Zone1 Were the Kennedys really Catholic?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Well, compared to some folks in national gummit these days, they were down right SAINTS

Anyhow, I read this book about the Kennedys written by one of Rose and Joseph P's children. They were very good parents. They taught their children very important things for doing well in the world. My parents.. um... whatever..

I found out that Bobby in particular was a pretty devout Catholic, at least when he was younger. I don't know about when he was older. I'll have to read more.

We haven't heard anything about Robert Jr's religion.

Which tells us all we need to know?
I just heard something about Bobby Kennedy....he was running against LBJ's Great Society because he knew it would create too much dependency on the .gov. I can't say if it's true or not but damn.

some say LBJ hadsomething to do with the murder of JFK

from other things I've read about LBJ, it would not surprise me.

What's most surprising about the assassination is that.. we ( supposedly) still do not know who did it (or do we?)
RE "the Great Society"

we remember this (don't we all remember hearing of this?)

"We'll have those N------ (racial slur) voting for us for 200 years!"

How could any Black person vote D after learning some of this history?
some say LBJ hadsomething to do with the murder of JFK

from other things I've read about LBJ, it would not surprise me.

What's most surprising about the assassination is that.. we ( supposedly) still do not know who did it (or do we?)

We know.

John J. McCloy was appointed by LBJ to the Warren Commission, if I'm not mistaken.

A banker. Appointed to investigate a presidential assassination.

When JFK gave his inaugural address to the nation, I still remember that part of his address where he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Democrats today: Hey government, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie.
JFK wouldn't even qualify for being a Democrat today, but instead, a radical right-wing politician.

We know.

John J. McCloy was appointed by LBJ to the Warren Commission, if I'm not mistaken.

A banker. Appointed to investigate a presidential assassination.


Why was it called the Warren Commission?

Oh well.

I seemed to instinctively know-- way back when the W Commission wasn't such ancient news, that it was all a lot of BS to cover up the real reason.

can't prove it but I'm probably right.
When JFK gave his inaugural address to the nation, I still remember that part of his address where he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Democrats today: Hey government, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie.
JFK wouldn't even qualify for being a Democrat today, but instead, a radical right-wing politician.

They'd Bernie him in a New York minute
They had a passel of kids.....Bobby Kennedy had 11 kids by his lonesome.

Ethel Kennedy met Robert F. Kennedy, known as Bobby, in 1945 and the two married in 1950. The couple eventually had eleven children....
so you just answered Title question


nothing says Catholic like having a big family

(I guess it could be said of the mormons also)
Why was it called the Warren Commission?

Oh well.

I seemed to instinctively know-- way back when the W Commission wasn't such ancient news, that it was all a lot of BS to cover up the real reason.

can't prove it but I'm probably right.

Unofficially named for its chairman, Chief Justice Earl Warren.

you can change anything at WIKI you want

makes no sense

Funny, I have an acquaintance who is a conservative talk radio host, outspoken of course. Apparently he found a wikipedia entry on himself with some erroneous information and when he attempted to correct the mistake, wiki told him he was not a qualified expert on HIMSELF! LOL!!!!!!


Funny, I have an acquaintance who is a conservative talk radio host, outspoken of course. Apparently he found a wikipedia entry on himself with some erroneous information and when he attempted to correct the mistake, wiki told him he was not a qualified expert on HIMSELF! LOL!!!!!!

just when you thought you'd heard it all vis a vis how insane the world is these d ays..!

that's quite a story... :oops:
They were members of the RCC.

So they were catholics.

Qustion is answered hereby.
They were members of the RCC.

So they were catholics.

Qustion is answered hereby.

What is the RCC?

If you think it exists in the Vatican, you are seriously mistaken

Catholics were 86d out of that place in 1958. The Real Catholic Church is scattered like the sheep that they are.
The Kennedys were in the novus ordo "church" much of their lives, although the father and mother knew the old, true Catholic Church.

Being raised in the novus ordo... well, we now can understand why we had Chappaquidic (spelling) and JFK's womanizing..
What is the RCC?

If you think it exists in the Vatican, you are seriously mistaken

Catholics were 86d out of that place in 1958. The Real Catholic Church is scattered like the sheep that they are.
RCC = Roman Catholic Church

i thought this was well known …..

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