West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
The beauty of the Governor's firing of those Nazis is that it was a state action, and therefore, as much as he would like to, Trump can't intervene! Of course, he will tweet until his thumbs are sore and will campaign against the governor, but he is impotent to rescue his fans.
hahahhah dumbshit
I'm sure Mr Trump wants to ''rescue'' them --hahahhahahahahah
they are not nazis = your post is crap
we laugh at all your dumbshit
Hammer & Sickle is okay, but god forbid if you wear a Swastika.
"When in Rome, do as romans do".

Wear one if you want, it's not "illegal", but you do so at your own risk; and the "morality" or worldview behind a Nazi Swastika isn't one that would be tolerant of the notions of "rights", as opposed to pure "might" to begin with.

I'm sure plenty of people would gawk at a Hammer and Sickle to.

You can't appeal to "fairness" when your whole worldview is based on violence, "survival of the fittest", "might is right", and so forth to begin with, it's inherently contradictory and oxymoronic.

If I recall right, Hitler "appropriated" the Swastika from Hindu or Buddhist cultures anyway (as well as his idea of an "Aryan race" from an ancient HIndu tribe, so it's just another ironic example of "multiculturalism" at work.
While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
I'd venture that's up to their employer.
..but the government is supposed to protect Amricans' rights...if you fire someone
Hammer & Sickle is okay, but god forbid if you wear a Swastika.
"When in Rome, do as romans do".

Wear one if you want, it's not "illegal", but you do so at your own risk; and the "morality" or worldview behind a Nazi Swastika isn't one that would be tolerant of the notions of "rights", as opposed to pure "might" to begin with.

I'm sure plenty of people would gawk at a Hammer and Sickle to.

You can't appeal to "fairness" when your whole worldview is based on violence, "survival of the fittest", "might is right", and so forth to begin with, it's inherently contradictory and oxymoronic.

If I recall right, Hitler "appropriated" the Swastika from Hindu or Buddhist cultures anyway (as well as his idea of an "Aryan race" from an ancient HIndu tribe, so it's just another ironic example of "multiculturalism" at work.
...bullshit--the blacks get away with that crap all the time..I've linked and posted many times how it's a double standard
....if it's wrong for whites it should be wrong for everyone
No, they didn't. There may have been TB spread in the camps, but they were not quarantined, they were taken to be killed because they were undesirables.
Who told you that a jew? Watch the Documentary the Greatest story never told

Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.
Who told you that a jew? Watch the Documentary the Greatest story never told

Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.
He realized hitler was fighting for respect and pride.. SU WAS communist the Jewish president wouldn’t allow that lol
Lol, I'm sorry if the white man has smacked your ass all of your life. I never treated another person different, because of their color. I can tell you have because of your post. Grow up.

There have been plenty of good white men in this country, unfortunately the racist white trash like yourself have been allowed to subject injustice upon people of color. I have been grown up for quite a few years.
We did have a racist black president for eight years. I'm sure you loved that.
View attachment 297515

Dr. King was beaming with joy the day that Barak Obama was sworn in as President. You right wing pieces of shit are a disgrace trying to act as if you loved Dr. King, it was right wing, conservatives that murdered him.

not really. MLK was a solid conservative Republican. That's why libs like the Kennedys and Bull Conner really didn't like him so well. Did you know the Kennedy DOJ actually wiretapped King, much like the Obama DOJ wiretapped Trump? MLK would have empathized with Donald J. Trump totally. Mr. Trump has pointed out that he considers Dr. King to have been a Tremendous and almost unbelievably astounding Civil Rights leader.
MLK was never a Republican
He supported JFK

The Kennedy DOJ spied on MLK. The GOP never did.

Most of your TRUE civil rights advocates were hard nosed conservatives, like the tremendous Sammy Davis Jr who was banned from the JFK inaugural. There is a tape out there where Mr. Davis debates Liberal Icon Carroll O'Connor back in the day. Beats down the lib
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!

Yea mean when he makes the Supreme Court look liked it did in the 30s and 40s.
Lol, your heathen ways will be against the law. I'm positive your race baiting will still be around because you're a hater, but the educated will be fine.

You mean we will have a racist Supreme Court again, just like the Good Ole Days. That is what you Trump Humpers have been longing for. MAWA.

He's gonna put y'all back in chains!!!!
Hammer & Sickle is okay, but god forbid if you wear a Swastika.
"When in Rome, do as romans do".

Wear one if you want, it's not "illegal", but you do so at your own risk; and the "morality" or worldview behind a Nazi Swastika isn't one that would be tolerant of the notions of "rights", as opposed to pure "might" to begin with.

I'm sure plenty of people would gawk at a Hammer and Sickle to.

You can't appeal to "fairness" when your whole worldview is based on violence, "survival of the fittest", "might is right", and so forth to begin with, it's inherently contradictory and oxymoronic.

If I recall right, Hitler "appropriated" the Swastika from Hindu or Buddhist cultures anyway (as well as his idea of an "Aryan race" from an ancient HIndu tribe, so it's just another ironic example of "multiculturalism" at work.

I'm glad my Poland equates Soviet symbols like the Hammer & Sickle to Nazi symbols like the Swastika.
New Polish law equates Communist and Nazi symbols

Good point, the Hammer & Sickle ONLY represents Communist brutality.

While, the Swastika is actually a religious, and cultural symbol of Asia & actually much of the World.

Its NOT just Hindus, or Buddhists.

Slavs had Swastika like symbols in their Paganism too, like Receboga, or the Boyko coat of arms.

Aryans came presumably from Russia / Ukrainian / Polish Steppe cultures the Kurgans cultures. in the Kurgan expansion.
Like Yamnaya, Corded Ware culture, Sintashta culture, Andronovo etc.
I read the facts from Allied soldiers, the Nuremburg trials, former Nazis. That you defend these lunatics is the lowest of the low and sick. That you defend them while calling democrats "Nazis" is hypocritical.
Good luck with trying to prove anything to an anti-semitic Identity Politics ideologue.

They openly discard reason based on fact and embrace their useful narrative based on what they prefer to believe.

That different segments of the IP segments are uniting in their hatred of Jews is not surprising at all, and part of an historical pattern.
I read the facts from Allied soldiers, the Nuremburg trials, former Nazis. That you defend these lunatics is the lowest of the low and sick. That you defend them while calling democrats "Nazis" is hypocritical.
Good luck with trying to prove anything to an anti-semitic Identity Politics ideologue.

They openly discard reason based on fact and embrace their useful narrative based on what they prefer to believe.

That different segments of the IP segments are uniting in their hatred of Jews is not surprising at all, and part of an historical pattern.

Good luck trying to prove anything to Neocon Zionists.
Who told you that a jew? Watch the Documentary the Greatest story never told

Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.

If we had only done that maybe it would have stopped the Soviet Union from attacking the United States.
Where did you get your info? Stormfront?

Funny that Germany was not having any more TB cases than other developed nations in the 1920s & 1930s. Suddenly there were so many cases that they had to be crammed into cattle cars?
It spreads quickly,, the jews were not nationalist and they should have been.. they should of had pride .. hope they learned

If you are exposed to TB, it takes months for the symptoms to show. And most people exposed never get TB.

Nationalist pride? You were defeated in a war. When you lose a war you don't get to decide you want the territory back.
Patton even said we fought the wrong the war

Patton wanted us to go after the Soviet Union while they were still weak. He had no love for the Nazis.

If we had only done that maybe it would have stopped the Soviet Union from attacking the United States.

Nazis looted, shooted & went Chimp Chimps against Soviets, and LOST.

Poles outsmarted Soviets in peace.
like Pole Ryszard Kuklinski giving the CIA Soviet war secrets
,Poles Lech Walesa, Pope Jan Pawel II, involved in Polish Solidarity,
and Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski's arming Afghanistan against Soviets.
Before you post anything about King, it is best you know who he is..because you definitely don't...

Let me remind you....

View attachment 297516
What is Trump and the GOP doing about that??

View attachment 297517
What does Trump and the GOP think about that??

There is a reason why conservatives hated MLK --- he was just a greater man than they would ever be, so now they gotta pretend they were for him.....until I remind them who he is.....
What are the democrats doing about it? Besides keeping minorities uneducated and on welfare for a vote?

What are good God fearin, republicans doing about it?

The real question is, what are minorities doing about it?

Well the majority of black folks are not committing crime, what are the police doing about it. Isn't it their job to prevent, investigate and prosecute crime.
View attachment 297532

thats very interesting

was he an inmate or a guard?
Hammer & Sickle is okay, but god forbid if you wear a Swastika.
"When in Rome, do as romans do".

Wear one if you want, it's not "illegal", but you do so at your own risk; and the "morality" or worldview behind a Nazi Swastika isn't one that would be tolerant of the notions of "rights", as opposed to pure "might" to begin with.

I'm sure plenty of people would gawk at a Hammer and Sickle to.

You can't appeal to "fairness" when your whole worldview is based on violence, "survival of the fittest", "might is right", and so forth to begin with, it's inherently contradictory and oxymoronic.

If I recall right, Hitler "appropriated" the Swastika from Hindu or Buddhist cultures anyway (as well as his idea of an "Aryan race" from an ancient HIndu tribe, so it's just another ironic example of "multiculturalism" at work.

I'm glad my Poland equates Soviet symbols like the Hammer & Sickle to Nazi symbols like the Swastika.
New Polish law equates Communist and Nazi symbols

Good point, the Hammer & Sickle ONLY represents Communist brutality.

While, the Swastika is actually a religious, and cultural symbol of Asia & actually much of the World.

Its NOT just Hindus, or Buddhists.

Slavs had Swastika like symbols in their Paganism too, like Receboga, or the Boyko coat of arms.
That's not what it was used for by the Nazis.

That's akin to saying that the Soviet symbol merely represents the workman or the "salt of the earth".

Aryans came presumably from Russia / Ukrainian / Polish Steppe cultures the Kurgans cultures. in the Kurgan expansion.
Like Yamnaya, Corded Ware culture, Sintashta culture, Andronovo etc.[/QUOTE]
So it was a product of multiculturalism, proves my point.
Fix your quote above.

Communists stood for little, just like Capitalism.

Stalin killed more than Hitler.

Stalin also was socially-Conservative & Nationalistic.

Stalin deported the most people of all time.

Stalin outlawed abortion & criminalized LGBTQ.
Who cares? He's a dead tyrant, not worth anymore time and energy as far as I'm concerned. Nor is Hitler, or others who multiculturalist 'traitors' like yourself idolize despite wanting to exterminate your own culture and invade your own country, Slavs and the like.
Fix your quote above.

Communists stood for little, just like Capitalism.

Stalin killed more than Hitler.

Stalin also was socially-Conservative & Nationalistic.

Stalin deported the most people of all time.

Stalin outlawed abortion & criminalized LGBTQ.
Who cares? He's a dead tyrant, not worth anymore time and energy as far as I'm concerned. Nor is Hitler, or others who multiculturalist 'traitors' like yourself idolize despite wanting to exterminate your own culture and invade your own country, Slavs and the like.

I support the Polish Authoritarian Right, like Roman Dmowski, Jozef Beck, Jozef Pilsudski, Jan III Sobieski, Max Kolonko, ONR, NOP, OUN,.

They went against the RIGHT people, and killed very few.

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