Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

I'm still waiting for one of the two geniuses who think it is significant that Obama was once "called Barry Sotero for a while" to explain why that is important.

NOTHING is important to a liberal.....except if it has to do with what they want, or want to believe. It's unbelievable that you or anyone else would not "wonder" about some of his background or what his life was!
Now, since this is really a non-issue, I'm going to extricate myself from this inane conversation.

Since arguing the point only makes it seem like there was a point to begin with.

Precisely why I'm not actively engaged in this asinine thread.

Some posters have lost some good will and credibility with me, after gaining it...sad.

That's what this thread was good for...identifying the local circus barkers.

Translation: I have no sane explanation as to why Obama is a birther

Why would his own publishers produce this back in 1991? It's not like they were 'Birthers' or something. They also didn't have an 'Evil Republican' agenda. So why did they claim he was born in Kenya? I know Obamabots will dismiss this, but it is a fair question worthy of investigation. Something's not right.

And the one and only thing they got wrong was Obama's Birth place.

Uh huh.

Why WOULD President Obama (back in those early aspiring author days) have failed to correct the allegedly wrong information, concerning him, written by his "publicist" about his CONTINENT of birth?

Hey. Africa. America. Both have two "a's" in them. An easy mistake to make, really.
When are the birthers going to do something about Obama not being an American? 3 years and they haven't done shit.
Why WOULD President Obama (back in those early aspiring author days) have failed to correct the allegedly wrong information, concerning him, written by his "publicist" about his CONTINENT of birth?

Hey. Africa. America. Both have two "a's" in them. An easy mistake to make, really.

His Bio misspoke
Now, since this is really a non-issue, I'm going to extricate myself from this inane conversation.

Since arguing the point only makes it seem like there was a point to begin with.

Precisely why I'm not actively engaged in this asinine thread.

Some posters have lost some good will and credibility with me, after gaining it...sad.

That's what this thread was good for...identifying the local circus barkers.

When are the birthers going to do something about Obama not being an American? 3 years and they haven't done shit.

They aren't.

Calm down.

Psst. His secret is safe.


That's right they aren't. The AZ sec of state has already caved and Romney won't mention it. I hope the right wing super pacs use the bither issue and Rev Wright. It's fun to watch.


Don't mention it. It's not like it matters.

Hawaii, as far as I can recall, is not Kenya.

I'm gonna go ahead and figure even a dolt like YOU knew that, though.

The "Rev." Wright, however, is a very legitimate issue. Mitt OUGHT to use that one. The "Rev." Wright, like you, is a racist pig; and a "mentor" to the incumbent who is a racist pig kinda constitutes a bit of a "tell" about the wisdom of having the incumbent in the Oval Office.

i.e., It's a bad idea.
Why would his own publishers 'conspire' against him? Something's not right with this picture. And i don't care how hard the Obamabots try to dismiss it.
Why WOULD President Obama (back in those early aspiring author days) have failed to correct the allegedly wrong information, concerning him, written by his "publicist" about his CONTINENT of birth?

Hey. Africa. America. Both have two "a's" in them. An easy mistake to make, really.

His Bio misspoke

And if ONLY the young "author" had done some of that "reading" thing, I'm SURE he would have "caught" the "mistake."
They aren't.

Calm down.

Psst. His secret is safe.


That's right they aren't. The AZ sec of state has already caved and Romney won't mention it. I hope the right wing super pacs use the bither issue and Rev Wright. It's fun to watch.


Don't mention it. It's not like it matters.

Hawaii, as far as I can recall, is not Kenya.

I'm gonna go ahead and figure even a dolt like YOU knew that, though.

The "Rev." Wright, however, is a very legitimate issue. Mitt OUGHT to use that one. The "Rev." Wright, like you, is a racist pig; and a "mentor" to the incumbent who is a racist pig kinda constitutes a bit of a "tell" about the wisdom of having the incumbent in the Oval Office.

i.e., It's a bad idea.

Mitt ought to use it. I hope he does. It will be fun watching the the backlash and the response on mormonism.
Most people have already made up their minds on this issue. For those who are on the fence, it is certainly a question of why such a mistake wasn't corrected before publication.

In other words, it is what it is. Can't change it now.
clearly its more bullshit from a lie monger site

Ah, typical response from someone who cannot deal with the real world.

Breitbart.com didn't make this up- it is a real booklet published in advance of a book Obama wrote that was never published. Even Bretbart.com points out that Breitbart was never a birther and BReitbart.com does NOT believe Obama was born in Kenya. They do believe Obama is a fucking liar though and someone who has gone through life re-writing, constructing and manufacturing who he is. When he was interested in publishing this book, being a Kenyan suited his purposes. Just like it suited his purposes to be Indonesian when he applieaaron financial aid and received a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify one MUST claim foreign citizenship. All of this speaks volumes about his true character.

The agent who wrote the bio has now claimed THREE DAYS after this story broke and after she refused to answer all phone calls and all attempts by Breitbart.com to get her input and comments on this -claims she SUDDENLY remembered the error was hers, she made a mistake and there was a failure to proofread. Now see if you buy this one, ok? A woman SUDDENLY remembers more than 20 years later out of all her clients and all of the books she published -that SHE just pulled Kenya out of her ass as being Obama's birthplace. For a book that was never published by a guy who was a total nobody at the time and going by a totally different name! Oh SURE, that is just SO believable! ROFLMAO!

Another agent with this same publishing company however says that claim is total BULLSHIT. These booklets announcing potential new books were printed using the bios as is that were written and turned in by the authors themselves. Meaning Obama wrote that bio and gave it to her and was NOT just a case of her miraculously pulling Kenya out of her ass.

At the very least Obama is a hell of a ballsy, blatant liar with a habit of concocting and remanufacturing himself as needed. If the liberal media had done their jobs this would all be stuff thoroughly and properly aired back in 2008, nothing new. Instead it is nonstop NEW information being uncovered- but NOT by the liberal media posing as reporters. It is being uncovered and reported by untraditional media sources instead. The liberal media is increasingly being shut out and ignored as the untrustworthy HACKS they are. Their response is to become even MORE blatantly leftist, even MORE openly biased- turning off even more people who also stop reading and watching them.

Everyone with a double digit IQ and higher knows good and well that if Obama had an "R" after his name instead of a "D", no stone would be left unturned by the leftist media. Look how far back they had to go to find something on Romney, reporting on something he did as an adolescent- as if that actually tells us anything about the man today. In the meantime the media actively participates in covering up and protecting Obama and is so blatantly open about doing so it actually induces revulsion and gagging.

Why would his own publishers produce this back in 1991? It's not like they were 'Birthers' or something. They also didn't have an 'Evil Republican' agenda. So why did they claim he was born in Kenya? I know Obamabots will dismiss this, but it is a fair question worthy of investigation. Something's not right.

A rather poor photo shop, but even if true, his mother's American citizenship guarantees her son's and his eligibility for the presidency.

Move along, folks, nothing to see here.

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