Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

CrusaderFrank, duped again.

The claim is based on an Oct. 16, 2008, telephone call between Bishop Ron McRae of the Anabaptist Churches of North America and Sarah Obama of Kenya, Barack Obama's elderly step-grandmother. The interview is complicated by the addition of at least one translator, because Sarah Obama, then 86, spoke Swahili.

The edited portion that often makes the rounds on the Internet includes this part of the interview:

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

Tape of the actual phone call:

Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya, I knew she was telling the truth

No, she didn't.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo]Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya - YouTube[/ame]

uh huh

She did

Funny how the dipshit posts 5 minutes of a 15 minute phone call. Conned again by your own peeps, dipshit. Just like they did you with the Walker thread last week :lol:

To fill the peepz in, at home:

Last week the PRIMARY in Wisconsin happened.

CF took a thread about it, as NEWS that Walker had won the ELECTION, and ran with it to bash the Dems. :lol:

Does CF vet his news sourceS? We know that answer :eusa_whistle:
Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya, I knew she was telling the truth

No, she didn't.

Yeah. She did.

If you are quibbling that she later "corrected" herself or was persuaded to amend what she DID say, that's a different matter.

Here’s the conversation:

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.
-- No, Obama's grandmother didn't say he was born in Kenya - Birthers - Salon.com

Bottom line. She DID say she was present and that means that she did (initially) say that he was born in Kenya. Almost immediately, the "translator" and Obama's grandma had a "clarification" discussion and the story changed. Ok.

But she did say it.
Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya, I knew she was telling the truth

No, she didn't.

Yeah. She did.

If you are quibbling that she later "corrected" herself or was persuaded to amend what she DID say, that's a different matter.

Here’s the conversation:

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.
-- No, Obama's grandmother didn't say he was born in Kenya - Birthers - Salon.com

Bottom line. She DID say she was present and that means that she did (initially) say that he was born in Kenya. Almost immediately, the "translator" and Obama's grandma had a "clarification" discussion and the story changed. Ok.

But she did say it.

She did, or her translator did? :eusa_whistle:
WND? BWAHAHAHAHHAAHHA thats like posting from the DU.
No, that's Sheriff Arpaio's news conference about the B.C. and other things. It was just recorded by WND.

If Fox recorded it, you'd say the same thing.

But if CNN recorded it, you merely dismiss it and call Arpaio a nut case.

Go ahead man, live in denial.
Well McCain was born in Panama. Didn't stop Republicans from running him for President. And for a while they wanted to run Arnold..
No, actually what it was is that Arnold wanted the laws changed so he could be President. And both of McCains parents were/are American citizens. Completely different and readily verifiable, unlike Barry Soetoro.
Where's the meatheads defending your FreeDumb when you need them most.
OH. Transporting opium. Silly me. Priorities ! It's just business. (ed: Bingo!)
Opium trade in Afghanistan has gone from almost nothing to 90% since we brought the "War on Terrorism" there. But as Liability said, you're a douche for bringing up the facts right? :rolleyes:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUATfLDiwVA"]Marines grow opium for their masters. - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited:
No, she didn't.

Yeah. She did.

If you are quibbling that she later "corrected" herself or was persuaded to amend what she DID say, that's a different matter.

Here’s the conversation:

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.
-- No, Obama's grandmother didn't say he was born in Kenya - Birthers - Salon.com

Bottom line. She DID say she was present and that means that she did (initially) say that he was born in Kenya. Almost immediately, the "translator" and Obama's grandma had a "clarification" discussion and the story changed. Ok.

But she did say it.

She did, or her translator did? :eusa_whistle:

I suppose you, being fluent in that Swahili dialect, will tell me?
No, she didn't.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo]Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya - YouTube[/ame]

uh huh

She did

Funny how the dipshit posts 5 minutes of a 15 minute phone call. Conned again by your own peeps, dipshit. Just like they did you with the Walker thread last week :lol:

To fill the peepz in, at home:

Last week the PRIMARY in Wisconsin happened.

CF took a thread about it, as NEWS that Walker had won the ELECTION, and ran with it to bash the Dems. :lol:

Does CF vet his news sourceS? We know that answer :eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fJkZMLs3wU&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLA364D95CFFF38EB6]Obama's Grandmother and Stepsister in Kenya - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah. She did.

If you are quibbling that she later "corrected" herself or was persuaded to amend what she DID say, that's a different matter.

-- No, Obama's grandmother didn't say he was born in Kenya - Birthers - Salon.com

Bottom line. She DID say she was present and that means that she did (initially) say that he was born in Kenya. Almost immediately, the "translator" and Obama's grandma had a "clarification" discussion and the story changed. Ok.

But she did say it.

She did, or her translator did? :eusa_whistle:

I suppose you, being fluent in that Swahili dialect, will tell me?

^ This point you're directing towards me, about not knowing Swahili, is a great reason for dummies like CrusaderFrank not to be diminishing their own already-missing-chromosomes credibility by somehow accepting this as a smoking gun.

Funny how the dipshit posts 5 minutes of a 15 minute phone call. Conned again by your own peeps, dipshit. Just like they did you with the Walker thread last week :lol:

To fill the peepz in, at home:

Last week the PRIMARY in Wisconsin happened.

CF took a thread about it, as NEWS that Walker had won the ELECTION, and ran with it to bash the Dems. :lol:

Does CF vet his news sourceS? We know that answer :eusa_whistle:


I'll link that for you, dum fuck brigade.


So his grandmother, his step sister, the Kenyan ambassador and even Obama himself are all lying and need clarification on his birthplace.


It's so 1984
She did, or her translator did? :eusa_whistle:

I suppose you, being fluent in that Swahili dialect, will tell me?

^ This point you're directing towards me, about not knowing Swahili, is a great reason for dummies like CrusaderFrank not to be diminishing their own already-missing-chromosomes credibility by somehow accepting this as a smoking gun.

Lots of us poor simple folk are not polyglots. Hell, sometimes I have trouble enough with the one language I do know.

The upshot, though, remains that many of us RELY on translators. Nothing new in that.

So, what it comes down to is a pretty obvious question. IS it YOUR contention that the translator screwed up what Mrs. Obama (grandma Obama) SAID?
Funny how the dipshit posts 5 minutes of a 15 minute phone call. Conned again by your own peeps, dipshit. Just like they did you with the Walker thread last week :lol:

To fill the peepz in, at home:

Last week the PRIMARY in Wisconsin happened.

CF took a thread about it, as NEWS that Walker had won the ELECTION, and ran with it to bash the Dems. :lol:

Does CF vet his news sourceS? We know that answer :eusa_whistle:


I'll link that for you, dum fuck brigade.



"Walker won?"

Do you know what a question mark signifies?

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