West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

What are the democrats doing about it? Besides keeping minorities uneducated and on welfare for a vote?

What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?

The real question is, what are minorities doing about it?

Well the majority of black folks are not committing crime, what are the police doing about it. Isn't it their job to prevent, investigate and prosecute crime.
View attachment 297532
View attachment 297545
thats very interesting

was he an inmate or a guard?
Glad your life has been so comfy, to allow you [Correll] your liberal beliefs
I'm not sure who would be more insulted, Correll or liberals...
Oh, I'm an equal opportunity to kind of guy. If I am right everybody is welcome to hear, learn from or disregard my opinion. In this case, I do believe Correll (specifically) to be more on the liberal side, than I. :)
If they all get hired at Walmart and get together for a good old Nazi salute photograph in the store, They will again be fired, and rightly so.

Are government employees permitted to express unpopular opinions?
As long as they do not make an ass of themselves at the expense the agency that employees them. If they do just wish to make a demonstration, possibly of their core beliefs without regard for their workplace image, they can do so on their own time, out of uniform, and away from the workplace or training facilities.
Grow up. That is just the way life is. People sometimes make stupid choices, act on them and quite often pay for their stupid choices with their money, career, marriage, sometimes their life. I take no joy at the downfall. It is just part of the passing parade. I just observe, shake my head and think, "Who in the hell raised these people?", or "What in the hell were they thinking?".

AT best your easy acceptance of people being destroyed for no reason, is callous and brutal.

At worst, you are just refusing to take responsibility for your vicious gloating.

Me? Any poor slub that wants to make a living being a freaking prison guard? Has my support and pity.

That sounds like just about the last job I would want to do.
Let me get this straight. I say point blank and truthfully that " I take no joy at the downfall". The, you accuse me of vicious goating? The, you refer to the trainee cadets as " Any poor slub"? and their present chosen career path "freaking prison guard"?, last job you would want to do?

I believe that makes you a bleeding heart, hypocrital, snob.
I wish those men luck and greater sense of modern day decorum in the workplace, as they work their way, possibly to jobs, even somebody like you, might deign to accept.

Not wanting to see people lose jobs, especially jobs they worked hard to get, does not make one a "bleeding heart", nor does not wanting to do a shitty job, make one a snob.

Your putting "modern day decorum" over the well being of real people, is not right.
If a group of my troops had posed for a picture in uniform giving the Nazi solute, I would have brought them up on charges of Conduct Unbecoming, and they may very very well have gotten a BCD, and that doesn't stand for Big Chicken Dinner. It should also be noted, all of my troops worked a hell of a lot harder for their uniform. Glad your life has been so comfy, to allow you your liberal beliefs.

Your presentation is not credible. A man half as tough as you pretend to be, should not be so worked up over a few kids being silly.

And no one seriously would call, having concern for his fellow citizens, "liberal beliefs".

My opinion struck a note with you, therefore it must have been credible even with you. I do not understand how you would characterize me a "tough guy or one who pretends to be, nor am I particularly worked up. As I said, it's all part of the passing parade, and I do enjoy the parade. I care deeply for my fellow citizens, but I do not support or condone workplace demonstrations, counter to the good order, discipline, and image of the workplace. You seem to have a greater attitude of permissiveness, that I do associate with a liberal viewpoint. Feel free to petition the Governor, go out and hold a demonstration, or open a go-fund-me site to support those you feel abused, by negative workplace actions, taken to discourage workplace demonstrations. It is your right. I simply will not support your effort. Over permissiveness is a hall mark of liberal thinking, but does not (in fact) demonstrate greater concern for your fellow citizens. If you raise your kids with this highly permissive attitude, they too may be occasionally ostracized by society on a temporary basis or for much longer periods of time. It is your decision. Knock yourself out. I'll watch the parade.
I still haven't seen whether Byrd was one of those fired. That's the first person that should have been fired. The cadets can go to Wal Mart and make as much money.
If they all get hired at Walmart and get together for a good old Nazi salute photograph in the store, They will again be fired, and rightly so.
sure--how American--whites no free speech--but blacks can have free speech
You have free speech in your private life, but if you embarrass your employer, you may be out on your but until you learn not to embarrass your employer in the workplace.
View attachment 297513 3 states lol
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
And you think where its mostly red that people actually live there.
Try putting a population overlay on that map.
View attachment 297513 3 states lol
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
And you think where its mostly red that people actually live there.
Yes people live there do you have a map that proves they don’t?
View attachment 297513 3 states lol
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
And you think where its mostly red that people actually live there.
Yes people live there do you have a map that proves they don’t?
You are such a moron.
View attachment 297513 3 states lol
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
And you think where its mostly red that people actually live there.
Yes people live there do you have a map that proves they don’t?
You are such a moron.
Thanks for coming you got served
Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.
He realized hitler was fighting for respect and pride.. SU WAS communist the Jewish president wouldn’t allow that lol

If you think Hitler was just fighting for respect and pride, you are ignoring what Hitler himself said. He was out to conquer. He was out to make the Third Reich rulers of the world.
I still haven't seen whether Byrd was one of those fired. That's the first person that should have been fired. The cadets can go to Wal Mart and make as much money.
If they all get hired at Walmart and get together for a good old Nazi salute photograph in the store, They will again be fired, and rightly so.
sure--how American--whites no free speech--but blacks can have free speech
You have free speech in your private life, but if you embarrass your employer, you may be out on your but until you learn not to embarrass your employer in the workplace.
...sure--there are many instances of WHITES being fired for free speech
..AND this isn't a private company --is it?
..and the Governor/etc did it, yes?so the state is violating their free speech rights--not a private company
..as usual, we have the double standard here .....
--embarrass--that's opinion only --blacks can piss on the American flag and they keep their jobs....whites perform a joke and the state fires them
I still haven't seen whether Byrd was one of those fired. That's the first person that should have been fired. The cadets can go to Wal Mart and make as much money.
If they all get hired at Walmart and get together for a good old Nazi salute photograph in the store, They will again be fired, and rightly so.
sure--how American--whites no free speech--but blacks can have free speech
You have free speech in your private life, but if you embarrass your employer, you may be out on your but until you learn not to embarrass your employer in the workplace.
...sure--there are many instances of WHITES being fired for free speech
..AND this isn't a private company --is it?
..and the Governor/etc did it, yes?so the state is violating their free speech rights--not a private company
..as usual, we have the double standard here .....
--embarrass--that's opinion only --blacks can piss on the American flag and they keep their jobs....whites perform a joke and the state fires them

I draw the line at the workplace. I do not care if they are black, white, private or public employee. It is a policy of mine. If if makes you feel better, I still have not gone back to watching NFL football. I do support workers rights to take off their uniform, go on strike and march outside the workplace, even thou it may lead to their replacement or termination. Then they can take up the redress of their grievances in court.
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.
He realized hitler was fighting for respect and pride.. SU WAS communist the Jewish president wouldn’t allow that lol

If you think Hitler was just fighting for respect and pride, you are ignoring what Hitler himself said. He was out to conquer. He was out to make the Third Reich rulers of the world.
Dude I’m
Not a fan of hitler I’m just saying don’t inflate what happened stop misinformation, tell the story correctly..
If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.
He realized hitler was fighting for respect and pride.. SU WAS communist the Jewish president wouldn’t allow that lol

If you think Hitler was just fighting for respect and pride, you are ignoring what Hitler himself said. He was out to conquer. He was out to make the Third Reich rulers of the world.
Dude I’m
Not a fan of hitler I’m just saying don’t inflate what happened stop misinformation, tell the story correctly..

Dude, you defended him. By your own standards, that makes you supporter.

And trying to say the camps and the cattle cars were because of TB, or that Hitler was just fighting for respect is not telling the story correctly.
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!

Yea mean when he makes the Supreme Court look liked it did in the 30s and 40s.

You want them to appoint Sharpton?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
The delusion and ignorance of Trumpers is astounding.

Dims still don’t acknowledge that they lost in 2016. That’s the epitome of ignorance, delusion, and stupidity. Maybe pelosi can get into the Betty Ford clinic for the new year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!

Yea mean when he makes the Supreme Court look liked it did in the 30s and 40s.
Lol, your heathen ways will be against the law. I'm positive your race baiting will still be around because you're a hater, but the educated will be fine.

You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.

You have three possible losers to vote for in your party. Oh yeah I forgot, it’s not your party. You aren’t even registered to vote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!

Yea mean when he makes the Supreme Court look liked it did in the 30s and 40s.
Lol, your heathen ways will be against the law. I'm positive your race baiting will still be around because you're a hater, but the educated will be fine.

You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.
Lol, I'm sorry if the white man has smacked your ass all of your life. I never treated another person different, because of their color. I can tell you have because of your post. Grow up.

There have been plenty of good white men in this country, unfortunately the racist white trash like yourself have been allowed to subject injustice upon people of color. I have been grown up for quite a few years.

So name some caucasians that are good, and you don’t hate. Bet you don’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?

The real question is, what are minorities doing about it?

Well the majority of black folks are not committing crime, what are the police doing about it. Isn't it their job to prevent, investigate and prosecute crime.
View attachment 297532
View attachment 297545
thats very interesting

was he an inmate or a guard?


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