West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
Almost heave
Yep. it's about time. You guys need to stop being so uppity.

If Trump wins in 2020 you will probably feel comfortable wearing your hoods in public again.
Actually the democrats retired their white hoods and traded them in on different types of apparel to cover their faces.

You're right in today's society they are republicans who are politicians, judges, prosecutors, etc.
I was talking about anifta, the new Democrat Nazi group. Please try to keep up.
the blacks/Dems/BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis:

The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Hecklers disrupt Trump rally, photographer shoved to the ground

...etc many many links about blacks/BLM/Dems DISRUPTING political opponents peaceful meetings
Were these Nazis blacks/BLM/Dems? Idiot!
Mocking the deaths of millions is fun if you make sure you are just kidding when you do it
Making a joke and mocking the deaths of millions are completely different things. No one here believes that an entire class of cadets coincidentally turned out to be Nazis. They were making a joke.

Hogans Heroes wasnt a show designed to mock death. It was just for fun. The cadets were doing the exact same thing.

I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?

“Hail Byrd!”

Wow you snowflakes are pathetic. They did it as a joke for their instructor, who was probably very strict or “Nazi like” in that respect.

No, these guys shouldn’t lose their jobs after all the hard work of going through basic training for, just because they made a joke privately between themselves.

Have any of them actually expressed wanting to be a real Nazi? I doubt it. Another knee jerk reaction to a joke that some find offensive.
Bad things happen to stupid people
Some “jokes” are not funny

You do it in uniform and on the payroll, you pay the price
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
But you've had a Conservative SC Chief Justce and majority of SC justices appointed by Republican conservative presidents, for over 60 years....?

It has been a Conservative SC, my entire lifetime....

It was a Conservative majority SC that made the 7 to 2 decision on Roe v Wade
Lol, yeah the democrats had control of the house for over 40 years till 1994. Yeah the democrats put conservatives on the SC.
What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?
Have you meet black republicans? They are doing pretty good.. why you want to keep people down?

Idiot there are plenty of black folks who vote Democratic who are doing pretty good.
Yea they are probably getting paid by a democrat lol to agree with them

Oh that makes sense Trump Humper, it basically shows how big of an idiot you truly are.
Lol, yeah black folk still vote Democrat, Even though they think you are too stupid to get an ID.
I have no problem with Voter ID -- matter of fact, there were very successful voter registration drives that resulted in more of those "dumb darkies" getting proper ID's....

...but its funny how the more that happens, the more you see republican controlled states closing down DMV's in predominately black areas...why is that??

I thought the goal was to make voting easier, not harder...right??

Texas Officials Aim to Shutter Driver's License Offices in Black, Hispanic Communities (Updated) - Rewire.News

Alabama’s DMV Shutdown Has Everything to Do With Race

Polling Places in Black Communities Continue to Close Ahead of November Elections
Have you meet black republicans? They are doing pretty good.. why you want to keep people down?

Idiot there are plenty of black folks who vote Democratic who are doing pretty good.
Yea they are probably getting paid by a democrat lol to agree with them

Oh that makes sense Trump Humper, it basically shows how big of an idiot you truly are.
Lol, yeah black folk still vote Democrat, Even though they think you are too stupid to get an ID.
I have no problem with Voter ID -- matter of fact, there were very successful voter registration drives that resulted in more of those "dumb darkies" getting proper ID's....

...but its funny how the more that happens, the more you see republican controlled states closing down DMV's in predominately black areas...why is that??

I thought the goal was to make voting easier, not harder...right??

Texas Officials Aim to Shutter Driver's License Offices in Black, Hispanic Communities (Updated) - Rewire.News

Alabama’s DMV Shutdown Has Everything to Do With Race

Polling Places in Black Communities Continue to Close Ahead of November Elections
Black Peope usually live in urban areas that have far more access to MunicipalityThen white people in rural areas where you don’t hear white people complaining
Who would want to work in the West Virginia prison system? Wouldn't you think the freaking governor would have given those guys the benefit of the doubt after spending all that money to train them?

You embarrass the Governor, you are history

Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Look, West Virginia has a bad enough reputation as it is without showing the world they are a bunch of racist, redneck Hillbillies

A couple of young guys, hamming it up for a photo, is only an excuse to smear a whole state, if the you WANT to smear the whole state.

You wanting to smear the whole state, over the actions of a few young guys, is you being the bigot.
Wasn’t a photo at some offsite party
It was a photo taken while in uniform and on the job

Reflects poorly on the state. They paid the price
Maybe next time, cadets will respect the uniform

Or, next time, any would be cadets will realize that despite the uniforms, that they are held in contempt by the leaders, and any real men, will decide to not want a job where they are considered expendable for no reason.

And you can try running a prison system with "men" like this.

While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired

You can express any view you like. However, the cadets were in uniform, and the dumbest among them should have foreseen that such an expression would reflect badly upon their employer, and that the boot would likely arrive shortly thereafter.
..but then all these blacks athletes should be fired for '''free speech'' when they piss America by kneeling

That's up to their employers.
..I'll post it again in case you missed it = I've always wonderd what would happen if a white NFL player would give the nazi salute....if they fired him, that would be so hypocritical/etc

Depends on how talented they are, if they are talented enough they will have a job in the NFL, if the distraction out weighs the talent, they are gone.
First hand accounts are usually reliable. But it was also the American GIs who freed the camps and uncovered the mass graves.

No, they didn't. There may have been TB spread in the camps, but they were not quarantined, they were taken to be killed because they were undesirables.
Who told you that a jew? Watch the Documentary the Greatest story never told

Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.

No, they didn't. There may have been TB spread in the camps, but they were not quarantined, they were taken to be killed because they were undesirables.
Who told you that a jew? Watch the Documentary the Greatest story never told

Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

You embarrass the Governor, you are history

Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Look, West Virginia has a bad enough reputation as it is without showing the world they are a bunch of racist, redneck Hillbillies

A couple of young guys, hamming it up for a photo, is only an excuse to smear a whole state, if the you WANT to smear the whole state.

You wanting to smear the whole state, over the actions of a few young guys, is you being the bigot.
Wasn’t a photo at some offsite party
It was a photo taken while in uniform and on the job

Reflects poorly on the state. They paid the price
Maybe next time, cadets will respect the uniform

Or, next time, any would be cadets will realize that despite the uniforms, that they are held in contempt by the leaders, and any real men, will decide to not want a job where they are considered expendable for no reason.

And you can try running a prison system with "men" like this.

The convicts will be butt screwing them before the day is over.
Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Look, West Virginia has a bad enough reputation as it is without showing the world they are a bunch of racist, redneck Hillbillies

A couple of young guys, hamming it up for a photo, is only an excuse to smear a whole state, if the you WANT to smear the whole state.

You wanting to smear the whole state, over the actions of a few young guys, is you being the bigot.
Wasn’t a photo at some offsite party
It was a photo taken while in uniform and on the job

Reflects poorly on the state. They paid the price
Maybe next time, cadets will respect the uniform

Or, next time, any would be cadets will realize that despite the uniforms, that they are held in contempt by the leaders, and any real men, will decide to not want a job where they are considered expendable for no reason.

And you can try running a prison system with "men" like this.

The convicts will be butt screwing them before the day is over.

The way that these people expect strong men to be meek, or meek men to be strong,

they are bat shit crazy.
blacks[ Dems] commit more hate crimes per capita

Is that statistic like the one were cops kill more unarmed/innocent black folks per capita.
wrong again
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

The key words in my post was UNARMED and INNOCENT.
you must be blind and racist--I put it in big BOLD letters:
the vast majority armed
That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

and you provide NO evidence

Fool what part of UNARMED and INNOCENT don't you understand.

Being “unarmed” does not make one “innocent”.
Is that statistic like the one were cops kill more unarmed/innocent black folks per capita.
wrong again
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

The key words in my post was UNARMED and INNOCENT.
you must be blind and racist--I put it in big BOLD letters:
the vast majority armed
That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

and you provide NO evidence

Fool what part of UNARMED and INNOCENT don't you understand.

Being “unarmed” does not make one “innocent”.
...he is either racist/dumb/brainwashed/all of the above
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?

“Hail Byrd!”

Wow you snowflakes are pathetic. They did it as a joke for their instructor, who was probably very strict or “Nazi like” in that respect.

No, these guys shouldn’t lose their jobs after all the hard work of going through basic training for, just because they made a joke privately between themselves.

Have any of them actually expressed wanting to be a real Nazi? I doubt it. Another knee jerk reaction to a joke that some find offensive.
Bad things happen to stupid people
Some “jokes” are not funny

You do it in uniform and on the payroll, you pay the price

It was funny to them, that’s all it was for, themselves. They weren’t expecting to make anyone else laugh nor should it be their responsibility that you snowflakes are so sensitive.
While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
Almost heave
If Trump wins in 2020 you will probably feel comfortable wearing your hoods in public again.
Actually the democrats retired their white hoods and traded them in on different types of apparel to cover their faces.

You're right in today's society they are republicans who are politicians, judges, prosecutors, etc.
I was talking about anifta, the new Democrat Nazi group. Please try to keep up.
the blacks/Dems/BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis:

The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Hecklers disrupt Trump rally, photographer shoved to the ground

...etc many many links about blacks/BLM/Dems DISRUPTING political opponents peaceful meetings
Were these Nazis blacks/BLM/Dems? Idiot!
they are being peaceful--NOT disrupting!! like BLM/etc DUH --IDIOT
they are NOT nazis
They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
Damn, I forgot how good lookin' he was, when young! :D
he's an Ok actor at times...but he hammed it a lot ..TJ Hooker was horrible
I don't think he was a good actor! I just think he is good looking, when young.... I kinda forgot.
Was that the Star Trek episode where Capt Kirk murdered 6 million Jews??

So basically, those cadets were just paying homage to Capt Kirk.....that changes everything now
STOP linking/providing so much evidence [ hahahahhahahah ]
While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
The beauty of the Governor's firing of those Nazis is that it was a state action, and therefore, as much as he would like to, Trump can't intervene! Of course, he will tweet until his thumbs are sore and will campaign against the governor, but he is impotent to rescue his fans.
Is that statistic like the one were cops kill more unarmed/innocent black folks per capita.
wrong again
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

The key words in my post was UNARMED and INNOCENT.
you must be blind and racist--I put it in big BOLD letters:
the vast majority armed
That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

and you provide NO evidence

Fool what part of UNARMED and INNOCENT don't you understand.

Being “unarmed” does not make one “innocent”.
99% of those shot are criminals and/or resisting
we LAUGH at the MSM/blacks' stupidshit

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