West Virginians strongly disagree with Manchin on voting rights legislation

What is it with MSNBC and West Virginia? They had the same poll last January with the same results.
What did you expect from MSPMS and Madcow?
And you get your "information" from what source? Tucker? or even worse?

As you live in a bubble of fascist unreality, nothing you say can be taken seriously. The rantings of an insane person.

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

Go gag on a poll. Something I am sure you do regularly. Take your propaganda and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, something we also know you are fond of.
It's ao
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.b
"End Citizens United/Global Strategy Group/ALG Research" poll...

Surprise, surprise....A poll taken by a group of hard leftist pollsters tell the crackpots at MSNBC and the moonbat OP what they want to hear!

View attachment 498848
Your childish memes cannot obscure the fact that you view the world through a clenched sphincter.
Go gag on a poll. Something I am sure you do regularly. Take your propaganda and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, something we also know you are fond of.
You best watch your mouth, facha boy. Facts are not propaganda. Democracy is not communism. You white-right Trumpoid traitors would love to have that orange dictator exterminating everyone you don't like, while you help like a good little SA boy, but it ain't gonna happen. This system is stronger than a pack of incel misfits trying to resurrect the goddam Confederatcy.
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My mother in law lives in West Virginia, and knows that the people there, dont want Manchin to vote for the Peoples Act. Rachel Madcow is full of shit and probably did local 10 democrat voters for her poll....
I'm actually from WV and know a lot of people there. Most think Manchin is an ass.

The only purpose of GOP involvement in the electoral process now is to suppress votes since they know that the GOP cannot now win a national election legitimately. Virginia is blue, NC moving that way, and the RepubliKKKlans are scared.

Well, too bad. The GOP is nothing but the Party of Billionaire Privilege and increasing THE PEOPLE are seeing through the BS rhetoric and realizing that voting for the GOP is voting to screw yourself.

Wake up, fools!
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Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

Then they can vote him out. Not a problem.
WV folk are a bit slow.

If you ask them

Do you support (enter feel good name of proposal here)?

They answer

Duh, uh, yeah, sounds good

But come Election Day, someone with an IQ over 10 will have filled in the details....

Wv is actually going decisively anti dem
WVians are not slow. They are generally poor, and have been poorly educated, hence their susceptibility to lying white-right (GOP) propaganda.

White Texans, Kansans, Oklahomans, all vote GOP, so why aren't negative stereotypes trotted out about them the way they are regarding WVians?

Those goddam slow dumbass Texans, bunch of droolers!
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Awww, somebody’s fee-fees are hurt, :itsok:
Talk to me in person, then we'll discuss "hurt".

Your childish smartass exemplifies well the mentality of today's treasonous white right.

You're scum. Were you raised to be scum, by scum? Or did you come by it all by yourself?
You best watch your mouth, facha boy. Facts are not propaganda. Democracy is not communism. You white-right Trumpoid traitors would love to have that orange dictator exterminating everyone you don't like, while you help like a good little SA boy, but it ain't gonna happen. This system is stronger than a pack of incel misfits trying to resurrect the goddam Confederatcy.
Too bad Trump wasn't a dictator, or he would have exterminated vermin like you long ago, but don't worry little fascist, The BidenDumboFuehrer is not only a DemNazi, he thinks he is a Fascist Emperor of the former US of A.

Trump is not in office, so butt hurt much?

Faux Xiden be sending out his goon squad soon enough for you, fascist!

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

Sounds like he's standing up for his principles. You know, the stuff you applaud Republicans for when they go against their constituents.
WVians are not slow. They are generally poor, and have been poorly educated, hence their susceptibility to lying white-right (GOP) propaganda.

White Texans, Kansans, Oklahomans, all vote GOP, so why aren't negative stereotypes trotted out about them the way they are regarding WVians?

Those goddam slow dumbass Texans, bunch of droolers!

Being right once every two years spares a lot....

And they never elected Ku Klux Klan Enchanted Cyclops Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd to the Senate, either...
Do they understand the state they live in should take care of them, not the Federal government?
Nonsense. This ultra-rightwing nonsense that govt should do nothing is a recipe for feudalism.

WV govt is bought by and in the pocket of the coal industry. Only an enlightened people electing a govt who serves their interests can save WV.
Talk to me in person, then we'll discuss "hurt".

Your childish smartass exemplifies well the mentality of today's treasonous white right.

You're scum. Were you raised to be scum, by scum? Or did you come by it all by yourself?
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this is FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.

You are giving us FAKE NEWS. Polls have shown that components of the For the People Act are popular. Components of the poll have been polled and found to be very popular.

Majority of Americans back making voting easier: poll

© Getty Images
A majority of Americans support measures that make voting easier, according to a new poll released on Friday.
The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey found that the most popular proposal was automatic voter registration, with support from 60 percent of respondents.
Fifty-three percent said they were in favor of allowing citizens to register and vote on the same day at polling places.

In addition, 52 percent expressed support for letting people vote by mail without requiring a reason, and 51 percent said former felons should be allowed to vote.

"End Citizens United/Global Strategy Group/ALG Research" poll...

Surprise, surprise....A poll taken by a group of hard leftist pollsters tell the crackpots at MSNBC and the moonbat OP what they want to hear!

View attachment 498848

The results are consistent with other polls.
WV folk are a bit slow.

If you ask them

Do you support (enter feel good name of proposal here)?

They answer

Duh, uh, yeah, sounds good

But come Election Day, someone with an IQ over 10 will have filled in the details....

Wv is actually going decisively anti dem

The fact they support Republicans show they are very slow. It shows you are very slow. Republicans have run the state even further into the ground since Republicans took over.

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