Western wildfires: no one can stop them

What a bunch of really dumb asses you 'Conservatives' are. The fires started by the lightning in Eastern Oregon and Idaho right now have burned hundreds of square miles, and millions of dollars worth of timber and rangeland. They are the result of decades of shorter and warmer winters. Of dry and dryer years, with unusual winds.

The Forest Service will have exhausted it's firefighting budget this week, and then will be using forest management funds, which means no brush cutting and thinning. If it continues to be bad, as it most likely will, then people will be laid off this winter, and many recreational facilities will not open next year, or open late. And you people will blame the Forest Service.
Only for their part.
What a bunch of really dumb asses you 'Conservatives' are. The fires started by the lightning in Eastern Oregon and Idaho right now have burned hundreds of square miles, and millions of dollars worth of timber and rangeland. They are the result of decades of shorter and warmer winters. Of dry and dryer years, with unusual winds.

The Forest Service will have exhausted it's firefighting budget this week, and then will be using forest management funds, which means no brush cutting and thinning. If it continues to be bad, as it most likely will, then people will be laid off this winter, and many recreational facilities will not open next year, or open late. And you people will blame the Forest Service.

No, they're not. They are the result of over 100 years of forest mismanagement as even they admit. You really should stop lying so much olfraud. I know it's hard for a pathological liar such as yourself to stop, but really. Give it a try.
We are presently short a needed 128 20 man crews. Another dry lightning storm, and we will be short twice that number. We are in deep trouble in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho with the number and intensity of fires.
Saw on the news that a fire near me has burned 1000 acres so far and it is 10% contained. Newscaster near the scene showed places folks could go to keep safe but only 23 people out of 800 showed up..and most of those stayed outside the place that had cots, food, water, etc. Why stay outside? No pets allowed inside. The other 700+ said thanks but no thanks..we are staying here in our homes to protect what we can..including our pets and livestock.
If that gets anywhere near us, I won't go either. Well, I might, but I won't go to any place that says No Pets. Fuck that shit.

Oh, and what started it was some idiot towing something and the chain was dragging the pavement, which caused a spark.
What a bunch of really dumb asses you 'Conservatives' are. The fires started by the lightning in Eastern Oregon and Idaho right now have burned hundreds of square miles, and millions of dollars worth of timber and rangeland. They are the result of decades of shorter and warmer winters. Of dry and dryer years, with unusual winds.

The Forest Service will have exhausted it's firefighting budget this week, and then will be using forest management funds, which means no brush cutting and thinning. If it continues to be bad, as it most likely will, then people will be laid off this winter, and many recreational facilities will not open next year, or open late. And you people will blame the Forest Service.

No, they're not. They are the result of over 100 years of forest mismanagement as even they admit. You really should stop lying so much olfraud. I know it's hard for a pathological liar such as yourself to stop, but really. Give it a try.
Ah yes, the standard 'Conservative' meme. It is all the governments fault, so we should defund the government. As far as lying goes, you are second to Billy Bob and Crusader Frank, but not by much.

Why don't you go to John Day, and tell those people that the present conditions have nothing to do with what they are facing? That is as much home for me as any place, and the current status of the fire is 43,000 acres, and less than 5% contained. You might also tell them that those Forest Service employees that put themselves in harms way to try to stop that fire are a bunch of losers that caused the fires.

When you have a fire that has a forty mile an hour wind behind it, and is spotting up to two miles ahead, whether a forest is managed or mismanaged does not matter. You are not going to contain it.
Saw on the news that a fire near me has burned 1000 acres so far and it is 10% contained. Newscaster near the scene showed places folks could go to keep safe but only 23 people out of 800 showed up..and most of those stayed outside the place that had cots, food, water, etc. Why stay outside? No pets allowed inside. The other 700+ said thanks but no thanks..we are staying here in our homes to protect what we can..including our pets and livestock.
If that gets anywhere near us, I won't go either. Well, I might, but I won't go to any place that says No Pets. Fuck that shit.

Oh, and what started it was some idiot towing something and the chain was dragging the pavement, which caused a spark.
If that fire starts crowning near you, and you are downwind, please evacuate, Gracie. I have fought crown fires, and they are nothing to underestimate in how fast they can move.

In Eastern Oregon, the people are welcoming people and their pets, and private property owners actually helping people in harms way move their livestock onto their property. Hard to understand people who don't understand the bond between people and their pets.

I hope they contain that fire before it does you harm.
Saw on the news that a fire near me has burned 1000 acres so far and it is 10% contained. Newscaster near the scene showed places folks could go to keep safe but only 23 people out of 800 showed up..and most of those stayed outside the place that had cots, food, water, etc. Why stay outside? No pets allowed inside. The other 700+ said thanks but no thanks..we are staying here in our homes to protect what we can..including our pets and livestock.
If that gets anywhere near us, I won't go either. Well, I might, but I won't go to any place that says No Pets. Fuck that shit.

Oh, and what started it was some idiot towing something and the chain was dragging the pavement, which caused a spark.
If that fire starts crowning near you, and you are downwind, please evacuate, Gracie. I have fought crown fires, and they are nothing to underestimate in how fast they can move.

In Eastern Oregon, the people are welcoming people and their pets, and private property owners actually helping people in harms way move their livestock onto their property. Hard to understand people who don't understand the bond between people and their pets.

I hope they contain that fire before it does you harm.
No worries, hon. I am smack dab against the pacific ocean and I know where there are hundreds of kayaks, lol. We will just pile in what we can and "borrow" 2 to take us out to the sandspit. ;)
What a bunch of really dumb asses you 'Conservatives' are. The fires started by the lightning in Eastern Oregon and Idaho right now have burned hundreds of square miles, and millions of dollars worth of timber and rangeland. They are the result of decades of shorter and warmer winters. Of dry and dryer years, with unusual winds.

The Forest Service will have exhausted it's firefighting budget this week, and then will be using forest management funds, which means no brush cutting and thinning. If it continues to be bad, as it most likely will, then people will be laid off this winter, and many recreational facilities will not open next year, or open late. And you people will blame the Forest Service.

No, they're not. They are the result of over 100 years of forest mismanagement as even they admit. You really should stop lying so much olfraud. I know it's hard for a pathological liar such as yourself to stop, but really. Give it a try.
Ah yes, the standard 'Conservative' meme. It is all the governments fault, so we should defund the government. As far as lying goes, you are second to Billy Bob and Crusader Frank, but not by much.

Why don't you go to John Day, and tell those people that the present conditions have nothing to do with what they are facing? That is as much home for me as any place, and the current status of the fire is 43,000 acres, and less than 5% contained. You might also tell them that those Forest Service employees that put themselves in harms way to try to stop that fire are a bunch of losers that caused the fires.

When you have a fire that has a forty mile an hour wind behind it, and is spotting up to two miles ahead, whether a forest is managed or mismanaged does not matter. You are not going to contain it.

What happened in prior fire seasons? You know...before man intervened? Ahhhh yes, they burned along the ground and consumed the fuel that had built up over the prior few years. Now, the fuel has accumulated for over a century. Who did that? Hmmmm, I don't know. Maybe Bigfoot did it. Yeah, that's the ticket. It was Bigfoot.

You know olfraud you're stupidity is almost comical. Government did indeed do it. They thought they were doing the right thing. Now, after some research they have found out they were wrong. And, what's worse the environmental nutcase groups won't let them clean out the underbrush.
What I don't understand is, when a fire has started and someone in the public calls 911, then commences to put it out themselves, they are told to back off. One guy did indeed find one on a back road some miles from me. He called 911 to let them know, then commenced to throw dirt on it with the shovel he had in his pickup truck. He got it put out before it got too big, but when the fire department got there, they ragged him about it.
What I don't understand is, when a fire has started and someone in the public calls 911, then commences to put it out themselves, they are told to back off. One guy did indeed find one on a back road some miles from me. He called 911 to let them know, then commenced to throw dirt on it with the shovel he had in his pickup truck. He got it put out before it got too big, but when the fire department got there, they ragged him about it.
You'd think he should get a medal.
Granny says, "Flames an' fire an' vapors o' smoke - Jesus comin' back soon...

New fires erupt in California as heatwave sears Southwest
June 21, 2016 — New wildfires erupted Monday near Los Angeles and chased people from their suburban homes as an intense heatwave stretching from the West Coast to New Mexico blistered the region. Towering columns of smoke rose from the San Gabriel Mountains as two fires burning less than 2 miles apart devoured brush on steep slopes above foothill suburbs.
Police in the city of Azusa and parts of Duarte ordered several hundred homes evacuated. Others were under voluntary evacuations. "It's crazy. It's super close," said 17-year-old Tawni Atencio, whose family was evacuating their home in Bradbury. She said the flames were just a couple miles away and were making the house hot despite air conditioning. She watched as smoke from the fire billowed outside and helicopters dropped retardant on the flames. "It looked like a bomb exploded," she said. "It's scary. We're just praying it doesn't get to our house." The two fires grew to a combined 7 square miles and brought fears they could soon merge into one. The first was sparked by a fatal car crash, the California Highway Patrol said.

The second was much closer to foothill neighborhoods and brought quick evacuations. Its cause has not been found. "We immediately had homes under threat," Los Angeles County Deputy Chief John B. Tripp said. But then the fire immediately started burning away from the homes, toward the forest. "That was extremely fortunate for us," he said. A nighttime change in wind direction, however, could return serious danger in a hurry, Tripp said. Officials had warned of extreme fire danger in the region as the heat peaked. Temperatures surpassed 100 degrees across much of Southern California well before noon, while some desert cities sizzled in the 120s. Elsewhere, crews made progress against a nearly week-old blaze in rugged coastal mountains west of Santa Barbara. Overnight winds pushed flames into previously burned areas, allowing firefighters to boost containment to more than 50 percent.

Most mandatory evacuations will be lifted Wednesday morning and nearly all by Saturday, authorities said Monday night. About 270 homes and other buildings were threatened by the blaze, which has charred more than 12 square miles since Wednesday. Another wildfire was growing near Potrero, a small desert town close to the Mexico border. It surged to nearly 3 square miles amid triple-digit temperatures and forced the evacuation of about 75 people from the ranching community about 40 miles southeast of San Diego. Three firefighters suffered heat-related injuries and were taken to a hospital for evaluations. Other blazes burned wide swaths across Arizona and New Mexico, where firefighters also faced blistering temperatures.

In central New Mexico, a 28-square-mile fire that erupted last week and destroyed 24 homes in the Manzano Mountains south of Albuquerque was largely uncontained. Higher humidity overnight allowed crews to strengthen lines around the fire. Farther north, a small blaze ignited in a popular recreation area where Santa Fe National Forest officials considered some youth camps and campgrounds threatened. Both camps posted social media updates saying the facilities were fine and there was no immediate threat. In eastern Arizona, a fire doubled to nearly 42 square miles and led officials to warn a community of 300 residents to prepare to evacuate. The blaze on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation southwest of Show Low was not moving quickly toward the community of Cedar Creek because of sparse vegetation and shifting winds.

New fires erupt in California as heatwave sears Southwest
If you don't like the smell of pine trees burning, move to hard wood forests,
Wildfires Soldiers will help battle the flames - CNN.com
Those wildfires are so intense. Are we even able to stop them? I hope soldiers will do everything possible to stop those infernos. Firefighters definitely need more money so we could protect ourselves from the wildfires. They happen every summer yet we are not prepared once again. It was surely a very tough year for California but what about the other western states? That's not acceptable.

There is no need to risk life and limb to stop a fire. Evacuate the people and let nature take its course
Wildfires Soldiers will help battle the flames - CNN.com
Those wildfires are so intense. Are we even able to stop them? I hope soldiers will do everything possible to stop those infernos. Firefighters definitely need more money so we could protect ourselves from the wildfires. They happen every summer yet we are not prepared once again. It was surely a very tough year for California but what about the other western states? That's not acceptable.

There is no need to risk life and limb to stop a fire. Evacuate the people and let nature take its course

Burn baby burn. Forest fires make a healthy forest in the long run.
City dopes should quit fucking with the forests, and quit building houses in the middle of them. Problem solved.
You dumb fuck. There were no houses in the Strawberry Wilderness Area, and 2/3 rds of it burned. God damn you idiots that cannot see that the climate and weather has changed in Eastern Oregon. People there are facing multiple challenges, and you fuckers only want to destroy what is left.

My ancestors had a gold claim on Canyon Creek, and used the money to buy ranches near Prairie City. They lost the land during the depression, but for most of us that is still the home country. And we have watched it get drier and warmer for 150 years.
Wildfires Soldiers will help battle the flames - CNN.com
Those wildfires are so intense. Are we even able to stop them? I hope soldiers will do everything possible to stop those infernos. Firefighters definitely need more money so we could protect ourselves from the wildfires. They happen every summer yet we are not prepared once again. It was surely a very tough year for California but what about the other western states? That's not acceptable.

There is no need to risk life and limb to stop a fire. Evacuate the people and let nature take its course

Burn baby burn. Forest fires make a healthy forest in the long run.
You stupid ass. Crown fires are not good for the forests. You God damned ignoramouses have not the faintest idea of what is happening on our forests.
City dopes should quit fucking with the forests, and quit building houses in the middle of them. Problem solved.
You dumb fuck. There were no houses in the Strawberry Wilderness Area, and 2/3 rds of it burned. God damn you idiots that cannot see that the climate and weather has changed in Eastern Oregon. People there are facing multiple challenges, and you fuckers only want to destroy what is left.

My ancestors had a gold claim on Canyon Creek, and used the money to buy ranches near Prairie City. They lost the land during the depression, but for most of us that is still the home country. And we have watched it get drier and warmer for 150 years.

How much must we lower CO2 to get back to a normal climate?
If the forestry service didn't run out and put out every little puff of smoke, these fires wouldn't get so huge.
Stupid liar. The Forest Service is given every year a budget. And that budget includes money for thinning and proscribed burns. Then the fires start, and when fire season is over, there is no money for the thinning and proscribed burns. And then you 'Conservatives' start yapping about how the Forest Service is the cause of the fires.

You might note how much of the Forest Services fire fighting efforts last season went not the save forests, but to save the small towns, farms, and ranches.
I hope soldiers will do everything possible to stop those infernos.

Most of the firefighters aren't soldiers or professionals. The majority of them are convicts. They get paid $1 an hour, but I'm guessing most are happy just to be outside, no matter how awful conditions are.

Not every prisoner qualifies. No lifers, no dudes with behavior problems. And, of course, no arsonists.

This is an untrue statement. There are indeed convicts working the fire lines but they are outnumbered by the various Hot Shot crews.
Not only the Hot Shot crews, but the people that work for the Forest Service in other capacities. When I worked for the Forest Service doing core drilling and seismic surveys, during the summer I ended up on several fires.
How much information sharing with other countries that have fire seasons like Australia and Russia and how much does it help?

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