
If we're shut down, there's no SS for Trump to 'speak' with....~S~

Check again. The Secret Service isn't shut down.

they are just not getting paid while they put their life on the line to protect the guy not paying them...

Guess Pelosi should start negotiating.

I agree, she should

ok, so what's on the table then?

so far it's wall funding and daca

what give/take is possible here?

If we're shut down, there's no SS for Trump to 'speak' with....~S~

Check again. The Secret Service isn't shut down.

they are just not getting paid while they put their life on the line to protect the guy not paying them...

Guess Pelosi should start negotiating.

I agree, she should

ok, so what's on the table then?

so far it's wall funding and daca

what give/take is possible here?


Let's see...

more DACA time for Congress to fix it...5 years vice 3.

Less money than he is asking for (but no zero money)

I am sure the Dems have 100 other pet projects they could ask for funding for also.

Those are just 3 off the top of my head and I do not know most of the details.

This is not hard, both sides are just playing stupid games
They should be considering those options , even if they end up watered down Gator, it's their job.

that said, i suspect no real remedies , only bandiads will occur

and we'll be living with the same problems this time next year


That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?
If we're shut down, there's no SS for Trump to 'speak' with....~S~

Check again. The Secret Service isn't shut down.

they are just not getting paid while they put their life on the line to protect the guy not paying them...

Guess Pelosi should start negotiating.

I agree, she should

You believe that we should give in to the demands of hostage takers? What about the kind of precedent it sets? Every time a president doesn't get what they want they can just shut down the government until they get it?

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?

He didn't shut the government down, Republicans did.

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?

He didn't shut the government down, Republicans did.
Who closed the WW2 memorial? Then opened it up for illegals to hold a rally. Anyway Obama could've opened goverment up on the same day it was closed.

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?
Huh? He what???

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?
Huh? He what???

But he found security to close a memorial that shouldn't be shut down. He had to put barriers up, therefore going out of his way to hurt veterans.

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?
Huh? He what???

You really gotta learn to pay attention.
Immigration rally allowed on Mall despite shutdown

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.

The trouble is that shutdown was caused by Congressional Republicans. Republicans seem to love shutting down government.

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?

Facts are facts whether you like it or not. Republicans were the cause of it.
If we're shut down, there's no SS for Trump to 'speak' with....~S~

Check again. The Secret Service isn't shut down.

they are just not getting paid while they put their life on the line to protect the guy not paying them...

Guess Pelosi should start negotiating.

I agree, she should

You believe that we should give in to the demands of hostage takers? What about the kind of precedent it sets? Every time a president doesn't get what they want they can just shut down the government until they get it?
Plus he gave nothing.... he stole a wallet so to say, and now is claiming that him giving the wallet he stole in the first place back is him negotiating.... such bull.....

DACA existed, Trump took it away, and now is giving it back for only 3 years?? It is laughable.....

And refugees who had temporary protection status, which he jerked away, and is now giving it back claiming he's giving something? :lol:

This Art f the deal idiot is a Joker.

But most importantly, NO PRESIDENT should ever be able to shut the gvt down on a whim, as a tantrum to get what he wants.....

Can you imagine Obama saying he would shut the gvt down until all 11 million illegals were given citizenship???
Last edited:

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.

The trouble is that shutdown was caused by Congressional Republicans. Republicans seem to love shutting down government.
Closing down a monument to our WW2 vets so they couldn't see it. Some might not live long enough to come back. That's okay with you? Obama went way out of his way to shut it down. But let illegals hold a rally. So tell me, do you hate our veterans that bad too?
Last edited:

That you see such childish behaviour in a favourable light, shows what a dipshit you truly are.
But was totally mature for Obama to close the goverment. Then close the WW2 monument to vetrans. Then open it up to illegals to hold a march? No, that's not immuturity, it proves how bad you hate the military.
Obama didn't shut the govt down in 2013? 80 Tea Party Republicans in the House did....

Meme overplays comparison between 2013 and 2018 shutdowns

A quick recap
In September 2013, two issues were in play, the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling –– the legal amount the government is allowed to borrow.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, was due to begin in earnest in 2014. The individual mandate requiring people to have insurance would come into force. Coverage would start for Americans who signed up through government insurance marketplaces (although the meltdown of the federal Healthcare.gov website was about to throw that step into chaos).

Republicans, primarily in the House, aimed to defund Obamacare. None of the 12 regular appropriation bills to pay for government operations had been passed. A group of 80 House Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying this was the time to eliminate any dollars that would allow Obamacare to move forward.

Before the shutdown, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that a shutdown would be a bad idea and in any event wouldn’t block most of Obamacare from moving forward.

We rated that claim Mostly True. Most key parts of the law – the insurance marketplace, the premium subsidies, and the taxes and regulations – would continue unimpeded.

But if Obamacare was one rallying cry, the debt ceiling turned out to be just as important. The government was closing in on the legal limit of $16.699 trillion in debt. Without the flexibility to borrow more, Washington faced the prospect of not being able to pay back Treasury notes as they came due. Republicans wanted broader spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House, and Democrats held the Senate. Obama had said he would veto any bill that defunded Obamacare. His veto threat and the Democratic-controlled Senate doomed any measure that undermined the fledgling health care program.

The House passed several bills that eliminated Obamacare funding, and the Senate kept stripping out those provisions.

The government shutdown began on Oct. 1. On Oct. 15, the rating agency Fitch said the U.S. government’s credit worthiness would be reviewed. A downgrade would have dramatically increased borrowing costs.

On Oct. 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans came to terms, agreeing to raise the debt ceiling and keep government open through mid December. Obamacare funding was untouched.

The current impasse
The latest shutdown stems from President Trump’s desire for $5 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. The Republican-controlled Senate declined to make that part of its funding plan because it couldn't get the needed 60 votes to eventually pass the spending plan. The House passed a measure with money for the wall.

The wall appears to be the only significant element that separates the sides.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that Obama shut down the government in 2013 to force Obamacare. There are a couple of key differences between then and today.

First, leading Republicans, including Ryan, noted that Obamacare largely would move forward even if some elements were defunded. In that sense, Obama was not fighting to "force" Obamacare, because he didn’t need to.

Second, in 2013, two issues, Obamacare and the debt ceiling, were on the table. In 2018, funding for the wall stands alone. In 2013, a compromise on the debt ceiling cleared the way to reopen the government.

There is also a legal difference. In 2013, Obamacare was already law. Funding for the wall is not.
He punished the veterans while letting illegals use the memorial. You gonna stick up for him for that?

Facts are facts whether you like it or not. Republicans were the cause of it.
Obama could've opened it right back up. Why didn't he?
Check again. The Secret Service isn't shut down.

they are just not getting paid while they put their life on the line to protect the guy not paying them...

Guess Pelosi should start negotiating.

I agree, she should

You believe that we should give in to the demands of hostage takers? What about the kind of precedent it sets? Every time a president doesn't get what they want they can just shut down the government until they get it?
Plus he gave nothing.... he stole a wallet so to say, and now is claiming that him giving the wallet he stole in the first place back is him negotiating.... such ebullient......

DACA existed, Trump took it away, and now is giving it back for only 3 years?? It is laughable.....

And refugees who had temporary protection status, which he jerked away, and is now giving it back claiming he's giving something? :lol:

This Art f the deal idiot is a Joker.

But most importantly, NO PRESIDENT should ever be able to shut the gvt down on a whim, as a tantrum to get what he wants.....

Can you imagine Obama saying he would shut the gvt down until all 11 million illegals were given citizenship???

For Christ sake, DACA wasn't a permanent fix, it was temporary. Do you fricken clowns know anything, or you just spew?
This Is Why President Obama Couldn't Make DACA Law

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