WH Press Sec Compares Jan 6th To The Civil War. I believe It....Nancy Pelosi Was In Charge Of Security


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Jul 21, 2009

The White House press sec claims that Jan 6th was comparable to the Civil War.

Yep.....it was a horrible day.

Over 620,000 dead. Bodies lying everywhere rotting in the Sun.

Jan 6th went on for 4 solid years.

Everyone in the room is used this ridiculous hyperbole however. This is insulting to the memory of anyone who fought in the war and anyone who has ever worn the uniform.

But it appears that one of the most deadly events in US history was caused by one person. And it's not who they say caused it.
Emails show that the real person responsible for Jan 6th wasn't Donald Trump, but Nancy Pelosi:

"Republican representatives Rodney Davis, Jim Banks, Troy Nehls, Jim Jordan, and Kelly Armstrong released a report today with the results from the investigations they conducted on subjects that the January 6 committee resolutely ignored. Among other things, the Republicans looked at what was happening among Democrat leadership in the days leading to the planned rally.

Just the News summarizes a key takeaway from the report, which is that Nancy Pelosi, with backing from other top Democrats, was the point person who decided not to bring more security to the Capitol:

The report concludes the Capitol was left vulnerable on Jan. 6 as a result of failures by the Democratic leadership in the House and law enforcement leaders in the Capitol Police who allowed concerns about the “optics” of having armed officers and National Guardsmen visible to the public to override the need for enhanced security.


“Prior to that day, the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) had obtained sufficient information from an array of channels to anticipate and prepare for the violence that occurred,” the report noted.

But its most explosive revelations involved text and email messages showing that two key staffers in Pelosi’s office attended regular meetings to discuss the security plan for Jan. 6 dating back to early December 2020 and that Pelosi’s top aide even edited some of the plans. Most of those discussions and meetings excluded Republican lawmakers in the House, the report noted.
“Then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving—who served on the Capitol Police Board by virtue of his position—succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership leading up to January 6, 2021,” the report said. “He coordinated closely with the Speaker and her staff and left Republicans out of important discussions related to security.”


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She sure has been quiet lately... I wonder what's up....
Pelosi is the one who should be on trial. And, hopefully will have to eventually be. Here's the thing. If Garland does bring any charges against Trump, during the trial, Trump will get to call Pelosi to the witness stand and answer for why she did not have the National Guard in full force as Trump requested for Pelosi. She will have to admit the set up which would also bring a few other Democrats to the witness stand under oath as well and along with the two Republicans too. There also must be a way for Trump's attorneys to rope Biden in to have to testify as well. That would be awesome!
Pelosi is the one who should be on trial. And, hopefully will have to eventually be. Here's the thing. If Garland does bring any charges against Trump, during the trial, Trump will get to call Pelosi to the witness stand and answer for why she did not have the National Guard in full force as Trump requested for Pelosi. She will have to admit the set up which would also bring a few other Democrats to the witness stand under oath as well and along with the two Republicans too. There also must be a way for Trump's attorneys to rope Biden in to have to testify as well. That would be awesome!
Figure the odds.
This will never go to trial for this reason alone.

Trials have to be in public.
No more depositions or cross-examinations in secret rooms.
They'll have to present their case in public.
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The White House press sec claims that Jan 6th was comparable to the Civil War.

Yep.....it was a horrible day.

Over 620,000 dead. Bodies lying everywhere rotting in the Sun.

Jan 6th went on for 4 solid years.

Everyone in the room is used this ridiculous hyperbole however. This is insulting to the memory of anyone who fought in the war and anyone who has ever worn the uniform.

But it appears that one of the most deadly events in US history was caused by one person. And it's not who they say caused it.
Emails show that the real person responsible for Jan 6th wasn't Donald Trump, but Nancy Pelosi:

"Republican representatives Rodney Davis, Jim Banks, Troy Nehls, Jim Jordan, and Kelly Armstrong released a report today with the results from the investigations they conducted on subjects that the January 6 committee resolutely ignored. Among other things, the Republicans looked at what was happening among Democrat leadership in the days leading to the planned rally.

Just the News summarizes a key takeaway from the report, which is that Nancy Pelosi, with backing from other top Democrats, was the point person who decided not to bring more security to the Capitol:


You have nothing!

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