vidio?
What video is that?

You need to watch Fox ( Stossel ) It was some intelectual all white, maybe 7, white college engineering majors - it was considered offensive, because it was all white. Point being that anything all white is attacked for being racist. What about the united negro college fund? Would it be o.k. to have a white American college fund :eek:
We are all culturally different. Koreans don't patronise non koreans. Chinese start chinatown, and have there own churches. Are they racist? Birds of a feather flock together. Our country is way more segregated now. I'm tired of being called a racist. "Fuck you your a racist" is my automated response, and my strategic, and tactical offense/defense to the racist blacks, and liberals from now on - my claim is way more credible.

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