Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

Do you have a link for the Harvard bio?
It's already posted on this site, maybe even in this thread.
1. How would "African" be any more PC than "Negro"? The modern term is "African American" or "Black".

2. How in God's name do you imagine that people that are doing such a high-level forgery wouldn't double-check their work?

3. How do you find it more plausible that such a mistake was made by said forgers than by the hospital?
You'd have to ask the forger, if he's still alive. Many places on the web show that it's a composite of many different birth certs.

Go look. Don't just ask me for links that you're gonna' dismiss out of hand.
It seems like the point a lot of people are still missing is that this isn't really an issue of where Obama was born. Brietbart stated clearly that they believe he was born in Hawaii. The issue really isn't about Obama himself at all...

The issue is that this biography was in existence for years - before and during Barack Obama's run for president - and yet not one person in the mainstream media investigated the future President of the United States deeply enough to discover this.

Think about what we discovered about Sarah Palin and how quickly we discovered it. Think about the documentaries showing Romney's polygamous great-grandfather (while the media ignored Obama's families polygamist background). Think about the multiple investigations into Santorum's kids schooling and their house locations. Think about the discussions of McCain's first marriage and what that said about him as a person. Think about Ron Paul's racist newsletters that he swears he never wrote. Etc., etc., etc.

And yet the mainstream media had no interest in exploring Obama's past aside from stating how incredible it was that a young black man had managed to overcome the inherent racism in this country to become president.

Are there people who believe Obama was born outside the U.S.? Sure...but they believed it before this. This doesn't prove anything...and those people didn't need proof - they believe because they want to.

What this does show conclusively...is that the mainstream media chose Barack Obama, they wanted him to be President, and they did everything in their power to ensure his victory by deliberately ignoring information that the American people might be interested in...by deliberately not asking questions that might paint Obama in a negative light.

This is just one more piece of evidence to demonstrate that we can not trust the media to act as an unbiased spotlight on all candidates...rather it has become a tool for one party to use as it sees fit to manufacture a candidate, show him/her in the light that they want him to be viewed, and to do everything in its power to ensure the outcome they want.

And people wonder why alternative news sources are gaining power???
How about a link to his transcripts? Anyone? How about some of his papers? Anyone?

Ahh, avoidance.

So telling.

I'd like to read his work from his formative years. He's a genius, one of the smartest POTUS ever we are told. I'd like to learn from him and understand as much as I can from someone who is so enlightened. I'd love to see his papers and his work so maybe I can be a better American.
Yes we are. We're trying to avert Obama from shooting himself in the foot.

Nice attempt to change the subject, but the question still exists:

Are we currently at war?
That's a ninnyhammer question and you know it. Why don't you just cut the crap and say what you were going to say without the theater of hitting the opposition over the head for a kill-win-kill.
And I don't understand the mindset.."a lot of people believe he was born in Hawaii, so what difference does it make that he said he was born in Kenya?"
How about a link to his transcripts? Anyone? How about some of his papers? Anyone?

Ahh, avoidance.

So telling.

I'd like to read his work from his formative years. He's a genius, one of the smartest POTUS ever we are told. I'd like to learn from him and understand as much as I can from someone who is so enlightened. I'd love to see his papers and his work so maybe I can be a better American.

And I don't understand the mindset.."a lot of people believe he was born in Hawaii, so what difference does it make that he said he was born in Kenya?"

Because he wasn't norn in kenya you fucking moron.

How odd that so many people around him thought he was.

How odd that Harvard thought he was.

Those morons.
Michelle Obama, too. Her first official speech was about her "Kenyan husband." - unquote.
Obama seems to surround himself by idiots that come up with all sorts of weird ideas about him.

Ayers, Wright, Harvard, his gramma, his wife...
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That last line is the key. They were trying to manipulate his public persona, to make it look more interesting... having or course no idea he'd run for the White House someday.


HAHAHA. You think the public is gonna buy that? "I lied then, but i'm telling the truth now".
Yeah, like you Liberals avoiding this issue and attacking the messengers instead.
Because your stance is so retarded that making fun of you is the only thing left. , You don't care to debate, you think you are right period no metter the evidence.

I present evidence.
You call me "retarded" and a "birther".

Where's the debate?
Pballs doesn't debate, he just trolls. Stupidly. And posts his desire that people he doesn't agree with would die, commit suicide, get aborted, step in front of trucks, hang themselves, etc.

That's the extent of his ability as a conversationalist.
Because he wasn't norn in kenya you fucking moron.

How odd that so many people around him thought he was.

How odd that Harvard thought he was.

Those morons.
Michelle Obama, too. Her first official speech was about her "Kenyan husband." - unquote.

OK. I thought that was bullshit... until I saw the video. Sge quite clearly says her husbands home country of Kenya.


I officially admit I am confused by this issue now. Isn't ones 'home country', the country of their birth? I am certainly not going to suddenly side with the birfers, God knows they annoy the shit out of me. But, I think some explanation is warranted for her comment.

OK. I thought that was bullshit... until I saw the video. Sge quite clearly says her husbands home country of Kenya.


I officially admit I am confused by this issue now. Isn't ones 'home country', the country of their birth? I am certainly not going to suddenly side with the birfers, God knows they annoy the shit out of me. But, I think some explanation is warranted for her comment.

Carefull! You're beginning to fall down the rabbit hole.

Also, I've never heard a Christian "mistakenly" call themselves a Muslim as Obama has.

All the drugs and alcohol he confesses to doing in his book when he was young are screwing with his long AND short term memory. He has an actual life and a life he's supposed to portray but he keeps confusing the two.
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Because your stance is so retarded that making fun of you is the only thing left. , You don't care to debate, you think you are right period no metter the evidence.

I present evidence.
You call me "retarded" and a "birther".

Where's the debate?

You present warped "evidence" that has been debunked numerous times. There is no reason to debate you people.just mock and point and laugh. You are the lowest of the low in politics.
Nothing has been debunked and you saying it has doesn't make it so. It merely proves that you haven't even looked at the evidence.

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