Whackosi Pelosi chases Republican on House Floor

Pelosi and Harry Reid are living reason for term limits:cuckoo:
Amen to that... classic Poster Children...
Pelosi and Harry Reid are living reason for term limits:cuckoo:

I've been over here cracking up all morning reading the different articles on this and at the same time it's frightening just how insane this biatch is..
She ALWAYS has that wild-eyed deer in the headlights look; constantly licking her lips; problems forming sentences without stuttering and says the NUTTIEST shit:

We have to pass the bill to see what's in it..
Unemployment helps the economy..

LOL DINGBAT extraordinaire.
The three stupidest utterances by a politician:

"Islam is religion of peace" - President George W, Bush.

"I voted for it before I voted against it" - Professional gigolo, John Kerry.

Then there is Nancy Pelosi: "We have to pass it to find out what's in it".
The three stupidest utterances by a politician:

"Islam is religion of peace" - President George W, Bush.

"I voted for it before I voted against it" - Professional gigolo, John Kerry.

Then there is Nancy Pelosi: "We have to pass it to find out what's in it".

I will add two more:

"Read my lips, no new taxes." George H
"I did not have sex with that woman." Bubba C
After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.
She then followed Marino up a Republican aisle, gesturing and arguing with him. Lawmakers on the GOP side gathered in dismay as one spoke out to tell the chair that the House was not in order, in an effort to halt the bickering.
Pelosi finally relented after Republicans tried to get between Pelosi and Marino, and she returned to the Democratic side of the chamber. The House then promptly voted to approve the $694 million border supplemental, 223-189.

This biatch is a LOON

As much as you love Bitch, Whine, Moan, Groan, Complain and Name Call Ms. Pelosi, she at least controlled her Caucus as Speaker.

Boehner has to pull his own Immigration Reform bill from the floor due to lack of support.

In fact, after pulling the Immigration Reform Bill, House Republicans said that President Obama could take "Administration Action" on Immigration. While at the same time suing President Obama for over use of Executive Orders.

On one hand Republicans want to sue President Obama his is use of Executive Orders (Obama has issued fewer Executive Orders and bush43) while at the same time saying they wanted Obama to use Executive Orders for Immigration Reform.

You people must get whip lash of tongue and sprained fingers from all the crap you put out there.
After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.
She then followed Marino up a Republican aisle, gesturing and arguing with him. Lawmakers on the GOP side gathered in dismay as one spoke out to tell the chair that the House was not in order, in an effort to halt the bickering.
Pelosi finally relented after Republicans tried to get between Pelosi and Marino, and she returned to the Democratic side of the chamber. The House then promptly voted to approve the $694 million border supplemental, 223-189.

This biatch is a LOON

As much as you love Bitch, Whine, Moan, Groan, Complain and Name Call Ms. Pelosi, she at least controlled her Caucus as Speaker.

Boehner has to pull his own Immigration Reform bill from the floor due to lack of support.

In fact, after pulling the Immigration Reform Bill, House Republicans said that President Obama could take "Administration Action" on Immigration. While at the same time suing President Obama for over use of Executive Orders.

On one hand Republicans want to sue President Obama his is use of Executive Orders (Obama has issued fewer Executive Orders and bush43) while at the same time saying they wanted Obama to use Executive Orders for Immigration Reform.

You people must get whip lash of tongue and sprained fingers from all the crap you put out there.

Look out, a new leftist NUT to Loon-A-Losi's rescue.. LOL

Hey dumbo, I despise Boehner so you can say whatever you want about him.. I agree.. Unlike you partisan leftist ass lickers, I don't walk lockstep and feel the need to defend the indefensible.. But be my guest.. You just stepped in to looneyville.:cuckoo: Notice how Bravo is throwing anything out there to see if it sticks .. LMAO
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Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber - ABC News

In an unusual breach of decorum, even for the divided Congress, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi chased Rep. Tom Marino across the House floor, taking offense at comments by the Pennsylvania Republican during debate on the border funding bill Friday night.

These dingbats are out of control.. WOW.:eek:

Good for her. There is no decorum any longer in the H. of Rep. Chaos reigns and does so because of immature jerks such as Rep. Marino. He appears to have no clue as to the proper behavior of a legislator, taking cheap shots with half-truths is why political theater is all we get, and all we can expect under the incompetence of Speaker Boehner.
The leftist cheers on an out of control violent moonbat.. How about if Ted Cruz flies across the Senate floor and puts his finger in Dingy Harry's face calling him a liar, then chasing him off the floor?? Would you say the same thing??

Fucking partisan hack.

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