Whackosi Pelosi chases Republican on House Floor

One of the few liberals Feinstein believes the truth because her staff interviewed the children.
The rest of the libs are believing the lie that the majority of the kids are fleeing from violence.
It's just the opposite. A small minority are feeing from the violence.

Influx of minors across Texas border driven by belief that they will be allowed to stay in U.S. - The Washington Post

The number of minors apprehended in the past nine months who came from those three countries alone is 34,611 — 31 / 2 times more than in all of 2012. That was the year Obama announced that he would defer the deportations of young immigrants brought to the country illegally by their parents before 2007.

An internal memo from the U.S. Border Patrol last month estimated that, all told, 90,000 minors would be apprehended this year and 142,000 next year.

Republicans point to the crisis as evidence that Obama’s policies have contributed to a widespread belief that young migrants will be allowed to remain in the country. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Thursday that her staff found evidence on a recent tour of a Border Patrol station in Nogales, Ariz., that the young migrants are being promised as much before leaving home.

Two of Feinstein’s staff members visited the Nogales facility, where hundreds of children were sent for processing in recent weeks after the patrol stations in the Rio Grande Valley were overwhelmed. In a statement to The Washington Post, Feinstein said the children were being well fed and cared for, but she emphasized that “what concerns me is why the children are crossing the border in the first place.”

“After engaging with the children and U.S. personnel, my staff learned that many of the children were smuggled across the border after hearing radio ads promising they would not be deported,” Feinstein said. “My staff also heard that religious organizations are spreading the same message.”

A leaked internal memo written by Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley offers additional evidence of such perceptions. The document was distributed to reporters and congressional offices this week by the conservative Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for limited immigration. It is a summary of interviews on May 28 with 230 youths and women from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador who were apprehended trying to enter the United States.

The main reason the migrants had crossed into the United States was “to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. law that grants a free pass or permit” from the government, referred to in their home countries as “permisos,” the memo stated.

This is what Rep. Marino was talking about to Pelosi, because she did not look into it like Feinstein did.
I've heard that ol Googly Eyes has some pretty perverse parties at her home in San Fran. No time for research when your snorting coke and having groupies.
Pelosi Chases Republican Tom Marino Across House Chamber - ABC News

In an unusual breach of decorum, even for the divided Congress, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi chased Rep. Tom Marino across the House floor, taking offense at comments by the Pennsylvania Republican during debate on the border funding bill Friday night.

These dingbats are out of control.. WOW.:eek:

I think folks from both sides of the aisle can agree that there's a screw (or two) loose where Pelosi's thought process is concerned. Can I get a bipartisan Amen?
He's right. The Democrats had almost two years of a filibuster proof majority where they could have done anything they wanted and accomplished pretty much nothing other than shoving ObamaCare down our throats which most Americans still hate.

They had a few weeks of a filibuster proof majority.

No, they had all of 2009 and then 2010 until Scott Brown won the special election in Massachusetts.

No they didn't.

1. 1/07 – 12/08 – 51-49 – Ordinary Majority.
2. 1/09 – 7/14/09 – 59-41 – Ordinary Majority. (Coleman/Franklin Recount.)
3. 7/09 – 8/09 – 60-40 – Technical Super Majority, but since Kennedy is unable to vote, the Democrats can’t overcome a filibuster
4. 8/09 – 9/09 – 59-40 – Ordinary Majority. (Kennedy dies)
5. 9/09 – 10/09 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 11 working days.
6. 1/10 – 2/10 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 13 working days

Total Time of the Democratic Super Majority: 24 Working days.
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Stop trolling the thread PEACH.. We get it that you want to change the conversation because your hero just acted like a fucking LUNATIC in front of the cameras.. GO OPEN YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD if you want to discuss Putin.. Last warning before I report you for trolling.

There have been fistfights in Congress*, Pelosi did nothing unusual, nor is she my hero, neither she nor Boehner respect decorum in the US House.

1858, almost a riot.

From the self appointed so called Independent.. All of you "Independents' are a joke.. Every last one of you ALWAYS ALWAYS leans far left and for some reason in your rubber brainstem you see yourselves as Independents.

What Nancy Pelosi did in flying across the aisle and sticking her skeletor finger in another members face, then chasing him out of the chamber is anything but normal ZOMBIE.

And yet Obamacare got passed with less than 60 votes, do you have point? or is this more far left talking points and propaganda to cover the fact that the do nothing Congress started in 2009?
He's right. The Democrats had almost two years of a filibuster proof majority where they could have done anything they wanted and accomplished pretty much nothing other than shoving ObamaCare down our throats which most Americans still hate.

Stop w/ the hackery :eusa_hand: [MENTION=43056]dontTazMeBro[/MENTION] We've been over this many times in the past.

Chris Wallace: Obama Had A Filibuster Proof Senate Majority For 2 Years

Rep. Aaron Schock's fib - Chicago Tribune
The claim that Obama ruled like a monarch over Congress for two years — endlessly intoned as a talking point by Republicans — is more than just a misremembering of recent history or excited overstatement. It's a lie.

It's meant to represent that Obama's had his chance to try out his ideas, and to obscure and deny the relentless GOP obstructionism and Democratic factionalism he's encountered since Day One.


There was no 60 vote rule in the Senate in 2009 and 2010.
Dem's had the House, Senate and Presidency so they were able to pass anything they wanted to.
When they lost the House in 2011 they put the 60 vote rule into place so that the House Bills could not be passed with a simple majority vote rule.

They did have a filibuster majority because they had more than 51 Democrat Senators. They had 59 to 60 Dem's for those two years and without the 60 vote rule, they had the filibuster proof Senate with the simple rule of just the majority which was 51 votes.

So Chris Wallace was right, they had a filibuster proof House and Senate for 2 years.
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Can anyone imagine the outrage from the Left if a (D) Congresswoman called out an (R) Congressman and the (R) went running after her to yell and scream at her? We'd be hearing about workplace violence, war on women, removal, arrest, lawsuit, etc.
Marino said on the Sunday morning shows “Rep. Pelosi called me an ‘insignificant person’ on the Floor of the House,
this is progressive Liberalism at its core, if you dems cannot see what is going on
and you want this ding bat back in control!!!
Pelosi is a whackadoodle for sure. When has she not been crazy? Who votes for these whackos?

People say that the republicans don't want to work with their colleagues on the other side. How can someone work with crazy?

Hey wait just a minute. The critique of the House is that no one crosses political lines. Here we have a little old lady from CA who is willing to cross that line and engage in debate and she is vilified? Really? After the whole affair she was man enough to accept an apology from Marino, even though none was forth coming and none is expected. Take a big woman like Pelosi to accept an apology that never was given.
I think I saw somewhere on the Interweb that Pelosi
was heard to have growled something like ....
"If I catch the bastard I'm gonna give him a wedgie"... :eusa_whistle:

I don't know if this story is true.
I need to be careful here because Pelosi could sue me and be awarded $500 million.
Look what happened in the Ventura trial...
Pelosi is a whackadoodle for sure. When has she not been crazy? Who votes for these whackos?

People say that the republicans don't want to work with their colleagues on the other side. How can someone work with crazy?

Hey wait just a minute. The critique of the House is that no one crosses political lines. Here we have a little old lady from CA who is willing to cross that line and engage in debate and she is vilified? Really? After the whole affair she was man enough to accept an apology from Marino, even though none was forth coming and none is expected. Take a big woman like Pelosi to accept an apology that never was given.

What are we turning into?Some European country where the politicians throw punches and chairs at those who piss them off...

She was way out of line.
Nancy Pelosi is the dictionary definition of senility. How can any one in their right mind vote for this woman.

She ran the house after Obama was elected.

Guess who ran (and runs) the senate ?

They both belong in a home.
the botox migrated from her face to her brain. zero functioning brain cells remaining.

you dems should be truly embarassed by the actions of this lunatic.

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