West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

It would. But there is no law against being a hypocrite. That's why the Democrats are so successful.
..there's no law against giving the nazi salute ---it's stupid--but not a crime.....
...it was just a joke

No law against giving the finger either, but I bet they'd have been fired as well.
..this is why we laugh at the MSM/anti-white crap/blacks/etc ...when blacks do crap like that or worse, they get a pass --just like Obama got a pass for being a racist/ cop/America/white hater ....this is MORE proof of everything I've said on USMB

More right wing propaganda. You guys are consistent I will give you that.
.....hahahah--according to you and the MSM--blacks are inhuman--they can't do anything wrong
..you don't even realize how idiotic that is, do you?? blacks ARE human
You do understand calling black people or anyone "in-human" is an insult right??

And do you understand that on this very message board, just yesterday --it was your Trump circle jerk teammates who were going on and on about how inferior and "IN-HUMAN" blacks are....and I didn't see your bitch ass there disagreeing with it....so fuk what you yapping about now....
Who would want to work in the West Virginia prison system? Wouldn't you think the freaking governor would have given those guys the benefit of the doubt after spending all that money to train them?

You embarrass the Governor, you are history

Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Look, West Virginia has a bad enough reputation as it is without showing the world they are a bunch of racist, redneck Hillbillies

A couple of young guys, hamming it up for a photo, is only an excuse to smear a whole state, if the you WANT to smear the whole state.

You wanting to smear the whole state, over the actions of a few young guys, is you being the bigot.
Wasn’t a photo at some offsite party
It was a photo taken while in uniform and on the job

Reflects poorly on the state. They paid the price
Maybe next time, cadets will respect the uniform
The cadets were wrong to give the Nazi salute

But considering our piss poor education system I wonder if they even knew the meaning of what they were doing?

They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
Too bad your lying ass can't prove that.
I can't prove that Trump just won by 50K votes across three states?? Ok, how about less than 80K?? Would that make you feel better???

Are you one of those dumb asses that believe Trump won both the electoral and popular vote? Really??

"A shift of fewer than 80,000 votes in three states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) — or 0.06% of 137 million cast -- [is what won Trump the presidency]"

Why voting matters: Supreme Court edition

That is NOT a landslide victory.....especially when you consider he ran against someone as hated as Hillary.....then in 2018, the GOP got whooped so bad that they were campaigning on protecting Obamacare.....

However ….you think trolling, lying and insulting 16 yr old autistic kids is the secret recipe to growing your party? Cool....that means you dic suckers shouldn't be complaining about everything all the time...
Your lying ass can't prove shit.
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?

“Hail Byrd!”

Wow you snowflakes are pathetic. They did it as a joke for their instructor, who was probably very strict or “Nazi like” in that respect.

No, these guys shouldn’t lose their jobs after all the hard work of going through basic training for, just because they made a joke privately between themselves.

Have any of them actually expressed wanting to be a real Nazi? I doubt it. Another knee jerk reaction to a joke that some find offensive.
..there's no law against giving the nazi salute ---it's stupid--but not a crime.....
...it was just a joke

No law against giving the finger either, but I bet they'd have been fired as well.
..this is why we laugh at the MSM/anti-white crap/blacks/etc ...when blacks do crap like that or worse, they get a pass --just like Obama got a pass for being a racist/ cop/America/white hater ....this is MORE proof of everything I've said on USMB

More right wing propaganda. You guys are consistent I will give you that.
.....hahahah--according to you and the MSM--blacks are inhuman--they can't do anything wrong
..you don't even realize how idiotic that is, do you?? blacks ARE human
You do understand calling black people or anyone "in-human" is an insult right??

And do you understand that on this very message board, just yesterday --it was your Trump circle jerk teammates who were going on and on about how inferior and "IN-HUMAN" blacks are....and I didn't see your bitch ass there disagreeing with it....so fuk what you yapping about now....
1. you obviously didn't graduate from high school [ like a lot of blacks ] because you did not comprehend the post
2. I am saying the BLACKS and MSM call blacks inhuman
3. DUH
The cadets were wrong to give the Nazi salute

But considering our piss poor education system I wonder if they even knew the meaning of what they were doing?

They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
Damn, I forgot how good lookin' he was, when young! :D
You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.
Lol, I'm sorry if the white man has smacked your ass all of your life. I never treated another person different, because of their color. I can tell you have because of your post. Grow up.

There have been plenty of good white men in this country, unfortunately the racist white trash like yourself have been allowed to subject injustice upon people of color. I have been grown up for quite a few years.
We did have a racist black president for eight years. I'm sure you loved that.
View attachment 297515

Dr. King was beaming with joy the day that Barak Obama was sworn in as President. You right wing pieces of shit are a disgrace trying to act as if you loved Dr. King, it was right wing, conservatives that murdered him.

not really. MLK was a solid conservative Republican. That's why libs like the Kennedys and Bull Conner really didn't like him so well. Did you know the Kennedy DOJ actually wiretapped King, much like the Obama DOJ wiretapped Trump? MLK would have empathized with Donald J. Trump totally. Mr. Trump has pointed out that he considers Dr. King to have been a Tremendous and almost unbelievably astounding Civil Rights leader.
MLK was never a Republican
He supported JFK
We did have a racist black president for eight years. I'm sure you loved that.
View attachment 297515
Before you post anything about King, it is best you know who he is..because you definitely don't...

Let me remind you....

View attachment 297516
What is Trump and the GOP doing about that??

View attachment 297517
What does Trump and the GOP think about that??

There is a reason why conservatives hated MLK --- he was just a greater man than they would ever be, so now they gotta pretend they were for him.....until I remind them who he is.....
What are the democrats doing about it? Besides keeping minorities uneducated and on welfare for a vote?

What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?

The real question is, what are minorities doing about it?

Well the majority of black folks are not committing crime, what are the police doing about it. Isn't it their job to prevent, investigate and prosecute crime.
The cadets were wrong to give the Nazi salute

But considering our piss poor education system I wonder if they even knew the meaning of what they were doing?

They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
Damn, I forgot how good lookin' he was, when young! :D
he's an Ok actor at times...but he hammed it a lot ..TJ Hooker was horrible
..there's no law against giving the nazi salute ---it's stupid--but not a crime.....
...it was just a joke

No law against giving the finger either, but I bet they'd have been fired as well.
..this is why we laugh at the MSM/anti-white crap/blacks/etc ...when blacks do crap like that or worse, they get a pass --just like Obama got a pass for being a racist/ cop/America/white hater ....this is MORE proof of everything I've said on USMB

More right wing propaganda. You guys are consistent I will give you that.
.....hahahah--according to you and the MSM--blacks are inhuman--they can't do anything wrong
..you don't even realize how idiotic that is, do you?? blacks ARE human
You do understand calling black people or anyone "in-human" is an insult right??

And do you understand that on this very message board, just yesterday --it was your Trump circle jerk teammates who were going on and on about how inferior and "IN-HUMAN" blacks are....and I didn't see your bitch ass there disagreeing with it....so fuk what you yapping about now....
disagreeing with what??
Lol, your heathen ways will be against the law. I'm positive your race baiting will still be around because you're a hater, but the educated will be fine.

You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.
Lol, I'm sorry if the white man has smacked your ass all of your life. I never treated another person different, because of their color. I can tell you have because of your post. Grow up.

There have been plenty of good white men in this country, unfortunately the racist white trash like yourself have been allowed to subject injustice upon people of color. I have been grown up for quite a few years.
We did have a racist black president for eight years. I'm sure you loved that.
View attachment 297515

Dr. King was beaming with joy the day that Barak Obama was sworn in as President. You right wing pieces of shit are a disgrace trying to act as if you loved Dr. King, it was right wing, conservatives that murdered him.
Obama is a piece of shit, divided the country like no one ever has. Martin Luther would be ashamed that he was the first black president.
Lol, your heathen ways will be against the law. I'm positive your race baiting will still be around because you're a hater, but the educated will be fine.

You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.
Yep. it's about time. You guys need to stop being so uppity.

If Trump wins in 2020 you will probably feel comfortable wearing your hoods in public again.
Actually the democrats retired their white hoods and traded them in on different types of apparel to cover their faces.

You're right in today's society they are republicans who are politicians, judges, prosecutors, etc.
I was talking about anifta, the new Democrat Nazi group. Please try to keep up.
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?

“Hail Byrd!”

Wow you snowflakes are pathetic. They did it as a joke for their instructor, who was probably very strict or “Nazi like” in that respect.

No, these guys shouldn’t lose their jobs after all the hard work of going through basic training for, just because they made a joke privately between themselves.

Have any of them actually expressed wanting to be a real Nazi? I doubt it. Another knee jerk reaction to a joke that some find offensive.
Even if they simply got reprimanded, their careers were over due to the black mark.... better that they start new careers when young...
Lol, I'm sorry if the white man has smacked your ass all of your life. I never treated another person different, because of their color. I can tell you have because of your post. Grow up.

There have been plenty of good white men in this country, unfortunately the racist white trash like yourself have been allowed to subject injustice upon people of color. I have been grown up for quite a few years.
We did have a racist black president for eight years. I'm sure you loved that.
View attachment 297515
Before you post anything about King, it is best you know who he is..because you definitely don't...

Let me remind you....

View attachment 297516
What is Trump and the GOP doing about that??

View attachment 297517
What does Trump and the GOP think about that??

There is a reason why conservatives hated MLK --- he was just a greater man than they would ever be, so now they gotta pretend they were for him.....until I remind them who he is.....
What are the democrats doing about it? Besides keeping minorities uneducated and on welfare for a vote?

What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?
Charter schools for one. Just like the one Obama tried to shutdown in Washington. Till the minorities protested and he had to keep funding them. Tell me what did Obama do for blacks?
You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.
Yep. it's about time. You guys need to stop being so uppity.

If Trump wins in 2020 you will probably feel comfortable wearing your hoods in public again.
Actually the democrats retired their white hoods and traded them in on different types of apparel to cover their faces.

You're right in today's society they are republicans who are politicians, judges, prosecutors, etc.
I was talking about anifta, the new Democrat Nazi group. Please try to keep up.
the blacks/Dems/BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis:

The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Hecklers disrupt Trump rally, photographer shoved to the ground

...etc many many links about blacks/BLM/Dems DISRUPTING political opponents peaceful meetings
The cadets were wrong to give the Nazi salute

But considering our piss poor education system I wonder if they even knew the meaning of what they were doing?

They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
Damn, I forgot how good lookin' he was, when young! :D
he's an Ok actor at times...but he hammed it a lot ..TJ Hooker was horrible
I don't think he was a good actor! I just think he is good looking, when young.... I kinda forgot.
What are the democrats doing about it? Besides keeping minorities uneducated and on welfare for a vote?

What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?
Have you meet black republicans? They are doing pretty good.. why you want to keep people down?

Idiot there are plenty of black folks who vote Democratic who are doing pretty good.
Yea they are probably getting paid by a democrat lol to agree with them

Oh that makes sense Trump Humper, it basically shows how big of an idiot you truly are.
Lol, yeah black folk still vote Democrat, Even though they think you are too stupid to get an ID.
The cadets were wrong to give the Nazi salute

But considering our piss poor education system I wonder if they even knew the meaning of what they were doing?

They probably don't. Education has really gone down hill.

I remember years ago, Japanese athletes coming to America and trashing our country, laughing about Pearl Harbor. I remember German athletes like Hans Mortier, goose-stepping to the ring and giving a German salute. Sports fans were offended and gave them a piece of their minds.

Modern young people never even heard of the second world war.
probably learned it from Star Trek --which is --not nazi???!
Damn, I forgot how good lookin' he was, when young! :D
he's an Ok actor at times...but he hammed it a lot ..TJ Hooker was horrible
I don't think he was a good actor! I just think he is good looking, when young.... I kinda forgot.
Was that the Star Trek episode where Capt Kirk murdered 6 million Jews??

So basically, those cadets were just paying homage to Capt Kirk.....that changes everything now

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