Wesley Snipes released after 3 years for MISDEMEANOR conviction


I sense there must be this epic sort of battle going on inside your head right now.

You must defend Snipes, because he's a "tax protester". But he's black - which means he must be inferior.

You must be very torn.

Snipes is the blade-man and i'm a knife freak so i like him. I consider him an honorary white man.

Hey, I have an idea: impale yourself on your longest blade.

Telling the truth (me) is not shilling (you, ShootSpeeders). I advised yesterday at church one of the federal judges the tax protestors here must be maxed, for they are stealing from We the People.

Hey stupid. Have you ever even asked why we pay taxes when the govt can print money. Americans pay approximately a trillion dollars in individual taxes each year while obozo PRINTS up trillions more and just gives to his banker buds.!!!

Telling the truth (me) is not shilling (you, ShootSpeeders). I advised yesterday at church one of the federal judges the tax protestors here must be maxed, for they are stealing from We the People.

Hey stupid. Have you ever even asked why we pay taxes when the govt can print money. Americans pay approximately a trillion dollars in individual taxes each year while obozo PRINTS up trillions more and just gives to his banker buds.!!!

You really don't understand how our economy or government works, do you?
Still, three years is a long time. He should have just paid the money and kept on making more (unless he didn't have it). He could have done some payment deal.
Hey stupid. Have you ever even asked why we pay taxes when the govt can print money. Americans pay approximately a trillion dollars in individual taxes each year while obozo PRINTS up trillions more and just gives to his banker buds.!!!

You really don't understand how our economy or government works, do you?

Answer the question. Why must we pay taxes when the govt prints money and gives it to bankers.?
Hey stupid. Have you ever even asked why we pay taxes when the govt can print money. Americans pay approximately a trillion dollars in individual taxes each year while obozo PRINTS up trillions more and just gives to his banker buds.!!!

You really don't understand how our economy or government works, do you?

Answer the question. Why must we pay taxes when the govt prints money and gives it to bankers.?

You are one dumb fucker.

Sure, just print more money. If every country would just do that, no one would live in poverty and everyone would be rich, rich, rich!!!

You fool.
First time offenders don't do 3 years for a misdemeanor conviction!!!! But the judge considered him not just a tax evader but a tax denier and threw the book at him.


Actor Wesley Snipes released from prison - CNN.com

Fri April 5, 2013

(CNN) -- Actor Wesley Snipes has been released from a federal prison where he was serving a three-year sentence after being convicted on tax charges in February 2010.
The release to a supervised residential location in New York occurred Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Prisons told CNN.
Snipes, 50, who starred in the "Blade" action movies and "White Men Can't Jump," had been serving time at a federal prison in Pennsylvania. A jury convicted him of willfully failing to file tax returns for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Snipes was acquitted of felony tax fraud and conspiracy charges.
In June 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of his sentence, which he had argued was too harsh for a misdemeanor conviction.

You are aware Wesley Snipes is Black right?
Wait till the Obamacare debacle gets going. Many many Americans are gonna be very surprised when the IRS Gestapo comes callin. Most have no idea what they supported. But they're gonna get an idea pretty soon.
Snipes bought into the Section 861 bullshit and paid the price. Tax protestors who use that "logic" have never won a court case. His codefendants got 10 years and 4 1/2 years.

We've got similar morons here on these boards who claim taxation is theft, or it's un-Constitutional, or that they are immune from the laws because they are "sovereign citizens."

Whatever bogus theory idiots dream up to keep from paying their fair share of the taxes will inevitably land them in the same place as Snipes.

Although constitutional, taxation is theft by the use of force/violence. This case proves it. The federal government extorts money from people and if they do not comply they send you to jail. Refuse jail and they will put a bullet in you.

Governments are nothing more than organized crime.
First time offenders don't do 3 years for a misdemeanor conviction!!!! But the judge considered him not just a tax evader but a tax denier and threw the book at him.


Actor Wesley Snipes released from prison - CNN.com

Fri April 5, 2013

(CNN) -- Actor Wesley Snipes has been released from a federal prison where he was serving a three-year sentence after being convicted on tax charges in February 2010.
The release to a supervised residential location in New York occurred Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Prisons told CNN.
Snipes, 50, who starred in the "Blade" action movies and "White Men Can't Jump," had been serving time at a federal prison in Pennsylvania. A jury convicted him of willfully failing to file tax returns for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Snipes was acquitted of felony tax fraud and conspiracy charges.
In June 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of his sentence, which he had argued was too harsh for a misdemeanor conviction.

You are aware Wesley Snipes is Black right?

Hey stupid. Everybody knows who snipes is and that he's black. What part of the moon do you live on?
First time offenders don't do 3 years for a misdemeanor conviction!!!! But the judge considered him not just a tax evader but a tax denier and threw the book at him.


Actor Wesley Snipes released from prison - CNN.com

Fri April 5, 2013

(CNN) -- Actor Wesley Snipes has been released from a federal prison where he was serving a three-year sentence after being convicted on tax charges in February 2010.
The release to a supervised residential location in New York occurred Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Prisons told CNN.
Snipes, 50, who starred in the "Blade" action movies and "White Men Can't Jump," had been serving time at a federal prison in Pennsylvania. A jury convicted him of willfully failing to file tax returns for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Snipes was acquitted of felony tax fraud and conspiracy charges.
In June 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of his sentence, which he had argued was too harsh for a misdemeanor conviction.

You ain't just whistl'in Dixie! How many corporate CEO's and the like have we witness get off easier with far more aggregious offenses to the IRS?
Although constitutional, taxation is theft by the use of force/violence. This case proves it. The federal government extorts money from people and if they do not comply they send you to jail. Refuse jail and they will put a bullet in you.

Governments are nothing more than organized crime.

And that means we have debtor prisons. People like to say we got rid of them decades ago but not so. You don't pay your tax debt and they lock you up.
Wait till the Obamacare debacle gets going. Many many Americans are gonna be very surprised when the IRS Gestapo comes callin. Most have no idea what they supported. But they're gonna get an idea pretty soon.

And the press will blame the repubs for not giving obozo all he wanted.
First time offenders don't do 3 years for a misdemeanor conviction!!!! But the judge considered him not just a tax evader but a tax denier and threw the book at him.


Fri April 5, 2013

(CNN) -- Actor Wesley Snipes has been released from a federal prison where he was serving a three-year sentence after being convicted on tax charges in February 2010.
The release to a supervised residential location in New York occurred Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Prisons told CNN.
Snipes, 50, who starred in the "Blade" action movies and "White Men Can't Jump," had been serving time at a federal prison in Pennsylvania. A jury convicted him of willfully failing to file tax returns for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Snipes was acquitted of felony tax fraud and conspiracy charges.
In June 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of his sentence, which he had argued was too harsh for a misdemeanor conviction.

Word around the Entertainment Industry here in Southern California about Wesley Snipes is negative. First, I must admit, I was a fan. I thought Snipes had talent.

Part of what evidently caused him problems was his attitude. He explained in open court that money he made was his, and he owed nothing to this country. Greed was blatant on Snipe's part. Snipe's thought he was special, and did not have to pay his tax, so the judge threw the book at him.

All I can tell you is that Snipes is not in the acting league with Jack Nicholson or Morgan Freeman. Three years is a long time in the Entertainment Industry. Very few people can count on favors to last that long. Snipes may "never work in this town again!"
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Part of what evidently caused him problems was his attitude. He explained in open court that money he made was his, and he owed nothing to this country. Greed was blatant on Snipe's part. Snipe's thought he was special, and did not have to pay his tax, so the judge threw the book at him.

Sounds like a good attitude to me. He did earn the money and then the govt took it - prolly like 60% of it factoring in all taxes. And then they spend it on wars and give it to lazy blacks on welfare and rich bankers. If taxes were under 10% like they should be, everyone would pay and none would complain.
Wait till the Obamacare debacle gets going. Many many Americans are gonna be very surprised when the IRS Gestapo comes callin. Most have no idea what they supported. But they're gonna get an idea pretty soon.

WTF has this drivel of yours have to do with Wesley Snipes?

Part of what evidently caused him problems was his attitude. He explained in open court that money he made was his, and he owed nothing to this country. Greed was blatant on Snipe's part. Snipe's thought he was special, and did not have to pay his tax, so the judge threw the book at him.

Sounds like a good attitude to me. He did earn the money and then the govt took it - prolly like 60% of it factoring in all taxes. And then they spend it on wars and give it to lazy blacks on welfare and rich bankers. If taxes were under 10% like they should be, everyone would pay and none would complain.

I agree with you completely on the waste of money on wars and rich bankers.

I don't think race has anything to do with someone being a freeloader. Money spent on welfare programs for he poor is far less than the subsidies and tax breaks given the Fortune 500. Those are your biggest freeloaders. You want your taxes to go down? Increase the tax on the corpies!

People from around the world are trying to enter our country for opportunity. They are willing to pay the price to live our privileged lifestyle. Stop signs, food inspectors, and air traffic controllers cost money. If you don't want to pay, please leave. Legal immigrants are waiting ten to fifteen years to get into our country. You are easily replaceable.

It would be interesting to see what nation you would chose to live in if you were forced out of the United States. :lame2:
I don't think race has anything to do with someone being a freeloader. Money spent on welfare programs for he poor is far less than the subsidies and tax breaks given the Fortune 500. Those are your biggest freeloaders. You want your taxes to go down? Increase the tax on the corpies!


Corporate welfare has been a problem ever since america was founded. In the 1800s it was called internal improvements. Politicians would tax the public and give the money to corporations to build roads and canals. But guess what? Nothing got built.

It got so bad many states put clauses in their constitution banning govt involvement in internal improvements. If something needs to be built let the privates sector do it.

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