WH takes House GOP to school

Anybody with half a brain knows the issue isn't about the Confederate flag. It's about propaganda and the left wins another battle thanks to the liberal media. Will they start burning history books next? You can bet your ass(ets) that hypocrite liberals will not divest themselves of collectible original Confederate items at bargan prices. As a matter of fact it's a win-win for rich liberals. The price of original Confederate flags will probably go up and useful idiots on the left will be convinced that a freaking rag is the cause of racial unrest, and democrats might get a couple of votes out of the manufactured crisis.
Steph, your boys just got spanked.

Hang your head in Shame and stay out threads that are over your head.
Your yapping dog ankle biter whined that history is being preserved oh and it was passed and WHO got whipped? LOL....yeah...GOP is probably laughing at this clown as we speak.
Any race baiting tool the Democratic Party can use to divide the country and get the black vote is a good tool to them.

Sure, keep the poor blacks in the Democratic Party sponsored economic slavery zones and force feed them the lie that Republicans are the racists. No doubt it's working, they get their votes but the reality is Democrats are the modern day oppressors of the black race in America as they were in the past.

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